
Beyond the Pages: A To Love-Ru Reincarnation

In "Beyond the Pages: A To Love-Ru Reincarnation," Yuu Yuuki awakens to find himself mysteriously reincarnated into the world of his favorite manga, "To Love-Ru." Blessed with extraordinary abilities bestowed by a divine entity, Yuu embarks on a journey through this newfound reality as the older brother and twin of protagonist Rito Yuuki and his younger sister Mikan Yuuki. As Yuu adjusts to his altered existence, he offers a unique perspective on the unfolding events and characters of the story, navigating the whimsical and often chaotic landscape with newfound insight and determination. ********************************************************************** Author here! To all who are about to read my work, I'd like to inform you that while I'll be following the original story, there will be some changes. However, I'll ensure that these alterations don't disrupt the original timeline too much. Our main character is not Rito, who is the focus of the original story. Instead, this fanfic centers around the journey of our MC, Yuu Yuuki, as he embarks on his new life as the twin and older brother of Rito Yuuki. Since writing this is just a hobby, progress may be slow, but I'll do my best to update the chapters as frequently as I can. P.S. This is a slice-of-life story, so the pace will be leisurely. It's a glimpse into daily life. With all that being said, I hope you readers will join me in continuing this fanfic, as it looks to be a long journey. Thank you all for reading my work!

Xylens · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Surprising Revelations"

After taking a bath and putting on the clothes that Mikan brought me, which happened to be my school uniform, I headed to the dining room. There, I saw Mikan preparing our breakfast. I took a seat in front of the table, facing Mikan as she placed breakfast on the table. I then asked Mikan, "Where's Rito?"

"Maybe he's still sleeping. I'll go and fetch him," Mikan replied before leaving.

Seeing Mikan heading upstairs, I focused on my breakfast. 

Shortly after, Mikan returned, she seemed somewhat rushed, so I asked, "What's wrong, Mi-chan?"

"He's with a naked girl in his room! I'm telling Mom!" she replied, rushing to the telephone.

"Now, now, Mi-chan! Don't be hasty; come here!" I said in a hurry to stop her.

Mikan looked between me, urging her to sit, and the telephone. Then she sighed, taking her seat. She looked at me, signaling for me to talk.

"Okay, look here. Do you think our parents will believe what you'll say? And even if they did, they'll just laugh it off. You know them," I said, making a point.

"You have a point, but still, Yuu-nii," Mikan said.

"Just let it be for now and see what happens. Or at least let Rito explain himself; you know him," I said.

"Okay, fine," Mikan said as she gave in.

"Good. Now go upstairs again and warn him because he'll be late if not." I said to her.

"B-but, Yuu-" Mikan attempted to retort.

Cutting her off, I said, "I'll be heading out first now, Mi-chan. Good luck!" as I escaped from the dining room without giving her a chance to retort and headed out.


I'm now seated in the classroom, waiting for the class to start. After a while, Rito arrived and promptly took his seat.

I called out to him, "Hey, Rits, what's up with you? You seem exhausted." I used to call him 'Rits' when I wanted to mess with him in the past.

"That nickname again, Nii? Anyway, you know, right? Mikan must have told you," Rito replied.

"Yeah, Mi-chan almost told Mom. If I hadn't convinced her not to, it would've complicated things," I said, nodding.

"Yeah, thanks for that, Nii," Rito replied.

"Oh, it's nothing, but still, I didn't expect my lil bro to invite a girl into his bed naked! I'm speechless," I said knowingly and just loud enough for our classmates to hear.

"What?!" Everyone reacted.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Rito stood up and then shouted, "Wha-Wha It's not like that, Yuu-nii!!" Embarrassingly.

"Haha, I know, just messing with you. Your reaction is priceless! No need to blush so much! Be proud!" I laughed at his antics and give him a thumbs up.

Everyone seems confused at my second statement then shuddering it off as a typical sibling squabbles 

Rito sighed and said "Yuu-nii."

That's when the teacher's voice come in "Now everyone take your seats." He said.


It's lunch break, and I'm heading to the cafeteria when I hear a commotion just below the stairs.

"There you are, Rito~" said Lala as she leaped at him, claiming Rito's left arm.

"Lala!?" Rito replied in surprise.

I stand at the top of the stairs, watching the show from a higher vantage point so I won't get mixed up in it when, as I assumed, it happens.

"Hey Rito? Who is she? How did you know her?!" said Saruyama. Saruyama Kenichi, Rito's perverted best friend and schoolmate.

"Me?" asked Lala, tilting her head and soon followed by a bright smile as she declared, "I'm darling Rito's very cute bride-to-be!"

"Huh?! What?!" Everyone shouted.

"Damn, Rito, you devil!" Saruyama said.

"Don't listen to her, she's just confused," Rito said, trying to deny Lala.

"It was no mistake, silly. We made a very adult decision. I've never felt closer to anyone," said Lala lovingly.

"Wha-wha!!" Rito panicked.

"I thought you were completely committed to Sairenji-san? What the heck, dude!" Saruyama said.

"I know we have no right to be worked up with this news, but man, this really pisses me off," No. 1 angry mob said.

"You'd better start running if you know what's good for you, bro," No. 2 angry mob said.

"Yeah, Rito. You're looking like a punching bag right now, and I'm ready for a workout," No. 3 angry mob said.

And there they go. As I expected, they chased Rito while he's carrying Lala in his arms.

When they're out of sight, I continue to venture to the cafeteria to eat.

When class is over, I went home right away after saying my goodbyes to Rito.

"Now let's meet Zastin," I thought to myself as I walked past the door and announced, "I'm home!"

"Welcome home!" Mikan greeted me as I entered, coming from the living room.

As I was about to enter the living room, I saw a figure wearing what looked like armor made of bones with a cape, sitting on the couch and facing my direction. 'Zastin,' I thought.

"Oh? I didn't know we'd have a guest this evening," I said as I looked at Mikan, who had just come out of the kitchen carrying tea.

"I'm sorry to intrude, my future king's twin and older brother. My name is Zastin. Nice to meet you," Zastin introduced himself.

"Zastin-san? It's nice to meet you too. I'm Yuu Yuuki, and please do call me Yuu," I said with a light smile.

"Ah yes, Yuu-dono," he replied.

After taking our seats, Mikan said, "Yuu-nii, get this. Rito got himself an alien princess as a bride!"

"Really?" I said, looking at Zastin.

Putting down his tea, he cleared his throat. "Ahem. Ah yes, the future king proposed in a very traditional Devilukan way. I'm really surprised and touched, as I didn't know earthlings had any knowledge of it," he said, nodding knowingly. And there he went, continuing to tell us what happened to Rito and Lala.

After a while, Rito returned. "I'm home!" he said, seeming exhausted.

As Rito entered the living room with Lala, he exclaimed, "You! What are you doing here?!"

"Greetings. Since you'll be marrying Lala-sama, and we'll see one another routinely from now on, I took it upon myself to get acquainted with your kid sister and Yuu-dono," Zastin replied.

Mikan said, "We heard the whole story. It's really cool you're going to marry an alien princess, Rito."

"You've got the wrong idea abou—" Rito began quietly but was cut off by Lala.

"Hi, ya. I'm Lala. Nice to meet you," Lala said, introducing herself.

Then Mikan stood in front of Lala and introduced herself. "It's really nice to meet you too. I'm Rito's younger sister, Mikan Yuuki. Rito's hopeless, so please look after him," she said with a slight bow.

"Kya! You're so cute!" Lala exclaimed, then went for a hug. While she was hugging Mikan, she looked at me.

"Ah yes, the name is Yuu Yuuki. Please do call me Yuu, Lala-san," I introduced myself.

Letting go of Mikan, Lala looked at me, tilting her head and putting her finger on her lips, as if she was thinking of something.

Without waiting for her to gather her thoughts, I said, "I assume this is our second meeting, yes?"

"Wait. Yuu-nii? You already met her?!" Mikan chimed in.

"Ah! From the park that night!" Lala realized.

"Yeah, that's me," I replied to Lala.

"Yuu-nii. You didn't tell me!" Mikan said in a low voice, glaring at me.

"Well, you didn't ask, right?" I retorted as I took my seat, and they soon followed.

"But!" Mikan tried to argue, but I redirected the attention to Lala, and then the conversation went on.

As Mikan and Lala started to chat and get to know each other, I heard Zastin wanted to discuss something with Rito in private and went to Rito's room.

As Mikan and Lala began to get along really well and seemed to leap into their own little world, I started to focus on my senses and enhance my hearing ability to eavesdrop on Zastin and Rito's conversation.