
A Dream

Izora opened her eyes and found herself in her room. She bolted up and looked around. *Was it all just a dream?* She laid back down and grabbed her phone. It was the next day. Weirdly she didn't remember anything about yesterday after fainting. But that whole part was probably her dream. *So what happened? Am I still fired?* She got up and went to her desk. The keycard and papers were there. *So I did go to work and I'm probably not fired since I still have the card.* She went to the bathroom, the blouse and skirt were in her hamper. She rubbed her temples trying to think.

*Maybe I'm just losing my mind* she thought to herself. She decided to get dressed and headed to work. Cautiously she walked to the gate and swiped her card. It blinked green and opened. She walked though looking around expecting something strange to happen.

She got into the elevator, pushed 24 and waited. She started biting her lip as she waited, for the other people to get off on their floors. Finally the doors opened on the 24th floor. She started working and soon after the door opened from the CEO's office. She almost jumped out of her seat. *Stay calm, it was just a dream* she thought to herself over and over. Cadence and Raf walked out. Raf walked over to her smiling.

"How are ya feeling? You seemed a little sick when we were talking in my office and fainted. When you came too I had you sent home but you seemed a little out of it." He looked at her concerned.

"Oh!" she said a little too enthusiastically "I'm fine, great in fact."

"Wonderful" turning around he nodded to Cadence and walked into the elevator.

"Have a nice day" Izora shouted after him, but the doors had already closed.

*So it was just a dream. Whew. I'm not going crazy.* Izora continued working. Raf and Cadence returned eventually and went into the office. Izora received a few calls but nothing more excitng happened.

As Izora got home that night she saw a package in front of the door to her apartment. She took it inside and opened it to find a mirror. Startled Izora stepped back then closed it up again. She looked at the box and saw that it had no return address. Slight freaked out she shoved it in the back of her towel closet.

*Someone...sent me a mirror?* She went to the bathroom and took a shower thinking about her dream that felt so real. She remembered a story her grandmother had told her about another world inside mirrors. It was ruled by a King and Queen, the places looked similar to our but the creatures in the mirror lived a different life. The King and Queen and all of the creatures were born from dark and light. Every hundred years a star would fall through Earth into the world and a prince would be born. In Grandma's story, the prince married a star princess and they lived happily ever after. *But Gran might have been censoring some of the story since I was just a kid* Izora got out of the shower and after drying off, did some researching about myths about people born from stars. *Nothing, maybe I really did just have a dream about Gran's story. But then why did some unknown person send me a mirror?*

Izora went to bed, that night she did have a dream. She dreamed that she met Raf in the other world, and he loved her. Then she saw him dying and woke up sweating and crying.

After calming down she went back to sleep only to have the same nightmare again. She decided to stay up the rest of the night. The next morning she went to work barley being able to stay awake. When she saw Raf he looked tired as well. She considered mentioning something to him but decided to stay silent.

That night she had the same dream but this time she didn't wake up. She kept screaming as he slowly burned in front of her eyes. When she finally woke up it was morning and she was drenched in sweat and her eyes felt like she'd been crying for hours. Izora decided she'd have to talk to Raf today. *I can't be having this dream. If he knows nothing about it then I'll just have to quit or something. Either way, I have to do something, I can't...I can't have that dream again*