

Izora woke up with a sigh. It had been a few days since Giselle left and she'd had nothing to do until today. She got up and got ready for her new job as a secretary for EnVision one of the best computer software companies in the world. The job itself wasn't anything glamorous but it'd be some extra cash and something to do. Plus it'd look good on her resume as a computer science major to be affiliated with the company. She studied her closet for a bit then decided to go with a simple white blouse and a soft red pencil skirt. Red had always been her favorite and luckiest color because it was the color of the Ixora flowers that she was named after. She finished getting ready, grabbed a slice of toast and headed out. As she got out of the cab and headed into the EnVision building she noticed a fancy black car pulling up. Walking up to the receptionist desk she pulled out some papers.

"Hello, I was told to come here and ask for a keycard. I'm starting here today." She handed the work information to the smiling receptionist who started typing on her computer. Looking around she froze. The beautiful man from the club was walking through the lobby. He was looking even more handsome in a suit. Before she could see where he was going the receptionist placed her keycard on the counter.

"So you were originally hired for the secretary job in the PR department. But the secretary for the CEO was fired recently so, for now at least, you'll be working there. The job isn't different so you'll be just fine. Good Luck!" she smiled handing back the papers. Izora blinked a few times, taking in the new information then shook her head and smiling, thanked the woman and headed towards the security gates. She swiped herself in and looked at her paper that now had her new information on it. She punched the 24th floor button and waited as the doors closed. After a few others got off on their floors she finally reached hers. The doors opened to a lobby like room with desk at the end of it. There were two doors on either side of the room and a window at the very end behind the desk. As Izora walked towards the desk, a blonde woman stepped out of the door on the right room. Following her were a few older men and she escorted them past Izora towards the elevator. After the doors closed again she turned to Izora.

"Hello, I'm Cadence the CEO's assistant" she said proudly shaking Izora's hand. "I'm guessing you're the new secretary. This is your desk" she said pointing to desk "and here's the password for the computer" she said handing Izora a sticky note. "All of the information you'll need will be on there including your assignment each day. Besides answering the phone and relaying them as well as appointments to me you'll also have to send information to other departments. It should be easy enough" she noted condescendingly.

Izora smiled and thanked her then started working as Cadence went into the CEO's office on the left side. A few minutes later the doors opened and Cadence walked out tapping on her tablet and a man followed behind. Izora looked up at who she assumed to be the CEO and stared at the same beautiful man. She knew the CEO's name was Raphiel Aroway, but there weren't many pictures of him online. He was so young and beautiful, like the first time she saw him she couldn't help but stare. Feeling her gaze he looked over at her and froze wide eyed.

"Cadence, go to the meeting and let them know something came up and you'll be there in my place." Cadence looked at him surprised but didn't question it and got in the elevator frowning. Raphiel walked over to Izora smiling and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Raphiel, but you can call me Raf"

Shocked, Izora stood there like a deer in headlights. After a few seconds she quickly grabbed his hand. It felt warm and comforting.

"I'm Izora Wicket, your new secretary" she said quickly looking down. She could feel her cheeks growing warm, embarrassed for staring at him.

"Why don't you join me in my office" he said opening the door and gesturing for her to go inside. As she entered she gasped. The three walls in front of her were completely windows. From the outside the top floors looked like mirrors but from the inside she could see the entire city. At the center of the room there was a large desk. On the left, there was a sofa and some matching chairs, the right, a smaller desk with Cadence's name tag. Raf sat down on the sofa and motioned for her to join him. Izora sat and looked down at her simple white flats wondering what he could be thinking. Raf stared at her smiling for a few moments.

"Do you remember me?" he asked.

"Yes, I saw you at the club a few nights ago" she said blushing, "I'm sorry you had to see me intoxicated, I don't usually drink."

"That's fine, do you remember what I said?"

"No, I didn't really hear you before my friend pulled me away." Izora fidgeted waiting for Raf to respond.

"I said you're the one" he finally stated breaking the silence. Izora looked at him confused. "You'll come to understand what I mean eventually but for now you're fired"

Raphiel's name is pronounced like Raphael.

If I put things in ** for example *I could have sworn I left my peanut butter on my jelly* then it's something the character is thinking to themself

lalyellacreators' thoughts