
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chakra Concentration Training

Kiyoshi knew he needed to start working on his mental concentration. This meant not only focusing on the task at hand but also clearing his mind of unnecessary distractions and anxieties. He thought that beginning and ending the day with meditation sessions could be an effective way to achieve this.

He started early in the morning, before dawn. Sitting in a comfortable position, he closed his eyes and took deep breaths, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. He tried to clear his mind, focusing only on his breath and the sound of the world awakening around him.

After about fifteen minutes of meditation, he began to concentrate on feeling the flow of chakra within his body. This required a high level of body awareness, but since Kiyoshi already had experience with the practice of Byakugan, he felt that he was making progress.

Point Two: Study of Neurotransmitters

As part of his training, Kiyoshi wanted to explore the possibility of regulating chakra through neurotransmitter manipulation. This meant studying the different neural pathways and chemicals in his body and how they could be linked to chakra.

It also meant experimenting with different emotional states. For instance, he noticed that he felt more focused and energized when he was in a state of joy or enthusiasm, which he attributed to an increase in dopamine.

He would then try to replicate that emotional state through meditation, visualization, and memory, and study how it affected his ability to control and manipulate chakra.

Point Three: Physical Training and Chakra

Kiyoshi knew that chakra was directly related to physical endurance. He began incorporating intensive physical training into his daily routine. Running, push-ups, sit-ups, squats—everything served to increase his strength and endurance, which in turn boosted his chakra reserves.

He discovered that physical training also helped him focus chakra in different parts of his body. By focusing on chakra while training, he could improve the flow and efficiency of chakra, enabling him to manipulate it more effectively.

Over time, Kiyoshi hoped that this daily training routine would enhance his control over chakra, allowing him to access and use his chakra reserves more efficiently and effectively. He was excited about the possibilities and eager to see the results of his hard work.

The following years were filled with training and learning for Kiyoshi. He was always the first to awaken, greeting his parents with a "Good morning, father! Good morning, mother!" before immersing himself in his daily routine.

Training with his father, practicing the Byakugan, was a constant challenge. Kiyoshi was pushed to his limits but always with a smile on his face. He loved the challenge, the feeling of progress.

Next came the chakra training. It was a solitary journey, a test of concentration and willpower. Kiyoshi spent hours alone, focused on his inner energy, pushing the limits of his ability to control chakra.

His days seemed like a constant repetition of "training, father, training, chakra, good morning, good night." But for Kiyoshi, this routine was not monotonous. He was fully invested in his training and eager to see the progress he would make.

However, despite his focus on training, Kiyoshi didn't forget one thing: he was still a child. He wanted to make the most of his childhood, and that meant mingling with other kids his age.

He began interacting more with the village children, including Naruto. Despite knowing the stigma associated with Naruto due to the Kyubi, Kiyoshi decided to approach him. He saw Naruto as someone who, despite everything, continued to fight and dream. That resonated with Kiyoshi, and he was drawn to Naruto's determination.

As time passed, the friendship between Kiyoshi, Sasuke, and Naruto deepened. Their days were not just filled with training and hard work, but also with laughter, playfulness, and friendly competitions.

"Kiyoshi, I bet I can climb that tree faster than you!" Sasuke challenged, with a determined look in his black eyes.

"You do realize I'm a Hyuga, right?" Kiyoshi replied with a smile on his face, getting ready for the race. The friendly rivalry between them brought a new kind of joy that Kiyoshi had never experienced before.

"I want to play too!" Naruto shouted, running to join them. The trio became a common sight on the streets of Konoha, bringing laughter and liveliness wherever they went.

Amidst this time of joy and innocence, Kiyoshi didn't forget his responsibilities. He continued leaving anonymous notes for the Uchiha clan, warning them about Danzo's plan.

In one of those notes, Kiyoshi wrote, "A rebellion will never succeed. Use mathematics, use logic. The odds are against you. You are in the minority, isolated. Danzo has the village under his control. What will you gain from this? Can't you see? It's just a trap. Don't fall into it."

He knew his words might not be taken seriously, that they could be dismissed as the ramblings of an anonymous person. But if there was any chance they could make a difference, he had to try. It was the least Kiyoshi could do to protect the friends he had made, the life he was beginning to love.

"What can I do to convince the Uchiha clan that a coup won't work? Fugaku needs to understand that a rebellion will only hasten the destruction of his clan," Kiyoshi pondered.

He decided that truth and a carefully planned lie would be the best way to persuade the patriarch. So, Kiyoshi took a piece of paper and a pen and began writing:

"Dear Fugaku Uchiha,

I imagine the information I have to share with you is surprising, to say the least. Danzo Shimura is aware of the existence of Mangekyou Sharingan within the Uchiha clan. He knows that, besides Shisui, you also possess one.

Danzo is fully aware of the potential these eyes hold, which is why he has meticulously planned the demise of your clan. He is patiently waiting for the right moment to annihilate all of you and claim the Mangekyou Sharingan for himself. You may wonder why he would do this. He sees possessing your eyes as a crucial step towards becoming the next Hokage.

You must understand that the situation is delicate and dangerous. Do not be lured by the illusion that a rebellion would be successful just because you possess a Mangekyou Sharingan. Danzo has the power and resources to crush any resistance. Do not act rashly and throw everything away.

The solution to this situation will not be found in brute force but rather in dialogue and patience. After all, wouldn't it be a tragedy if all the potential of the Uchiha clan were destroyed due to a miscalculation?

Think carefully about my words, Fugaku. The future of your clan depends on your decision.

With respect, An anonymous friend."

After finishing, Kiyoshi read the letter again, weighing each word. He hoped his words could persuade Fugaku and, by extension, the Uchiha clan. He then sealed the letter and left it at the usual delivery spot, hoping that his actions could change the tragic fate of the Uchiha clan.

Hello, dear readers,

I want to start by thanking all of you for being here and giving my story a chance. This is my second attempt at crafting a web novel, and I am thrilled to share it with all of you.

Your presence and interest mean the world to me. Your support not only gives me the push to keep writing, but it also inspires me to improve with each chapter. As a writer, I am on a continuous journey of learning and growth, and your comments and critique are a valuable part of it.

I encourage you not to hesitate in sharing your opinions and thoughts. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, I am open to hear it. Each piece of feedback is an opportunity to improve and make the story more engaging and enjoyable for you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for being here. Together, we can make this a wonderful and memorable experience.

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