
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Bonds of Determination: The Epic Clash of Masters

Bonds of Determination: The Epic Clash of Masters

The vast expanse of the Senju clan's territory served as the stage for the epic showdown between master and disciple. Tsunade, the Legendary Sannin, the woman who could shatter rocks with her fists, and Kiyoshi, the young Hyuga prodigy. The air between them was charged; the playful atmosphere dissipated, replaced by a seriousness that reflected Tsunade's unwavering gaze, signaling the rigorous training that lay ahead.

Tsunade's expression was unyielding, her penetrating eyes resolute, like two shining suns that intimidated anyone daring to challenge their radiance. The impending threat of brutal training hung in the air as she bluntly declared, "Kiyoshi, from now on, our training will be real battles. Except for the days you spend in the hospital, recovering."

With the ninja academy graduation approaching, Tsunade planned to intensify the training in the areas where Kiyoshi lacked the most: strength and battle experience. In her thoughts, she pondered, "Only when he feels his life at risk in a battle will the fear of giving his all in a dangerous situation vanish."

The word 'hospital' sent a cold shiver down his spine. Kiyoshi was well aware of Tsunade's power; her strength was almost legendary, her fist capable of reducing mountains to rubble. Knowing that the intensity of his upcoming training would be equivalent to a real battle, he swallowed hard but refused to let fear dominate him.

His hands clenched into firm fists, the hum of chakra coursing through his veins resonating in his ears. His focus deepened, concentrating on the present moment, preparing for the challenge ahead.

Tsunade smiled approvingly, satisfied with the determination in his eyes. "That's right, Kiyoshi. Give it your all."

Kiyoshi took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Tsunade. He nodded and said, "Understood, Tsunade-sensei. I'm ready."

Tsunade laughed at his determination, her smile resembling a cherry blossom blooming in the midst of spring—captivating, yet fierce. "Very well. Let's begin."

The wind stirred their shinobi hair; the battle was about to commence. The air crackled with anticipation, and the mounting tension was almost palpable. The once serene atmosphere now brimmed with energy, ready to explode at any moment.

Both figures vanished, leaving a blur behind. In the next second, the area where Kiyoshi had stood before turned into debris, with Tsunade at the center of the destruction.

With his right hand in his pocket and his left raised in a seal, Kiyoshi appeared upside down on a tree and said, "Shadow Clone!" The area around him filled with nearly perfect copies of himself, all with vivid, intense Byakugan eyes.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes narrowing with an assessing look. She didn't utter a word, but the gaze in her eyes said it all—she was ready to fight with everything she had.

A powerful boom echoed through the training field as Tsunade launched herself, her leg muscles flexed with power. She moved so swiftly that she became a blur; her arm muscles tensed as she threw a punch toward Kiyoshi.

He dodged, the sound of wind being sliced by Tsunade's fist ringing in his ears. His heart pounded in his ears as he quickly formulated a plan. He had no illusions about defeating Tsunade, but he wouldn't give up without a fight.

Kiyoshi's clones mimicked his movement, all dispersing in different directions to distract Tsunade. While Tsunade dealt with the clones, the real Kiyoshi focused on his chakra. He shouted, "Kaiten!"

He spun, releasing a chakra barrier that repelled everything around him. The shockwave from the Kaiten hit Tsunade, who recoiled with a look of surprise. Using the distraction to his advantage, Kiyoshi wasted no time activating his next technique.

Underneath the young boy, a large image with a Yin-Yang symbol at its center appeared. His body moved almost on its own, as if following a pre-defined script. "Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams, 64 Palms)!" he exclaimed, launching himself at Tsunade.

His strikes were swift, nearly invisible to the naked eye. Each blow was an explosion of chakra, each attack aimed at a chakra point in Tsunade.

But Tsunade was a veteran of many battles. She evaded Kiyoshi's blows, returning with her own attacks. Her punches were like hammers, each blow a miniature earthquake.

The sounds of their strikes reverberated across the training field. Blood started trickling from the corner of Kiyoshi's mouth; his breathing grew heavier with each exchanged blow. He could feel his chakra reserves dwindling, but he kept pushing forward, refusing to give up.

In the end, Kiyoshi fell, exhausted but satisfied. He had given his all, and that was all he could ask for. Tsunade looked at him, approval shining on her face. "Good job, Kiyoshi."

At that moment, the happy ending that the boy had envisioned shattered when he saw a pair of enormous breasts approaching him, with an index finger getting closer to his forehead. He only had time to think one thing, "Damn busty sadistic blonde..." His vision darkened, and a terrible headache struck and quickly vanished as he lost consciousness.

The sunlight breaking on the horizon seeped through the window curtains, casting a brilliant cascade of golden and orange hues into Kiyoshi's room. He rose from his bed, awakening from a restless sleep. The expression on the young Hyuga's face was filled with shock, his eyes widened in surprise.


It was the only thing he could feel at the moment—a sharp, pulsating pain that seemed to radiate from every muscle and bone in his body, even from his bandaged head. He remembered the previous night clearly. The fierce determination in Tsunade's eyes, the sensation of his fists colliding with his master's, the sound of the wind around him as he spun, hoping his Kaiten would give him a small chance to land a blow—every detail was etched into his memory.

Slowly, Kiyoshi leaned to the side, his body protesting in pain. He sighed; the pain was a brutal reminder of his defeat. However, despite his discomfort, a flame of determination burned in his eyes.

He thought of the battle with Tsunade, recalling each strike and every move he made. He contemplated his strategy, wondering if he could have done something different, something better. He reviewed every punch, every kick, every jutsu he used, analyzing them in his mind.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his breath, as the pain slowly retreated to the back of his mind. He remembered his master's words, her promise to train him to the limit. And despite the pain, Kiyoshi smiled. He accepted the challenge. He was ready to face whatever came next, no matter how much it hurt.

Finalmente, ele se levantou, determinação evidente em seu rosto. Ele treinava, lutava, ficava mais forte. Pois ele era um Hyuga, um shinobi de Konoha, e não desistiria. Afinal, essa era sua segunda chance, e ele daria tudo de si. Mesmo com a dor pulsando pelo corpo, Kiyoshi saiu de seu quarto, pronto para encarar o dia e o que quer que ele trouxesse.

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