
Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Johnathan, a fearless protagonist, awakens in a mysterious place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. He discovers that he is trapped in a complex labyrinth of cinematic simulations, each more surreal than the last, and no matter how much he progresses, the exit seems to have no end. With a deep desire to reunite with his parents, he embarks on a desperate quest to find the way out of this cinematic hell. Each door leads to a new world, from science fiction landscapes to period settings and fantastical realms. With every step, Johnathan realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the plot of each simulation. Will Johnathan manage to reunite with his parents and find the exit before dying in one of the simulations that await him? My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/srcuervo

SrCuervo · Movies
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Contemplating the Mission Status

The moment Jonathan crossed the door, instantaneously, similar to the last occasion, the missions echoed in his ears.

When he opened his eyes, the faint moonlight filtered through the window in the room.

Jonathan looked at the time and found that it was midnight.

"At this point, Leon and Claire are still not in motion within the radar..." Jonathan thought as he massaged his forehead.

At this point, the story he could involve himself in covers both parts two and three of this simulation, so he would have many opportunities to earn points if he gets involved with Jill, who, at the same time as the events in the mansion, tries to escape the zombie-infested city.

The plot Jonathan will be involved in unfolds on September 29, 1998, two months after the events of the first story. Most of the citizens of the Midwest mountain community in the United States, Raccoon City, were turned into zombies by the T-virus, a bioweapon secretly developed by the Umbrella Corporation for the creation and perfection of bio-organic weapons.

The Resident Evil 3 plot started at 8 pm on September 28, beginning when Jill received a call from her teammate Brad about how the members of their squad were being pursued and killed.

Therefore, having a day in advance, Jonathan was deeply considering his starting scenario to gain many benefits that others might not consider.

As far as he understood, if he decides to involve himself with Jill, he will have to kill Nemesis, who has the mission of eliminating all members of the S.T.A.R.S. squad.

At this point, Jill would not yet be being pursued by Nemesis, and Brad has not yet died.

That being said, the hidden missions should be directed towards that place. Jonathan and his friends had been drawing their own conclusions about the simulations, and all of them came to the conclusion that the hidden missions were related to the opportunity to do something else in the world they were being sent to.

That is, if you have a margin of time until the real missions begin, then you will have the chance to do other things and increase your rewards.

Jonathan was not a hero saving someone in distress; he was being a survivor trying to get more points to increase the chances of surviving more chaotic future events.

At this point, he only needs to remember the scripts and act accordingly for his own benefit.

Right now, Jonathan was devising an action plan for parts two and three of Resident Evil... In fact, it wasn't a problem to relate to both.

In the missions he had, the most complicated thing was to obtain a sample of the G-virus, but beyond that, the other missions gave him more freedom.

"It seems that my encounter with Miss Ada is inevitable, for that, I need to take into account the position of my role, considering my background in this simulation..." Jonathan thought as he analyzed every important detail.

"As for Nemesis, all the Tyran and others, they will die..." Jonathan muttered as he looked at the weapons on a table.


Two months before Jonathan's arrival for the second time.

That is, after the mansion incident, the surviving S.T.A.R.S. wanted to expose Umbrella, but they were all repressed by the police chief.

Regarding the cause of the large-scale outbreak of the T-virus, it all began when Dr. William Birkin completed the G-virus, sometime prior to September 1998, with plans to use his research to be promoted to the executive board of Umbrella. However, seeing how his plans did not materialize, he decided to betray and sell his research to the U.S. government.

For Dr. Birkin's safety, the government set up a special team of the U.S. Army to escort and obtain samples of his work.

However, the team never arrived, and the U.S.S. Alpha Team led by HUNK, under the orders of Oswell Spencer himself, arrived at the laboratory before them to retrieve the samples.

By September 9, while Birkin was preparing to leave the complex, the Alpha Team commands arrive and surround Birkin, threatening him to surrender. Nerves overcome one of the tactical team members, and he opens fire against the doctor, fatally wounding him. Quickly, the commands take a briefcase with the required samples and leave the scene.

After this, a dying Birkin decides to inject himself with a sample of the G-virus he had stored in a pocket and attacks the members of the U.S.S., killing them all except one. After seeking revenge, the creature breaks the briefcase and consumes the remaining samples of the G-virus and escapes from the scene. However, the nightmare was just beginning.

Contamination spread, and the rats that inhabit the sewers made an appearance, starting to devour the corpses, along with the samples of the T-virus.

In addition to this, some of the shattered vials containing the T-virus contaminated the city's waters, causing anyone in contact with those waters to become infected.

Thinking about this, Jonathan murmured how everything happened to secure the entire main mission. If he didn't recognize what would happen in this simulation, perhaps the extra day he has should be dedicated solely to understanding how the infection was released in this city.