
Beyond the supernatural veil

Lionel_Henry_2314 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 5.The Zorvath's plan

Chapter 5: The Zorvath's Plan

_Zorvath Leader's POV_

I, Zor-Veen, gaze out at the stars, my mind fixed on the planet below. The humans and their supernatural allies are no match for our superior technology and cunning. My kin, the Zorvath, have infiltrated their precious academy, manipulating events to our advantage.

Our ultimate goal is to harness the energy of the supernatural creatures, bending their powers to our will. The humans, blinded by their arrogance, will soon realize too late that they are mere pawns in our game of conquest.

_Third-Person View_

In a hidden chamber deep within the academy, a group of Zorvath agents gathered around a holographic display projecting the campus layout. Their leader, Zor-Veen's human disguise, addressed the assembly.

"Phase One is complete. Our operatives have infiltrated key positions, and the humans remain oblivious. Phase Two begins now. We will manipulate the supernatural students, fueling their rivalries and fears. The academy will become a battleground, and we will reap the chaos."

The agents nodded, their faces obscured by shadows. One spoke up, "What of the hybrid, Kaidën? His powers are unpredictable, a potential threat to our plans."

The leader's smile was cold. "Kaidën will be dealt with. His fate is already in motion. Let us proceed, my friends. The Zorvath will soon reign supreme."

The agents dispersed, each tasked with a specific role in the plan. Some would infiltrate the student body, sowing discord and tension. Others would manipulate the faculty, using their influence to further the Zorvath's agenda.

Zor-Veen's human disguise walked among the students, unnoticed and unsuspected. The Zorvath leader's thoughts turned to the next phase of their plan, a sinister plot to exploit the supernatural energies and crush any opposition.

With each passing day, the Zorvath's grip on the academy tightened, their scheme unfolding like a dark, intricate web. And at the center, Kaidën and his friends were unwittingly entangled, their fate hanging precariously in the balance.