
Beyond The Novel

Karina, a kind-hearted young woman, finds herself trapped inside the pages of a novel and discovers an opportunity to alter the tragic fate of the novel's protagonists, Roland Bleuet and his sister, Melisa. Determined to protect them from the hardships they will face, Karina diligently saves her money to escape with the children. However, upon reaching Torres, their intended destination, Karina realizes that their savings fall short of the required amount to reach the capital. Undeterred, she decides to find refuge in Torres while attempting to shield Roland and Melisa from any harm that might befall them. It is in Torres where Karina unexpectedly crosses paths with Duke Claude Torres, a man who possesses a peculiar infatuation with gathering talented individuals. Recognizing the potential that lies within Roland, Duke Claude becomes a looming antagonist, threatening to negatively impact the siblings' lives in the future. Determined to shield her adoptive children from Duke Claude's clutches and the dangers that lie ahead, Karina must summon all her strength, wit, and resourcefulness. Along their journey, they encounter friends, enemies, and unexpected allies who aid them in their quest for a brighter future. As the trio navigates through societal pressures, political intrigue, and the unpredictable dynamics of the realm, Karina faces numerous challenges and learns that changing destiny is never easy. She must draw upon her compassion, resilience, and unwavering determination to protect the ones she loves and give Roland and Melisa the chance at a better life. Told through the lens of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery, "Guardian of Destiny" explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of the human spirit. Will Karina succeed in altering the course of fate and safeguarding her adoptive children, or will Duke Claude's machinations prove too formidable? Join Karina on this thrilling and heartwarming journey as she unravels the secrets of the novel's world and fights against fate itself.

Syoukyu · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter

Karina opened her eyes to find herself lying on a bed in a strange room. Confusion quickly morphed into a sense of wonder as she realized that she had somehow found herself inside the world of a novel. Though she couldn't quite remember how she got there, it didn't matter. What was important was that she now had the chance to make a difference in the lives of the novel's characters.

After exploring the room and discovering some basic supplies, Karina set out to find Roland Bleuet and his sister, Melisa. She knew that they were destined for tragedy according to the original plotline, but with her newfound knowledge, she could alter their fate.

Finding the siblings had proven to be more difficult than she had anticipated. It wasn't until she heard rumors of a young boy and girl begging in the streets that she finally stumbled upon them. Roland's piercing blue eyes captured her attention immediately, but it was the gentle demeanor of both siblings that won her heart.

Karina learned that their parents had passed away from an unknown illness, and ever since then, they had been forced to fend for themselves. Determined to give them a better future, Karina saved every coin she could and plotted their escape to the capital.

But when they arrived in Torres, the last stop before the capital, Karina realized that their funds fell short of the required amount to reach their destination. Despite her setbacks, she refused to give up on her dream of a better life for the siblings.

It was while they were seeking shelter in Torres that Karina bumped into Duke Claude Torres, a man whose pale blue eyes seemed to gaze right through her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she watched him conversing with other townsfolk, seemingly enthralled by their talents and potential.

Karina tried to keep her distance, sensing that there was something off about the Duke. However, fate had other plans as Duke Claude suddenly made a beeline towards her and the children. He stopped in front of them, scrutinizing each of them with an intensity that made Karina's skin crawl.

"Tell me, little miss. What talents do these children possess? They seem to hold great potential," Duke Claude said, a small smirk forming on his lips.

Karina's heart raced as she realized that Duke Claude was not just a man obsessed with collecting talented individuals, but he was also the antagonist that would negatively impact Roland's life in the future.

She knew she had to protect the children from him at all costs. Suddenly, the task at hand seemed even more daunting, and Karina wondered if she was ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

But as she looked at the innocent faces of Roland and Melisa, Karina knew that she could not give up. She took a deep breath and steeled herself. She would do whatever it takes to safeguard their future.