
The Story

The first page had a picture of a beautiful star on one page and a beautiful man on the next.

"Before humans existed on earth. There were only stars in the heavens. From the first star that fell through Earth and to this realm stepped out the first King. He was not born as a child, as he had he chose to come to Earth." Izora turned the page and saw the beautiful man sitting on a throne.

"The King ruled over the realm of creatures that were born from the fear inside the humans existing in the other realm. Over time, the King grew weary of his immortal life, and left this realm for the human one. He took a human form in search of someone who connected to his soul." Izora turned the page again and saw the man and a woman sitting on thrones next to each other.

"They ruled together but alas, both grew weary of life and ruling over the creatures of their domain. They called upon the heavens, and the spirit that kept the stars. The King and Queen wished for a child. The spirit granted their wish but in exchange, they would have to suffer." Izora turned the page and saw another star, and a baby

"Another star fell but this time it bore a baby. The King and Queen as well as all in the realm were overjoyed at the birth of their prince, but as the baby matured it began to drain his parents' collective life force. When it reached the maturity of 2 human years, the King and Queen sent him to the Earth realm where he took the body of a human boy that had no soul." Izora turned the page to see an image of two identical boys. One was sleeping and the other was standing next to him, more opaque than his counterpart..

"The prince grew up knowing his purpose. As he matured he continued to drain his parents' life force until he found his soulmate." Izora turned the page to the young prince and a young woman embracing each other, as well as a bright light behind them.

"Once the prince and the new princess mated, the King and Queen's combined life force was fully drained and they disappeared with a brilliant flash of light." Izora turned to the last page with no picture on it.

"The new King and Queen took their place as rulers of the realm. They did not want a child, but still, the keeper of the stars sent them one when their rule was destined to end." Izora closed the book speechless. Raf looked at her waiting patiently, but wishing he knew what she was thinking.

"So if you're the prince...and I'm supposedly your...your soulmate..." Izora stopped. She didn't know what to make of this new information. Her life would be changed forever if this was true. And how could it not be true. *The dreams, this realm, it's all real. So who's to say this book isn't true.* She looked at Raf. All of the sudden he felt he knew what she needed to hear.

"I don't love you." He walked over and embraced her. "I don't know you yet and I don't love you yet. But you're my soulmate, and I know I can come to love you and I hope you could learn to love me. We are destined to be together, to rule by each other's side." Raf pulled away and held her face in his hands. She looked so fragile now, so vulnerable. "But if you don't want this, you can say no. I don't want to force you into this life. Some rulers have lived for thousands of years. After all, in essence, we're immortal."

"What would happen if I said no?" Raf knew she would ask this, for this was his soulmate, of course she'd be smart enough to wonder.

"If you say no, I'd turn back into light..." He said, trying to avoid the harsh way of saying it.

"You'd die" said Izora bluntly, suddenly understanding what she saw in the nightmares.

"Yes, but it's ok, I wouldn't want to live a life without my soulmate. So didn't choose me, it'd hurt a thousand times more." Raf seemed so reassuring, but Izora still didn't feel good about any of this.

"That doesn't seem fair, I get a choice in this but you don't?"

"That's because I know you are my soulmate, I've been searching for you my whole existence. But for you, I've just appeared. Deep down it will hurt you emotionally to lose me as well, but you would still be able to live. You would be able to move one. After I die, another star will fall, and this will keep repeating until my parents' reign ends." Raf said this nonchalantly as if he was talking about how someone butters toast. But nothing he said was ordinary, and every one of his words weighed on Izora.