
Chapter 15

Inside Maki's room, the darkness was thick and suffocating. Her green hair, usually impeccable, was in disarray as she writhed in her nightmare. She could still hear the horrifying laughter, the agonized screams, and the pleas for mercy, all silenced by those bloodied sawblades of Augus's curse form. It was a vision that haunted her even in her sleep. Her restless form contorted with the nightmarish scenes. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she gasped for air, sitting up in her bed. She realized it was only a nightmare and lay back down, seeking solace in the shadows.

In a dimly lit chamber, Gojo Satoru, Utahime, Mei Mei, Principal Yaga, and Gakuganji sat in tense silence, the gravity of recent events weighing heavily on their shoulders. The incident had shaken them, and the world saw it as a terrorist attack, despite their investigations yielding no concrete answers.

Yaga finally broke the silence, his voice gruff with concern. 


YAGA: Gojo, how are our students holding up?

Gojo leaned back in his chair, a smug grin playing on his lips. 

GOJO: Our little Jujutsu sorcerers are tougher than they look, sensei. They'll bounce back.

Utahime let out a sigh, her eyes reflecting the turmoil in her thoughts. 

UTAHIME: But what kind of spirit did we face in there? And what's its connection to Augus?

Gakuganji, ever the cantankerous figure, leaned forward, his displeasure evident. 

GAKUGANJI: Where's that brat, Augus?

Mei Mei, cool and composed as ever, answered. 

MEI MEI: He's still in his room, asleep.

Yaga nodded, his expression firm. 

YAGA: Tomorrow, we bring Augus to this meeting. He's the least affected by this incident. We need to know what he knows.

Gakuganji couldn't hide his disdain, his voice dripping with skepticism. 

GAKUGANJI: Augus? That kid's an anomaly. He doesn't belong in our world.

Gojo's nonchalant demeanor shifted, and a dangerous glint sparkled in his eyes. 

GOJO: Watch your words, Gakuganji.

Gakuganji scoffed, unimpressed. 

GAKUGANJI: What's the matter, Gojo? You defending the kid now?

Utahime interjected, her voice calm but assertive. 

UTAHIME: We all know the power he possesses. It's not something to take lightly.

MEI MEI: That cursed form of his... It's unsettling. 

Yaga nodded, bringing the focus back to Augus. 

YAGA: We need to get to the bottom of this. We'll meet with Augus tomorrow, and he better have some answers.

Gakuganji, undeterred, muttered. 

GAKUGANJI: I don't trust him. That boy is too dangerous to be allowed to live. The world's changing the day that boy came.

Gojo's tone darkened as he leaned in closer, his voice low and threatening. 

GOJO: Gakuganji, listen to me carefully. If any harm comes to Augus during this investigation, I will personally make sure you regret it.

Gakuganji's eyes narrowed, but he didn't back down. 

GAKUGANJI: You always were soft on the rookies, Gojo.

Gojo's lips curled into a cold smile. 

GOJO: I've killed people for less, Gakuganji. Don't test me.

Utahime placed a calming hand on Gojo's shoulder. 

UTAHIME: We'll handle this professionally. Augus could be a valuable asset in understanding what we're up against.

Mei Mei chimed in, her voice unwavering. 

MEI MEI: We need to put aside personal biases and focus on the bigger picture.

Yaga, the voice of reason, spoke up. 

YAGA: We have a duty to protect this world from curses and sorcerers alike. Augus may hold answers, and we can't afford to ignore them.

Gakuganji grumbled but relented, recognizing the seriousness of the situation. 

GAKUGANJI: Fine. We'll bring him in. But if he's trouble, I won't hesitate to eliminate it.

Gojo's threat still hung in the air as they concluded the meeting, tensions simmering beneath the surface. The Jujutsu world was changing, and Augus was an enigmatic piece of the puzzle. They had to tread carefully, for the fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and there was no room for error.


The next day, Augus woke up early, feeling a strange sense of excitement tugging at his chest. He went about his morning routine, a mix of stretching, meditation, and a light breakfast. This was a day like any other in the Jujutsu Technical College, but it held a peculiar promise. The thought of what awaited him on the open field set his heart racing.

As he left his dorm room and made his way to the practice grounds, he couldn't help but reflect on the enigma that was Maki. Her green hair, usually immaculately arranged, was now in a high ponytail. The choice to wear a short and a jacket accentuated her toned physique. Augus was well aware of Maki's incredible strength and her reputation as a skilled Jujutsu Sorcerer, but it was something beyond her power that had captured his fascination.

Augus: (thoughts) "It's not just her strength. There's something about her presence, the way she moves, her aura of self-assuredness. She's like a force of nature."

Maki had always been a subject of intrigue for Augus. It wasn't her personality that had piqued his interest, but rather, her physical prowess. He found something undeniably attractive about a woman who could hold her own in a fight. He couldn't help but admit his penchant for admiring strong, capable women. It was an attraction he couldn't deny, even if he didn't fully understand it himself.

Augus: (thoughts) "I mean, she could easily take me down without breaking a sweat. That's a level of confidence I find incredibly appealing."

His infatuation with powerful women wasn't new. Back in his previous life, he had a collection of magazines featuring female UFC fighters, their chiseled physiques and indomitable spirit drawing his attention time and again. He had a soft spot for women with muscle, a preference he had never been able to explain adequately.

Augus: (thoughts) "There's just something about a woman with some muscle that's... electrifying."

As he watched Maki's fluid movements with the wooden staff, he was mesmerized. Her grace, the precision of her strikes, and the raw strength she exuded were captivating. It was moments like these that reminded him why he had a crush on her in the first place. But deep down, he knew the impracticality of harboring any romantic thoughts towards Maki.

Augus: (thoughts) "Let's be honest. Even if I could work up the courage to approach her, her clan would likely make me disappear before I could utter a word."

Lost in his thoughts and unwittingly indulging in his secret infatuation, Augus hadn't noticed that Maki had turned her piercing gaze in his direction. Her annoyance simmered as she observed him ogling at her, an unmistakable perversion in his stare. It was like she was an object for his entertainment.

Maki: "Hey, Augus! What are you staring at, you creep?"

Augus was startled, snapping out of his daydream. He was caught red-handed, and his heart raced with embarrassment. He had been caught in the act, and it was clear that Maki was furious.

Augus: (nervously) "I... uh... Maki, I—"

Maki didn't give him a chance to explain himself. She was fed up with his inappropriate behavior.

Maki: "You've got a lot of nerve ogling at me like some dog in heat!"

She felt a surge of anger coursing through her, but deep down, a part of her couldn't deny the respect she held for Augus's strength. He was far from a pushover himself, and that paradox was infuriating. 

Maki: (thoughts) "He's a pervert, but he's undeniably powerful with that."

Stomping her way towards him, Maki didn't hold back her frustration. She was determined to make her displeasure known.

Maki: "What's your problem, Augus? Can't control your hormones?"

Augus, still flustered, attempted to defend himself.

Augus: "Well, Maki, can you blame me? You're quite the sight! I mean what kind of man would miss a free show of a kickass woman, am I right?"

But Maki wasn't having any of it. Her annoyance was palpable as she pointed a finger at him and let her emotions boil over.

Maki: "You better stop this nonsense right now, or I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget."

Augus: "I—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Maki unleashed a swift, powerful kick in his direction. It was a warning shot, a message that she meant business. But Augus, quick on his feet, leaned back, avoiding the kick at the last possible moment. In one fluid motion, he was on his feet, meeting her angry gaze with a playful glint in his eyes.

Augus: "Nice try, Maki. But you'll have to do better than that."

For a moment, the tension between them was undeniable. But then, a mischievous grin spread across Augus's face as he made an unexpected proposal.

Augus: "How about a friendly spar, Maki? It's been a while."

Maki, her frustration somewhat defused, didn't hesitate to accept the challenge. This was a chance to release her pent-up emotions and show Augus that she wasn't to be taken lightly.

Maki: "Alright, Augus. Prepare to eat dirt."

Augus simply grinned, his playful nature intact, and he couldn't help but tease her further.

Augus: "Oh, Maki, did you forget about our first spar? You weren't exactly unbeatable."

Maki felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks. She pointed a finger at Augus, her voice tinged with defensiveness.

Maki: "That first spar doesn't count! Besides, I won anyway."

Augus laughed, a carefree sound that managed to disarm the tension that had been building between them.

Augus: "Fair enough, I lost the fight but I did win the war."

Augus then made a mocking clap, which furthered Maki's frustration and anger towards her companion.

Maki: "Oh ho, you cocky son of a *****! You want war!? Fine eat this perv!"

Augus: "Hey, don't diss my mama!"

As they faced each other on the open field, the sun casting long shadows, they started to spar. When it was over, Maki was out of breath and slightly bruised, her fierce strikes having taken a toll on her stamina. In contrast, Augus, while bearing his fair share of bruises, remained unfazed. He cracked his neck and reattached his left shoulder, a sign of the inhuman resilience that came with his curse form. 

Augus: "Wow, Maki, you really kicked my ass for a solid hour straight! Impressive."

Maki, her breathing heavy and her frustration still lingering, scoffed at his comment.

Maki: "Don't even start, Augus. Just f**k off and die in a ditch somewhere."

Augus dramatically gasped, his hand over his heart, feigning shock.

Augus: "Maki, my dear, you wound me with your words. How can you be so cruel?"

Maki's irritation with Augus bubbled up, and she lashed out at him.

Maki: "You don't get to complain about cruelty, especially after all the times you kept hitting my butt during the spar and nowhere else! You have no right to complain about how I treat you!"

Augus dropped his act, and his teasing smile remained as he leaned in a bit closer to Maki.

Augus: "Oh, Maki, but you're so irresistibly sexy. Can you blame me for getting a little handsy?"

Maki, her cheeks flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment, didn't back down.

Maki: "I hate you, Augus."

Augus's laughter filled the air, a sound that danced on the edge of both amusement and affection.

Augus: "You say that every time, and yet, here we are. Besides you don't mean that."

The moment was broken when a mocking voice interrupted their interaction.

Voice: "Aww, how cute! Maki's got herself a new friend."

Both Augus and Maki turned towards the source of the voice, and their eyes fell upon a young woman who was a mirror image of Maki, save for her shorter hair. She had mid-length dark green hair that framed her neck, dark brown eyes, and thin eyebrows.

Beside her stood a tall, muscular young man with a heavily defined build and tanned skin. His small black eyes were accentuated by shoulder-length black hair, often tied into a top-knot bun with unconventional flyaway strands with rounded ends, resembling flower stamens. What struck everyone who looked at him was the large scar running down the left side of his face.

There was a tense silence as Maki spoke the name "Mai."

Mai's smug grin didn't waver as she looked at her sister. The mysterious man standing beside her had a more passive expression, but there was something unsettling about his eyes. It was as though he held secrets of his own.

Mai: "Maki, you always manage to find the most interesting company. Who's your new friend?"

Augus, never one to shy away from a challenge, grinned at Maki's twin sister.

Augus: "Name's Augus. And if you're anything like Maki, I'm in for quite an experience, I assume?"

Mai's grin widened, her dark eyes glittering with mischief.

Mai: "You have no idea."

The mysterious man beside Mai remained silent, observing the interactions with a guarded expression. The encounter promised to be an intriguing development in Augus's ever-evolving journey in the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers, and Maki's stormy relationship with him showed no signs of calming.

Quick question: Should there be a twist where Mc realizes that his skills aren't curse techniques but are just products of a contract? Kind of like in Chainsaw Man.

If you want Mc to have a curse technique let me know because I have one in mind.

DaoistYd5XlPcreators' thoughts
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