

Izora stepped out of the elevator and Cadence motioned for the men to leave.

"So I'm guessing you still want to speak to Raf" Cadence whispered angrily. Izora opened her mouth to speak but decided to stay quiet.

"Thing is, I can't let you do that. If you want to get your things from your desk, feel free. But otherwise, don't step foot in this building ever again. Her ice cold glare gave Izora shivers.

*She's probably whispering because Raf's here, I could take a chance...* Izora plucked up her courage and replied loudly.

"Fine, I won't come back. But I'd like to know why I was fired" she stressed the last word, almost yelling it. Cadence wide eyed frowned at her. The doors of the office slammed open and Raf stood there glaring at Cadence. He wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on. His parents hadn't wanted him to find a soulmate because it meant their life essence would be drained as he matured to take their place. They loved him, but they didn't want to be overthrown. So they planted Cadence by his side thinking he didn't know any better, for the sole purpose of keeping him from finding his true love. She'd push women she knew weren't his soulmate in his direction only for them to be rejected. But this was too much. *I know I meant to fire her and let it all loose right away, but it's probably better for her to get to know me first. Cadence shouldn't have fired her, she's just trying to keep Izora out of my life. But I can't let her know or my parents might use harsher methods to keep us apart.*

"Izora I'd like to speak with you in my office. Cadence, you may leave for now. I'll call you when I'm in need of your assistance again" Cadence opened her mouth as if to object but decided against it. She sneered at Izora and got in the elevator. Izora walked past Raf and into his office. She could feel his eyes on her back the entire time. Izora stood in front of his desk, he asked if she wanted to sit down but she shook her head. She just wanted to get this over with. *Honestly at this point I don't even care if I'm fired from here I just want these nightmares to stop*


"Please, call me Raf" Izora shook her head, she didn't want to feel close to him right now.

"Raphiel" she said firmly. "I need to know what's going on. I know you know something. I'm not sure if the other day was a dream or if it was real. I know this might sound crazy, but I've been having dreams about you. About us..." Izora paused. *What am I doing, if this is all in my head and he has nothing to do with this then he'll probably suggest I check in to a mental hospital*

Raf looked at her as if her understood. Izora adjusted her skirt waiting for his response.

"I've been having the same dream." he said quietly. "You keep dying...I...I haven't gotten much sleep these past few nights."

"In my dream you keep dying..." Izora whispered, afraid that if she said it aloud it'd somehow come true. "I don't know why it upsets me so much since I don't even know you, but in my dream I feel like I've loved you..." the last few words trailed off. She looked up at Raf waiting for him to respond. Finally, he sighed.

"I tried to tell you the other day. When you fainted, it wasn't a dream." Raf looked at her to see if she'd start doubting him again, but she didn't look at him like he was crazy this time, maybe the dreams made her believe that there was more to this than she thought.

"I wanted to deny it, but I'm willing to hear you out. Most of all I just want these nightmares to stop."

"Ok...well I guess I should start from the beginning then....."