

"Your world isn't as it appears to be. There's a separate world beyond it, like on a different plane" Izora stared at Raf confused. *How can I explain this in a way she'll understand* Raf thought for a moment then got up and walked to his desk. He picked up a scrap piece of paper and drew a stick figure on it. Then he picked up an empty glass on his desk and drew another stick figure on it with sharpie. He rolled up the paper so it fit in the glass and you could see the stick figure on the paper next to the stick figure on the glass. He walked back to the sofa and held it out to Izora.

"The paper represents Earth and everything on this plane, or realm. The glass represent everything on...the mirror plane. There isn't really a proper name for it, but since the entrance or connection between the two planes is mirrors..." He paused, Izora still looked confused.

"The thing is, the mirror plane exists against the Earth's plane just like the paper and glass are next to each other. Those in the mirror plane can see both the Earth and Mirror plane but those in the Earth plane can only see themselves. Right in this room there are other...spirits existing. You can't see them but if you walked into the mirror plane you'd be able too." Raf extended his hand.

"I'd like to show it to you again, but please breathe, I don't want you to faint again." Izora hesitated, but took it willingly. Just like the other day, Raf opened the wooden panel and stepped through. Again, Izora found herself in a room that looked exactly like the one they were just in, but instead it had a bluish glow. This time she noticed some forms of light. Some of them were more faint than others. She hadn't had much of a chance to look around the other day because she'd been so overwhelmed, but now she thought they were quite pretty.

"There are many different creatures in this realm. These forms of light are the souls of humans who have passed onto this plane. They can sense what happens on Earth's plane but can't contact humans because they can't go through mirrors."

"Are all mirrors gates then?" said Izora, finally finding her voice.

"No, but they can be. It depends and it varies for the person or creature" Izora nodded, she felt like she was finally understanding a bit, but something still confused her.

"You said the planes exist against each other, but then why is this room...flipped and across from the other room?"

"That's because of the mirror. If you cover it," Raf walked over and closed the panel. Suddenly the blue glow disappeared and it seemed like they were in the original room again. Except the spirits were still there. Raf walked out of his office and pulled Izora with him. He went into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby floor.

"Like I said, mirrors are the entrance and exit to this realm so if you cover them, the its like pushing the paper right up against the glass. But if you don't have the mirrors covered they're like a gap between the planes." The doors of the elevator opened and Izora saw the bustling lobby. This time there were humans, light forms, dark forms, and other creatures. Some of which she recognized from lore books.

"Is that....a vampire?" asked Izora in a shaky voice. The pale wrinkly creature with bloodshot eyes and large fangs walked causally amongst the humans licking it's chapped crusty lips.

"Yes, a few times during the medieval era, a few escaped through the mirror and terrorized some humans until we got them under control." Raf replied nonchalantly. Raf pressed the button and they headed back up to the office. Just then Izora realized something. *We? That must mean there's more of people...or creatures like him...what is he* Izora looked up at Raf with a frighted expression and gulped.

"Raf...what...what are you?" she asked quietly. She was afraid he'd get angry at the question. Raf laugh. His booming laugh sounded warm and comforting.

"I'm a demon." He said easily. "You asked before who am I and I probably should have explained that first. I'm the crown prince of this realm. There are two types of demons in this realm. The kind born from the darkest parts of humans, which are like common folk, and the kind born from stars who are royalty." Izora's eyes widened with realization.

*The story of the star prince Gran told me as a child. Can it be true?*

"When I was a kid, my Gran told me the story of a star that fell from the heavens. A boy was born out of that star..." Izora trailed off wondering if this was just a coincidence.

"Many lores and myths are true but are written about this realm. Not many people see the creatures of this realm and live to tell the tale, and even less step through this realm and live at all." Izora looked at him in horror.

"You'll live of course!" Raf said quickly. "Because I'm escorting you, and I don't plan to kill you. You are also my guest....as well as my soulmate, so no one in this realm would dare to harm you."

"How do they know what I...supposedly am to you?" Raf let go of Izora's hand and a glowing cloud-like bubble formed around them.

"This realm knows because we are its destiny." The elevator doors opened and Raf stepped through. He waved his hand and an old book appeared from thin air. It looked like a fairytale book with jewels encrusting its cover. He handed it to her. Izora opened it to find it had beautiful elaborate pictures. She began to read the story aloud.