
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Bound by Friendship: Unleashing Potential in the Shadows

The early morning sun illuminated the Hyūga estate as Kiyoshi and his father, Tokuma, concluded their daily Juken training. With sweat streaming down his face, Kiyoshi waved to his father as he ran back home, knowing that a warm cup of tea and a cozy breakfast with his family awaited him.

However, Kiyoshi's morning routine didn't end there. Right after breakfast, he would meet up with Neji and Hinata for another training session. This was a new addition to his regimen, but one that he greatly valued. It was challenging, but seeing Hinata's gradual improvement and the growing camaraderie between them filled him with satisfaction.

"Ready for another day, Neji, Hinata?" Kiyoshi asked, offering a friendly smile.

After training with Neji and Hinata, Kiyoshi devoted the rest of his day to just being a kid. He would meet up with Naruto in the village, and even though most others shunned Naruto due to prejudice, Kiyoshi never cared about that. On the contrary, the two grew closer. They had fun, played around, and that was all that mattered.

Even with the increasing tension between the Uchiha clan and the rest of the village, Sasuke would still show up from time to time. The Uchiha clan had become even more reclusive since Kiyoshi had sent that anonymous letter, trying to appease the Uchiha uprising. However, whenever Sasuke appeared, laughter and playfulness multiplied. As Kiyoshi looked at Naruto and Sasuke, he reflected.

"I've changed this world. Because of me, Naruto is no longer alone, always acting out for attention. The other kids, though cautious, still sometimes play with us. And Sasuke... he's no longer the arrogant boy he used to be, looking down on others because of his Uchiha name."

That night, Kiyoshi sat down with his father and the Hyūga clan patriarch to discuss the possibility of including Naruto in their training. The patriarch was initially skeptical, but Kiyoshi didn't let himself be intimidated.

"Father, I think I'll have to stop training with Hinata if I have to leave the clan grounds to train with Naruto. You know, I feel like he's going to be an important figure someday, like the Fourth Hokage, Minato. Sometimes, I even think they resemble each other a bit."

The patriarch's eyes narrowed for a moment, but he maintained a calm demeanor. He knew that Kiyoshi was unaware of the secret regarding Naruto's lineage. Deciding it was best to keep Kiyoshi away from any suspicions, he gave his consent, but with one condition.

"Very well, Kiyoshi. Naruto can join you in the training. But I will not allow unfounded speculations to circulate. Do not make baseless assumptions, it's imprudent."

Kiyoshi nodded, satisfied with the outcome. He knew convincing the patriarch wouldn't be easy, but he expected nothing less. All that mattered was that Naruto now had a chance to learn and grow, just like him and Hinata. That's all Kiyoshi wanted.

In a blend of unwavering determination and selfless discipline, Kiyoshi Hyūga's daily life had transformed into a methodical and exhausting routine. He would rise before dawn, always adhering strictly to the rigorous training regime implemented by his father. Countless hours were spent honing his form, strengthening his muscles, and above all, striving to expand his chakra manipulation abilities. Every drop of sweat shed was a testament to his unwavering effort and will.

After his sessions with Tokuma, he would gather with Neji and Hinata. Together, they engaged in a shared pursuit of perfection. Their Juken strikes grew more precise, their movement coordination smoother, and their understanding of the Byakugan sharper. The lessons each had to offer the others became intricate pieces in a puzzle of growth and maturity.

And in those moments of togetherness, a surprise addition joined them. Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha's young pariah, had started to join the three of them. Kiyoshi remembered how he had to press the Hyūga patriarch to allow the boy to participate in their training. He had used every ounce of persuasion he possessed to convince him, even insinuating, with a hint of laughter, that Naruto might someday become as important a figure as the legendary Yondaime Hokage himself.

So, time passed with training, learning, and having fun. Friendships grew stronger, and skills became fortified. Yet, despite the evident progress he made, Kiyoshi found himself facing a seemingly insurmountable problem. His technique for channeling chakra through his body had reached a point of stagnation.

It was as if he had hit a wall. As a former biomedical scientist in his past life, he always believed he possessed superior knowledge of the human body. He thought this knowledge, combined with his familiarity with chakra, would allow him to reach astounding heights. However, the progress he hoped to make had come to a halt.

In a moment of introspection, he questioned himself, "Have I reached my limit? Why can't I surpass this barrier? No matter how hard I try, it seems I can't elevate myself above it. How can I settle for this when I know I can do more, be more?"

The complexity of Kiyoshi's internal debate did not escape Naruto's blue eyes. The young man, despite his outward image of goofiness and carefreeness, possessed an ability to perceive and understand others that was largely underestimated. He noticed Kiyoshi's discomfort, saw how his gaze seemed to be looking at something distant rather than the present. And with a concerned yet friendly expression, he decided to intervene.

"Kiyoshi... What's going on?" Naruto asked, his voice conveying childlike sincerity.

Kiyoshi looked at Naruto's face, and for a moment, he considered hiding his thoughts. But something within him decided there was no need to conceal anything from Naruto. After all, they were friends.

"I can't make progress with my technique," he admitted, allowing his frustration to color his words.

Naruto's expression brightened with understanding. His gaze softened, and with a simplicity that belied the depth of his words, he said, "You know, sometimes when we get too focused on one thing, problems start piling up. I think the key is to let things happen and have some fun, you know?"

At first, Kiyoshi was about to dismiss Naruto's advice as naive simplicity. However, two words in his response made him pause: "Focused" and "Piling up." As if a flash of insight cut through the darkness of his thoughts, Kiyoshi realized something.

He had been so concerned with meditating, expanding his chakra reserves, that he had forgotten a fundamental principle. Every energy, be it physical, mental, or spiritual, needs a core. A place to accumulate, to build upon. It was the same concept cultivators used, the same concept the legendary Tsunade employed in her regeneration technique. Even ninjas, albeit unconsciously, always let a part of their chakra flow freely, allowing it to accumulate naturally.

It was the simplicity of Naruto's answer that shed light on the complexity of his problem. Sometimes, the answer to a complex problem wasn't complex itself. Sometimes, the answer was as simple as letting things happen. With a sigh of relief and a renewed determination in his eyes, Kiyoshi turned to Naruto.

"You know, Naruto," he said, "You might be wiser than you appear to be."

Naruto merely laughed, a pure and contagious laughter that seemed to bring a new breath of life to the world around them. He didn't know how deeply his words had affected Kiyoshi. All he knew was that his friend seemed a little less burdened, a little more relaxed. And that, for Naruto, was enough.

Hello, dear readers,

I want to start by thanking all of you for being here and giving my story a chance. This is my second attempt at crafting a web novel, and I am thrilled to share it with all of you.

Your presence and interest mean the world to me. Your support not only gives me the push to keep writing, but it also inspires me to improve with each chapter. As a writer, I am on a continuous journey of learning and growth, and your comments and critique are a valuable part of it.

I encourage you not to hesitate in sharing your opinions and thoughts. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, I am open to hear it. Each piece of feedback is an opportunity to improve and make the story more engaging and enjoyable for you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for being here. Together, we can make this a wonderful and memorable experience.

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