
Beyond The Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds

Magic.. as old as time ..... Love.. as deep as hell ..... When the history repeats itself .. And the legends are born again... Isabella Campbell, the crown princess of Mythiopia, pampered and spoiled by her parents, a peerless beauty, and a born leader. But her description doesn't stop there. She is also the only odd one out in the entire kingdom. Why? Because she is the only one who cannot do magic. On the land of magic, sheltering all kinds of magical beings, ruled by the most powerful wizard the universe has ever seen, Isabella was the only one with magical void inside her. Stella, again an odd one out in the human world. Every one calls her a freak. Why? Because her words always seem to carry magic in them. Whatever her lips utter comes true. What happens when these both odd one outs get swapped? Will they be happy with their new life that embraced them? Or will they long for the life that had abandoned them? Wanna join on this wonderful journey of magic and suspense? Then add this to your library and we are all set to go. --------------------- This work is participating for WSA 2023, so please give your love and support to keep me motivated and encouraged while writing this book. The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it without my permission. Daily updates, at 3:30pm (GMT+5:30) Want to speak to me? Discord: @z_orion FB: @Z Orion My works: [1] To Reach You Again (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing. [2] Beyond the Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
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87 Chs

You will grow a pig tail

Chapter 2: You will grow a pig tail.

"Dylan. Teacher will be coming anytime soon. Sit down and stop shouting. I am the class leader." little Stella warned him again with her both hands on either side of her hips and cute cheeks which still had baby fat, puffed out.

Little Dylan too had his chubby hands on either side of his hips and stood in a stand-at-ease position on his desk. "What class leader are you talking about? Do you have any leader ship qualities? Do you know anything except 'I will tell teacher', 'I will write your name', 'I will complain to warden', blah blah blah blah.. "

Dylan didn't wait for her reply and simply jumped down of his desk and took out a, exam pad from his bag.

"Oyy Max. Ball ready?"

"YO" Another boy around five years and almost the same height as Dylan replied and threw the paper ball at him. Dylan hit the ball with his exam pad and it hit a sleepy student who was scratching his head.

"Ouch.. Dylan. Max. Why did you hit me?" George came out of his drowsiness and looked at his friends who were again set on breaking the rules.

"How long are you going to sleep huh? Get up. Our yesterday's match is still not over. Max is leading right now." Dylan said and dragged George out of his place and the three members pushed the other tables aside to make some place in the centre to play.

Other kids too got interested and joined the game.

"Ouch.. hey.. No.. Wait... Ouch.. Why are you hitting me.. Dylan.. Stop.." Stella was trying to stop everyone but the kids was too excited to spare an ear for her right now.

Stella didn't know when, but her friends also pulled her to the centre and she somehow became the middle monkey in the game.

DUB .. DUB.. DUB...

"What are you all doing? Is this a CLASS OR FISH MARKET?" the sudden scream from their teacher stopped them all. They all paused and looked at the woman in her mid-forties glaring at all of them.

The woman had a duster in her hand which she just now used to hit the table to gain some attention from the kids but apparently, it didn't work.

Never had she seen such a troublesome class in her career.

"Why are you all not sitting in places? And what have you all done to this classroom, huh?" The benches were not in the proper order, the floor was full of paper torn from the back of the books and some students had their hands raised above in the air and holding their exam pads as if to hit someone.

The class stayed silent and just when the little class leader was about to speak, the teacher spoke again.

"This is the reason why every teacher has a complaint on this class. When are you going to learn? Don't you feel ashamed seeing the teachers praising other sections. What a disappointment. And where is your class leader, huh?" The teacher asked and Stella immediately raised her hand from the middle of the bunch.

"You. I expected better from you Stella. Everyone, stand on bench and you will only sit after you tell me all the tables till five correctly." The math teacher declared and the students gulped.

Stell glared at Dylan since he was the reason she was being asked to stand on the bench.

Before the bell rang, she warned them not to repeat what they did today again and left the class. Even though she warned, she knew this will happen again tomorrow, then day after tomorrow, and then later too. She can only shake her head looking at these hyper active kids.

The next class was the arts class and since the sir taking that class was young and lenient, the kids were able to run around the class and have fun till the school bell rang, indicating that the class hours were over.

Everyone shouted and gathered their bags before running into the ground to attend the evening assembly before going into their dorms.

But the announcement made by the principal in the assembly soured their mood even higher than the time when school bell rang.

"Alright students, The government has been initiating a lot of programs to fund the orphanages and many other voluntary groups have noticed our orphanage too. So we have organized a field trip for the primary school this weekend."

The kids cheered as soon they heard this. They were all orphans and the people in this orphanage were their only family.

It was rare for them to conduct these type of trips and their little hearts were happy to hear that they will be able to go out and have with their friends.

The section F of the kindergarten was the first to cheer the loudest. The principal sighed looking at these hyper energetic brats but didn't say anything.

How can he scold these little brats when he too knew how different their lives are from normal kids who can go out on every weekend.

"Alright, now you all can go back to your dorms and don't run." The students dispersed from the ground.

There were not many students and almost every one were below ten years of age. Happy Smiles Orphanage had a good reputation and children here were given better care and attention compared to the other orphanages.

The education of kids below fifth grade were taken care by the orphanage itself, and for the later grades the kids were sent to other schools and brought back in the afternoon after the school was done.

Some of the kids here were abandoned by their parents, or brought by the child welfare society, or their parents were dead and their relatives weren't ready to take the burden of the kid.

Though they were all very young right now, they knew they were different from the kids outside who sometimes visit the orphanage to donate clothes with their parents and craved for a family like that.

But not everyone get's lucky and so there were many kids still eagerly waiting for someone to adopt them.

Dylan, the little treasure full of fun and mischief with silky black hair and captivating sea blue eyes was abandoned by their parents.

Dylan's two best friends, George and Max were here because their parents died in an accident when they were babies and their relatives didn't want to take care of them.

Stella, the strict class leader and the favourite target of little Dylan, was found at the gates of the orphanage on a rainy night five years ago and the orphanage took her in. They tried finding her parents but since they couldn't get any information, they assumed her parents abandoned her.

Though all the kids were friendly, Stella was a little odd one out in the group. Why?

One. Because she was Dylan's all time famous target.

Second, sometimes whatever she says comes true. Well that's only sometimes, but this 'sometimes' power of her tongue is going to traumatise Dylan tonight.


"DYLAN.. You stole my school diary. Didn't you? Give it back to me." Stella stormed into the dorm and questioned Dylan who sitting on the floor and playing snake and ladders with his two friends.

"Woah woah.. You can't come and blame me if you can't find your diary. And even if I have that much of a misfortune to steal someone's diary, it won't be yours. Don't worry." Dylan replied looking at Stella who was now digging his bag.

Not finding it in his bag, she turned and looked at the other two minions.

"George, Max, where is my diary? Dylan gave it you right? Tell me now or I will complaint to teacher." Stella threatened and the tow boys looked at the culprit to save them. Stella was really scary when angered.

"Wahh.. Now you start attacking my friends too.. We don't have your diary." Stella always had this diary with her where she used to draw things. They could be anything, flowers, sky, buildings, people, anything.

Though they were not perfect, she was still good at that. Now that she lost it, her eyes watered and she sniffed looking at Dylan. Dylan stood rooted looking at that crying face but didn't say anything.

"Dylan. I am asking you one last time. Did you not see my diary?" Stella questioned, barely trying to suppress her sob. Dylan, George and Max gulped in the fear of her crying.

Dylan thought for some time and simply shook his head indicating he didn't take her diary and Stella wiped the tears off her cute baby face with the back of her little hands.

"Okay. But if it is with you and you have lied, then you will grow a pig tail tonight. Remember this." Saying this Stella left the dorm to check in the classroom if she accidentally left it there. The boys sighed after she left.

"Are you not going to give it back?" George asked Dylan knowing very well that his friend as stole it to tease her.

"Hmm. You might grow a pig tail tonight." Max added and Dylan puffed his cheeks. He didn't want to make her cry, just a little fun, but who knew she would curse him and leave. But fine. He was intelligent and knew humans can't grow pig tails like that.

"Sigh.. I think my prank went wrong. I will put the diary back in her bag now." Saying this, Dylan took the diary from under the cupboard and left to her dorm.

He returned after few minutes after making sure that he wasn't caught and the diary was back in her bag. She will find it when she returns to her dorm.

Well, she will find it for sure, but he didn't expect that he would wake up screaming in the middle of the night as a punishment to his little mischief.


What do you think about Dylan and Stella? Hmm?

Check out the comments section if you wanna see our little Stella.

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