
Beyond the Veil of Dreams

In this captivating tale of forbidden love, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion, Alexander finds himself inexplicably tied to Isabella through an arranged marriage Isabella, an intelligent noble lady, becomes the object of Alexander's affection as they navigate a complicated journey filled with emotions and obstacles. Together, they brave the treacherous waters of their star-crossed relationship, knowing that their love alone can lead to devastating consequences, even death, as they delve deeper into their forbidden connection, Alexander and Isabella unravel the intricate web of emotions that bind them, defying societal norms and risking everything they hold dear. Will they discover the strength to challenge their predetermined destiny and rewrite the rules that have confined them? This mesmerizing tale explores the power of love and the lengths one will go to protect the person one cherishes most. Amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and danger, Alexander and Isabella must determine if their love can withstand the forces that threaten to tear them apart. Only time will tell if they can defy fate and find a way to be together against all odds.

Enigma_Dusk · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Invisible sweat dripped down Bella's forehead as she pondered a way out she couldn't bear the thought of living alone in this unfamiliar land, while she was lost in her thoughts, the dining room door swung open Lady Charlotte rose from her seat and gracefully stepped out of her chair "Hey, open your eyes! It seems like His Highness has arrived" Henry whispered into Bella's ear, making her startle gathering her wits, Bella quickly opened her eyes and turned her attention towards the entrance.

  Walking through the door with an air of regality, a figure emerged Alexander stepped in gracefully, causing Bella and Henry's jaws to drop in awe his blue and gold royal robe hugged him perfectly, accentuating his regal presence his long white hair cascaded gracefully over his shoulders, while his sparkling light blue eyes and chiseled jawline highlighted his remarkable handsomeness. Henry couldn't help but whisper to Bella "Maybe that's his son" Addressing Bella and her stepmom, Lady Charlotte said, "Allow me to introduce the crown prince of Thornwood, Prince Alexander" Bella and Henry, still stunned by Alexander's breathtaking appearance, they all stood up respectfully and bowed slightly in Alexander's presence "It is an absolute honor to meet you, your highness" Annabelle said while Henry's mind, however, was filled with skepticism as he inwardly grumbled, "rumors cannot be trusted" Meanwhile, Bella stood frozen in shock, still trying to process the fact that the man before her was not the unattractive, bald old man she had anticipated. He was a handsome man, nearly her age Whispers of doubt and worry filled her mind as she muttered to herself, 'This is doom, she can't stand to live with this type of irresistible handsome man she groaned "Have a seat," Alexander said, gesturing for everyone to sit down They all took their seats at the dining table, with Alexander positioned at the head of the table. His cold gaze shifted to Lady Charlotte, silently instructing her to continue Lady Charlotte, understanding the message behind his gaze, cleared her throat and spoke up, "So, Your Majesty, as I mentioned, this is Isabella" Lady Charlotte pointed to Isabella, who was seated between her stepmother and Henry "I already informed her of your intention to marry her, and she has already given her consent," Lady Charlotte added. Alex's gaze shifted towards Bella, causing her to flinch at his terrifying stare. She noticed that he appeared emotionless, leaving her wondering how she would cope with his coldness "Is that true, Isabella?" he asked, his voice lacking any emotion timid Bella nodded meekly in response "Ye... Ye... your... Majesty" she replied, the lack of emotions in his voice reaffirming her thoughts she let out a sigh, contemplating how she would navigate through this complicated situation. At that moment, a heavy silence filled the room Alex's piercing gaze bore into Bella, making her feel vulnerable and uncertain after a few minutes Alex finally broke the silence, his tone still devoid of any emotion "Good," he said firmly "I expect you to conduct yourself appropriately and adhere to royal protocols," he added Bella gulped as she imagined life with a handsome prince would be fun, but she quickly realized that there was no joy in him. He seemed cold and devoid of emotions, like a lifeless stone "Yes, Your Highness," Bella responded, trying to hide her disappointment. "And Your Highness, allow me to introduce her mother, Lady Annabelle, and her younger brother, Henry," Lady Charlotte said, pointing towards Annabelle and Henry "They will stay until the wedding," she added. Annabelle and Henry respectfully bowed at Alex as his cold gaze shifted towards them. "Okay," he said, staring back at Bella. "I think my future wife and I should have a private discussion," Alex said, causing Bella's heart to skip a beat. She nervously glanced at Henry, who was already standing to leave. Henry reassuringly patted her shoulder, offering her comfort. "Very well, Your Highness," Lady Charlotte said as they all walked away. Bella watched them leave, feeling a sense of unease wash over her she was now alone with Alex, and the weight of their impending conversation hung heavily in the air. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart, Alex picked up a book and glanced into it while Bella rubbed her hands together nervously "You should eat. The food isn't poisoned," he said, not averting his gaze from the book. Bella scoffed inwardly at his remark "No, your highness. I was just about to eat," she nervously replied, grabbing a spoon in an attempt to distract herself. She wondered if she could keep her gaze from wandering back to his captivating light blue eyes. She couldn't help but notice how his skin was as pale as freshly fallen snow, making her wonder if he was truly human "So, Bella is your name?" he asked, and Bella looked up, her lips trembling slightly. "Isabella, Your Highness," she responded, her voice barely above a whisper. Alex nodded, contemplating her response. "Hmm... Isabella," he muttered as if savoring the sound of her name. After an awkward silence, he finally set his book down. "So, you were expecting a bald old man?" he continued, observing Bella's shocked reaction. "No... No... No, Your Majesty," she stammered, her eyes widening in disbelief "You are lying," Alex responded softly, his tone filled with a mix of curiosity and amusement, Bella lowered her eyes, wondering how he knew. "Humans," Alex whispered, tilting his head slightly but he didn't say it loud enough for Bella to hear. "That's what the rumor says about you," Bella responded quietly "I know," Alex replied.