
Beyond the Veil of Dreams

In this captivating tale of forbidden love, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion, Alexander finds himself inexplicably tied to Isabella through an arranged marriage Isabella, an intelligent noble lady, becomes the object of Alexander's affection as they navigate a complicated journey filled with emotions and obstacles. Together, they brave the treacherous waters of their star-crossed relationship, knowing that their love alone can lead to devastating consequences, even death, as they delve deeper into their forbidden connection, Alexander and Isabella unravel the intricate web of emotions that bind them, defying societal norms and risking everything they hold dear. Will they discover the strength to challenge their predetermined destiny and rewrite the rules that have confined them? This mesmerizing tale explores the power of love and the lengths one will go to protect the person one cherishes most. Amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and danger, Alexander and Isabella must determine if their love can withstand the forces that threaten to tear them apart. Only time will tell if they can defy fate and find a way to be together against all odds.

Enigma_Dusk · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Since there was no maid available to help Bella get dressed, she was relieved that she had always been able to dress herself. After taking a bath, she noticed that there were many extravagant outfits laid out for the crown prince's wife. However, Bella preferred to be comfortable, so she decided to choose a simple pink gown that matched her skin tone. She brushed her hair and let it down, taking a moment to smile at her reflection in the mirror. But her smile faded as she remembered her brother, Henry, and wondered how he was doing now that they had been apart. She thought of writing him a letter when she had some free time. She made her way outside and was surprised to see Alex leaning against the doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest. He had a cold and unsmiling demeanor, which made Bella wonder if he had ever smiled before. 

   Alex motioned for Bella to follow him as they made their way to the dining room. The two walked in silence, not uttering a word to each other. To her surprise, they found a meal prepared for two people. 'If the servants don't work during the day, how were they able to cook?' Alex pondered. He took a seat, reaching for a book that had been placed by his chair. Bella, feeling timid, hesitantly sat across from him. Anxious about being watched while she ate, she glances at the food in front of her and swallows hard. How was she supposed to eat with him scrutinizing her every move? "Eat!!" Alex's voice rang out, commanding and cold. He shifted his gaze from her and focused on the book in his hand. Bella shivered, instantly picking up the spoon. She felt a wave of overwhelming sadness, on the verge of tears. Alex hadn't been acting like a husband lately instead, he was behaving more like a distant and aloof crown prince. She had missed the comfort she had received from him in the morning now, fear filled her, realizing that this wasn't the life she had envisioned for herself. Reluctantly, she began to eat her food, her heart heavy with the weight of disappointment, She ate with one eye and stared at him with the other. She noticed that he was not eating the food in front of him, but rather reading. She wanted to ask him about it, but she was afraid that he would yell at her. So, she kept quiet and discreetly cleared her throat. When she was satisfied with the food she was eating, she mustered up the courage to speak up. "Uhm... Your Highness," she called out, barely above a whisper. She hesitated for a moment, then called out again while avoiding direct eye contact, "Your Highness..." Alex responded coldly, not taking his eyes off the pages of the book he was engrossed in, "Speak, I am listening." He turned another page, his tone indicating his disinterest. Feeling a bit nervous, she cautiously began, "I couldn't help but notice that you're not eating. Is something the matter, Your Highness?" Her voice quivered slightly, hoping he would explain without getting angry, Alex finally glanced up from his book, his gaze piercing through her. The coldness in his eyes sent a chill down her spine, "Are you done eating?" he responded, avoiding the question as if it were beneath him "Yes, Your Highness," Bella replied, her voice trembling slightly with unease. Since he was not addressing her question, she didn't want to push the matter any further. Today had already been nerve-wracking enough, and she couldn't help but wonder how she would spend the rest of the day in this lonely castle with her cold, uninterested husband. "Let's go," Alex said abruptly, standing up from his seat. Bella stood up after him, and they walked back into their room. Tears threatened to roll down her face as she realized this was not the life she wanted. Staying in her room all day and not being able to talk to anyone was taking its toll on her. Her hands grew cold as Alex shut the door behind him, and anxiety ate her up from the inside. She watched Alex as he walked towards his bookshelves, carefully selecting a few books. He then made his way back to the sofa, crossing his legs and settling in to read as if he was not interested in her, she realized the moment had come to write a letter to Henry. It was only her second day of marriage and it had already become a hellish experience. One thing she hated the most was being ignored; it made her cry and drove her insane. Gathering all her strength, She fought to hold back her tears as she approached Alex, her voice slightly trembling as she stuttered, "Your Highness." But he remained unresponsive. Gathering her courage, she mustered the strength to ask for what she needed. "Can I have a sheet of paper and a pen? I want to write a message to my brother," she said, her voice on the verge of tears. Alex shifted his gaze from his book and finally looked at her, his indifference melting into curiosity He wanted to ask why, but he believed it was unnecessary. So, he simply nodded and looked down at the table in front of him. "Okay," he responded as Bella walked towards him. She crouched down to his level to retrieve the pen, and Alex reached out to take the paper. As he did so, he felt a teardrop land on his hand, causing him to feel shocked. They both locked eyes, gazing deeply into each other's eyes, and tears she had been holding back began to stream down her face "I'm sorry," Bella uttered, hastily grabbing the paper and pen from Alex's hand before running away.