
Beyond the supernatural veil

Lionel_Henry_2314 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 3. Dark visions

Chapter 3: Dark Visions

Kaidën's mind raced with the encounter with Malakai and the mysterious forces at play in the academy. But as he tried to focus on his studies and training, he began experiencing unsettling flashes. Glimpses of the Zorvath's eerie, elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes haunted his every waking moment. Disembodied voices whispered in his mind, making him question his own thoughts and sanity.

The flashes were brief, but they left Kaidën with a sense of dread. He felt like the Zorvath were watching him, waiting for him to uncover their secrets. He tried to push the visions aside, but they only grew stronger, invading his dreams and making him wonder if he was losing his grip on reality.

Jax noticed Kaidën's struggles and offered his support, but even his friend's presence couldn't shake off the feeling of being stalked by an unseen enemy. Kaidën knew he had to confront the source of these visions, but he had no idea where to start.

One night, as he lay in bed, Kaidën felt a strange sensation, like a cold breeze passing through his room. He opened his eyes to find a dark figure standing in the shadows, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. The figure vanished as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Kaidën shaken and confused.

The visions intensified, and Kaidën began to see glimpses of the Zorvath's sinister plans. He saw them infiltrating the academy, manipulating students and teachers alike, and harvesting the supernatural energies for their own purposes. The visions were fragmented and unclear, but they left Kaidën with a sense of urgency, knowing he had to act fast to prevent a catastrophe.

Determined to uncover the truth, Kaidën started investigating the academy's hidden corners, searching for any clues that might lead him to the Zorvath. He scoured ancient tomes, interviewed suspicious students and teachers, and even snuck into restricted areas, all in the hopes of finding a lead.

As he delved deeper into the mystery, Kaidën realized that the Zorvath were not just a simple enemy - they were a force of darkness that threatened the very fabric of the academy and the world beyond. And he was the only one who could stop them.

this chapter was a bit short..ik I am using an AI to help me write as well cause I'm a bit lazy..but I hope u enjoy the chapter..if not that's fine too

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