
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Threads of Destiny Unravel

It has been five years since Kiyoshi Hyūga, formerly known as Bruno, first opened his eyes in this unfamiliar yet strangely familiar world. Five years since he was met with white, pupil-less eyes and the symbol of Konoha—a memory of his first glimpse into this new world.

Discovery and Adaptation

In the beginning, everything was bewildering. Kiyoshi was flooded with memories, emotions, and sensations that seemed to belong to another life. It was as if he was trapped between two realities: that of Bruno, the young biomedical researcher who had lost everything in pursuit of a cancer cure, and that of Kiyoshi, the newborn Hyūga who had just begun his life in Konoha.

However, even amidst the strangeness and initial chaos, there was a sense of embrace. It was almost as if this world, this clan, and these people had been awaiting him. They welcomed him with affectionate gazes, as if they knew he belonged to this place as much as they did.

Through small moments, whispered words from his parents, Tokuma and Natsu Hyūga, and observation of the world around him, he discovered his place in this world. He was Kiyoshi Hyūga, son of Tokuma and Natsu, born into the respected and feared Hyūga Clan.

His parents were lesser-known figures in the original Naruto storyline, briefly appearing in the pages of the manga. But to Kiyoshi, they were his family, his guides in this new world.

His name, a gift from his parents, meant purity and the pursuit of truth—a combination that resonated with Bruno, his past self. Kiyoshi often wondered if the purity of his name was connected to the Byakugan and his father, who, as Bruno remembered from chapter 515 of the Naruto manga, was known to possess the clan's best and purest Byakugan. He hoped that one day he, too, would possess that purity. Time would tell if his hopes would become reality.

At the age of five, Kiyoshi already sported long black hair that he carefully tied into a ponytail. Even at such a young age, he had a preference for this hairstyle that, aside from being practical, somehow resonated with his determined and goal-oriented personality.

His eyes, inherited from the Hyūga lineage, carried a more intense pearly hue than most in his clan. Even at this age, they seemed to possess an uncommon depth, as if reflecting the wisdom and experience of a past life.

Despite his young age, Kiyoshi's body displayed signs of a sturdy constitution. His small muscles, still developing, already showed definition, a result of the shinobi traditions that governed the life of the Hyūga family. Since he could remember, Kiyoshi had spent a significant portion of his days training with his father, acquiring skills and strength far beyond his years.

Kiyoshi's skin, like a sheet of rice paper, seemed almost translucent under the sunlight, further highlighting the intensity of his gaze. His soft yet firm features were accentuated by an almost always serious and focused expression.

Life in the Hyūga Clan

While Kiyoshi felt accepted and loved by his family, living in the Hyūga Clan was no walk in the park. The clan was known for its strictness and rigid discipline. They adhered to an inflexible hierarchy and norms that permeated every aspect of their daily lives. The Kage Bird seal of the branch family was one of those norms. This seal was a way to maintain control over the members of the branch family, preventing them from revealing the clan's secrets. For Kiyoshi, coming from the 21st century, where individual freedoms were highly valued, this practice was difficult to accept.

However, over the course of these five years, Kiyoshi's view of the world began to change. He realized he was in a completely different universe, with rules and norms distinct from those he knew. It was challenging, but he learned to accept these differences, to see this world for what it was rather than what he wished it to be.

In this process of acceptance, something strange began to happen. As Kiyoshi grew older, his memories of Bruno became more vivid. It was as if his now more developed brain could handle the weight of these two lives. As a biomedical researcher, Bruno had a vague notion that this could be a result of brain maturation. To recall certain details, Kiyoshi had to exert great effort, but the effort was worth it. After all, the lessons learned as Bruno could be useful in his new life as Kiyoshi.

Life in the Hyūga Clan was intense, but Kiyoshi found himself drawn to it in ways he never expected. He spent hours training, trying to master the techniques of the Byakugan and the intricate movements of Juuken, the exclusive martial art of the Hyūga Clan. For someone who had never been physically active, this newfound obsession with physical training was a surprise. Bruno had always considered himself more of an academic than an athlete. But in Kiyoshi, he discovered a passion for physical discipline that he never knew he possessed.

The training was not easy. It demanded incredible chakra control, millimeter-precise strikes, and ironclad discipline. There were days when Kiyoshi felt his body on the verge of giving up, but he always pushed himself further, surpassing his limits. He knew that every drop of sweat, every sore muscle, every bruise was a step towards perfection.

Kiyoshi became obsessed, not just with the idea of being the best, but with the practice itself. He reveled in the mastery of his body, in the sensation of chakra flowing through his veins, in the gratification of landing a perfect strike.

Amidst the rigidity and discipline, Kiyoshi found freedom. The freedom to explore his potential, to challenge himself, to transform. In each training session, each effort, each drop of sweat, he felt he was becoming more than just a member of the Hyūga Clan. He was becoming Kiyoshi, a perfect fusion of his past and present, of Bruno and Kiyoshi, of Earth and Konoha. He was becoming a new person.

Shock and Acceptance

Kiyoshi always felt as if he were living in a dream. The new family that loved him, the simplicity of daily life in Konoha, the challenges he encountered in his training—all contributed to a sense of contentment he had never known in his previous life.

However, tragic news shook this tranquility to its core. Members of the branch family of the clan, people Kiyoshi knew well and considered close, had died on a mission. The news hit him like an electric shock, and for the first time, the brutal reality of the ninja world imprinted itself upon his heart.

He saw the pain in his parents, saw the suffering masked by hardened expressions, the denial of any weakness. They swallowed their emotions, embracing the coldness of the ninja doctrine. It was not an unfamiliar sight to Kiyoshi. He knew this behavior all too well from his life as Bruno. He had seen it countless times on Earth, where people suppressed feelings and solidarity in favor of rules, conventions, and protocols. And he knew, from personal experience, that it always brought disaster.

In this new world, Kiyoshi realized he wasn't so different. Here, the strongest reigned over the weak, politics were merely a façade concealing a much darker reality. Behind all the peace, there was constant tension, a taut rope that could unleash war at any moment. And amidst it all, people were mere pawns, sacrificed on the grand chessboard of life.

This newfound understanding made Kiyoshi reflect on his place in this world, on his identity as a Hyūga, as a ninja. He couldn't simply shut off his feelings like others, he couldn't ignore the injustice and pain he saw. But at the same time, he couldn't simply rebel against the norms of the ninja world. He had to find a balance, a path that was true to both Bruno and Kiyoshi, a path that honored his new life without forgetting his old one.

It was a daunting challenge, but Kiyoshi was determined to face it. Because he knew that, ultimately, this was his journey, his burden to bear. And he was ready to move forward, regardless of what the future held for him.

Planning for the Future and Embracing the Present

The sudden mortality of his fellow ninjas plunged Kiyoshi into deep introspection. He found himself in a world whose plots and tragedies were already familiar to him, thanks to Bruno's memories of Naruto. He knew of the impending dangers, the future wars that would leave deep scars on nations and individuals. However, the idea of using that knowledge to change the future was a monumental challenge.

He didn't want to live trapped in an endless cycle of fear and worry, always trying to alter the course of the future. He wanted to savor what this life had to offer—the bonds of friendship and family, the bittersweet taste of love and loss, the joy of victory and the lesson of failure. He wanted to live as Kiyoshi.

However, despite the desire to fully experience this life, Kiyoshi couldn't ignore the responsibility that his knowledge of future tragedies implied. The massacre of the Uchiha Clan, a powerful family in Konoha, exterminated out of fear and suspicion, was a tragic loss he wished to prevent.

With this understanding in mind, Kiyoshi began to devise a plan. He was still a child, with no voice in important matters. However, that didn't mean he was completely powerless. He could act in the shadows, influencing the situation without drawing unwanted attention. He could write letters, subtly pointing to clues that would lead to a greater understanding of the true problem behind the escalating tension.

And so, Kiyoshi started to move, trying to change the future without calling attention to himself. At the same time, he strived to live fully each day, rejoicing in small victories, learning from defeats, and relishing every moment as Kiyoshi.

This duality, the constant tension between his old life as Bruno and his new life as Kiyoshi, between the weight of responsibility and the freedom of childhood, was a challenge. However, it was a challenge Kiyoshi was determined to face, always balancing on the tightrope between action and patience. He was aware of the dangers the future could bring, but equally aware that each day brought new possibilities and adventures.

And so, with the resolution of a child and the wisdom of an adult, Kiyoshi began to walk his own path, between the light of the present and the shadows of the future, weaving the tapestry of his new life in this magical and dangerous world.

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Hello, dear readers,

I want to start by thanking all of you for being here and giving my story a chance. This is my second attempt at crafting a web novel, and I am thrilled to share it with all of you.

Your presence and interest mean the world to me. Your support not only gives me the push to keep writing, but it also inspires me to improve with each chapter. As a writer, I am on a continuous journey of learning and growth, and your comments and critique are a valuable part of it.

I encourage you not to hesitate in sharing your opinions and thoughts. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, I am open to hear it. Each piece of feedback is an opportunity to improve and make the story more engaging and enjoyable for you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for being here. Together, we can make this a wonderful and memorable experience.

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