
the unspoken connection

Ruona's heart was racing as she stood at the door to her compact, basic apartment. After a long day at the nursery school, she had just arrived home, her thoughts racing with concerns about the potential threat to the institution's survival. Ruona was committed to fighting for the future of her students, despite the evil man Gauis's desire to see it fall.

Ruona was taken aback when she heard a quiet knock on her door when she was deep in meditation. She paused briefly, apprehensive of who might be dropping by at this late hour. Her eyes widened in shock as she slowly opened the door for him.

Standing before her in a well-tailored suit was Mihan. The last person she thought would be found at her doorstep was Mihan. They had spent the past few days working together, pooling their resources and ideas, all driven to improve the standard of the nursery school, but it seemed they had bigger fish to fry. Due to the unexpected visit they got from Gauis, they were now determined to protect the nursery school from Gauis' malicious plans. But this was the first time Mihan had come to Ruona's humble abode, and the sight of him in her doorway left her momentarily speechless.

"Mihan," she finally managed to say, a mixture of surprise and delight evident in her voice. "What brings you here?"

Mihan's deep blue eyes met Ruona's, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "I couldn't stay away for too long, Ruona," he replied softly. "I've been thinking about our fight against Gauis, and I realized that we need to strengthen our bond, ideas, and plans, both as partners and as friends." He made this statement with an expectant look, hoping she was okay with that statement, as they had never spoken about being friends officially.

Ruona's heart skipped a beat at his words. She had admired Mihan's dedication and generosity from the moment they met, but she had never expected him to take such a personal interest in her cause, especially because of the generational feuds their families had inherited over time. It was as if a connection had formed between them, one that transcended their differences in social status and mindset.

"I feel the same way," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Ruona began to think her reply was too sudden and cringeworthy, and so she thought fast to cover it up with a bit of professionalism. "Together, we can make a difference. We can protect the school and give these children a chance at a better future."

Mihan moved closer to them by taking a step forward. Once more, their eyes met, and at that instant, the unsaid bond between them grew deeper. Their mutual love of justice and compassion had brought them together despite coming from different worlds, creating a link that neither of them could ignore.

As they stood there, the weight of their responsibilities seemed to melt away. They were no longer the rich CEO and the poor nursery school teacher; they were simply two individuals united by a common purpose. Ruona felt a surge of hope, knowing that she had found an ally in Mihan, someone who believed in her and the importance of the school. Mihan quickly looked away, for he had an unbroken record in the company of being too hard to fall in love" and keeping things strictly professional. He knew that falling in love with Ruona would mean breaching his record and attracting the wrath of his family. At this point, he thought of nothing but what that would do to Ruona, and he wanted no harm to her, so he made a conscious decision to keep things on a friendly level.

"I won't let Gauis destroy what we've built," Mihan vowed, his voice filled with determination. "We'll fight him together, Ruona. And we'll win."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ruona's lips as she nodded in agreement. With Mihan by her side, she knew they had a fighting chance against their formidable adversary. Together, they would stand tall, their shared strength propelling them forward. With so many things running through Ruona's mind, she was unsure about everything but the fact that she had started developing a soft spot for Mihan. She knew very well what she felt and, just like Mihan, was not ready to take anything further. "All professional," she whispered under her breath. Mihan heard her muffle something and asked to know what it was, she said, but she brushed it off like dirt on her shoulder.

"Forgive my manners," she said, as she remembered that she hadn't offered Mihan a drink yet. "What would you like to drink?". Mihan smirked and said, Well, I wouldn't mind having a Cheval Blanc", With Ruona's cheeks turning reddish-pink, Mihan could tell she was beginning to get embarrassed, and he stopped the joke. "Well, I don't think I can afford that yet. Think you could substitute it with some apple juice?". Mihan smiled and nodded, signifying that he would take that instead, and Ruona left the room for the kitchen. While Ruona was away, Mihan saw some pictures of her family and he hung up on her walls, and he started to wonder what must have caused families that seemed so close to fight for all these years. But before he could ponder deeper, Ruona was back with apple juice and a colorful straw, which caused a wondering stare from Mihan. Mihan had never had plain apple juice, so the contents of the glass he held reminded him more or less of urine, and he gagged at this thought. "Not even a thank you? he heard from across the room, and he gave a confused stare. He suddenly realized when Ruona's gaze kept moving from him to the cup. "Oh!, this? thank you". Ruona gave a shy smirk.

The night stretched on as they discussed strategies and made plans to mobilize their resources. Their minds buzzed with ideas, their voices blending in harmony as they worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of the nursery school and its students.

As the hours slipped away, Ruona couldn't help but realize how much more the spot for Mihan softened.

Is Mihan falling in love with Ruona, or is it mere infatuation?