

"Just one more story Gran, pretty please" Izora pleaded. She knew it was past her bed time but she was wide awake. Her Grandma always told the most wonderful stories of fantasy and romance.

"Okay, but this is the last one. Then you have to go to bed." Her Grandma shifted in the rocker next to her bed and Izora snuggled deeper into her sheets.

"Once upon a time, there was a star. The star fell from the sky and landed on earth. A little boy was born form this star..." Izora's Grandma told her a story she'd read from one of the lore books in a library she worked at a long time ago. Her Grandma was always fascinated by lore's and myths even though she knew they weren't real. However, this particular story was far from fantasy.


Miles away in a dark room, a little boy closed his green eyes and fell asleep. A few hours later, at midnight, another identical boy crawled out of his mirror and touched the sleeping boy. When the sleeping boy opened his eyes, there were specks of silver in his irises. The little boy smiled, walked into his parents room and spoke for the first time. His parents rejoiced, having taken their silent son to many doctors, they'd thought he'd had some sort of development issue. Little did they know, their son's body, simply had not gained his personality until now.

Hi everyone, this is my first story on anything ever so please be kind. This just came to me from a shower thought. If a story like this has ever been done then I'm sorry I've probs never read it. But anyways, I hope you enjoy.

lalyellacreators' thoughts