
And Endings?

Izora stared at Raf in shock. Did she hear him right?

"I'm....I'm fired?" she whispered. As she began to wonder what she'd done wrong Raf chuckled. Izora frowned. *What was so funny about being fired?* She thought this was a cruel joke he was playing on her.

"You see, it wouldn't be very good if I had and intimate relationship with my secretary, so you can't be my secretary" Izora frowned puzzled by this statement. *Was he being serious? Intimate relationship?* She thought he was very handsome sure but she wasn't about to sleep with some stranger, especially one who just fired her.

"Are you being serious? I don't even know you! Intimate relationship? With all due respect sir I'm not interested." Hearing this Raf frowned. He'd been sure she was his soulmate. He was sure she felt the attraction as well. Why was she rejecting him?

"I am being serious, it's confusing....maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt about it, but at least hear me out. I have so much to tell you, and you probably won't believe it at first but, simply put, you're my soulmate." Izora's jaw dropped. *Who is this guy. Is he insane? How can the CEO of a successful company say something so crazy.*

"Look, I know you feel some sort of innate attraction to me, I feel it too. Just give me a chance to explain all of this." Izora pursed her lips thinking for a minute.

"Ok explain then."

"Follow me" Raf got up and held out his hand. Izora took it cautiously and followed him to one of the non-glass walls. He pushed against a wooden panel and it opened to reveal a mirror. Just as she was about to ask him how a mirror was going to explain everything, he walked through it pulling her with.

"What the Hell!?" She screamed. She was standing in a room identical to his office but mirrored. The whole room glowed with a dim blue light.

"Welcome to the Underworld, the Other-side, whatever most humans call it" he waved his hand at the room. Izora stared at him with a dumbfounded and slightly terrified expression.

*Wow, dad should have prepared me more, how did he explain this to mom* Raf thought to himself.

"This is the parallel world, it's where human souls go when they die."

"WHO are you?" Izora pulled her hand away and backed up against the mirror she'd just stepped through.

"I'll explain that later but for now I need you to understand that the world you know isn't what it seems, and I know this is probably a lot so we should probably go back but I needed you to see this to believe me." At that moment Izora, who had been holding her breath out of fear, fainted. As she lost consciousness she heard Raf scream her name.

Shorter chapter but there's a REASON. Muahahaha

lalyellacreators' thoughts