
Decoded ?


"Guys, this is really amusing. You got to hear it. So, Mr.Muller has placed this huge banner in his lawn with 'APOLOGIES' written in bold pink fonts. And then he writes...",Emily said between muffled laughter "Honestly, my wal's low, but I did fiel dis; you're right; now is time to sort it out, cuz I was seriously busy before!" All the girls burst into laughter. All except Rachel.

"Say that again for me please?" Rachel asked genuinely interested.

Emily said it creating the same melodramatic effect as below.

"Ok, ok girls, time for business! So I am calling the officer to report a sheer case of ..." Cassie was interrupted.

"No, wait!" It was Rachel. "Before any of that",she said slowly, "Someone really special is waiting for us... on... the... wallow fields." She brightened. "He will help us get deeper into this case to make our edge more stronger, for he himself has witnessed this act of vandalism. A man of composure and honor, who has agreed to help us as the result of my request. It would be humbling, if we did not visit him. All of us know him at least a bit coz he his famous. He's a detective!"

"Rachel, where on the earth were you? Why didn't you tell us this before? This is great news!" Cassie hugged Rachel.

"You have proved yourself to be wittier than what alcohol's beguiling effects had degraded you to be, Rach!" Kathie said smugly.

"We are very proud of you Rachel!" Emily smiled.

"Gracias! Now come on, fast!" A smart smile, a kind that had never emerged on her lips, curved its path on her lips after tricking through those expressive cheekbones of hers.

-        -            -          -          -

The tall and dark silhouette of the back, was the first opening to the rivers of their questions. An oversized furry coat and a feather topped fedora made his physique ambiguous. Just a half turn from him, and the mystery of their unanswered questions would be raveled.

"Mr. Neighbor we're here!"Rachel was on the lead.

1,2,3... He turned... only to leave all except Rachel wide-eyed.

"So, Rachel it is,huh- letter girl! It's very much of a delight to see the 4 of you together!" Mr. Muller spoke.

"Would you'll prefer sitting or-"His courtesy clearly impressed Rachel.

"Rachel, What is this??? Why is HE here!!?" Cassie infuriated.

"Why, he shouldn't be here?" Rachel was as cool as a cucumber.

"Of course not! He is the villain himself, he could do anything to us! Let's move OUT!" Dynamite bombs of ire blasted at intervals in clustered packs out from Cassie.

"Well, if he were being called a villain coz of the domino case, then it's pointless because there isn't a speck of evidence. But if you are counting the fact that he is not a human as an evidence, then you Cassie also wouldn't be less of a suspect." Rachel fired.

Cassie blanked out. Kathie and Emily were oblivious to the reason of this new strained tension. Mr.Muller held an unreadable face.

"Very much true, isn't it Cassie?"

Cassie's mouth was zipped.

"Rachel, what are you saying?? Are you completely you or is it-"It was Kathie.

"I have long left alcohol."

"Rachel, Just say whatever you want to say explicitly!" Emily said.

"Okay, if that's what to you wish to know. Along with Mr.Muller, even Cassie is not a human!" Rachel let the words roll through her tongue.

"Cas, just tell Rachel to stop it?" Kathie said sassily.

Not even a puff was let out of Cassie's mouth.

"Just tell us it's not true, we'll believe you! A matter of 3 words!" Emily spoke.

Cassie's mourning silence promise was not broken.

"This isn't true...right?"

Cassie looked down.

Violent gusts of vapor-like wind trespassed them; Cassie's anger was revitalized.

"Ok ok FINE!!! I am not a human! I never was and I am never going to be! Yes, all your life you'll had been living with a non-human friend!" Cassie took deep breaths.

"It's is ok Cassie! Relax!" This was Mr.Muller. Cassie didn't even blink towards him.

"But how'd ya know this Rachel?"

"Well, there are 3 hints. First-

All of this is insane... it's total crappy stuff dudes!" Rachel rambled lazily, alcohol coursing in her blood and predominating her, wholeheartedly consuming her rejuvenating ideas.

"Rachel!" Cassie commanded, her expression hurt-worn...

My eyes turned towards Cassie. Kathie and Emily were caught up in their own conversation. But I must tell you'll that I was not drunk enough to not be shaken by the next moment, that Cassie showed me even if she didn't want to show it, even if she didn't know she was showing me that, but she did! She was outright angry at me. More than her expressions, I knew this by her changing eyeball color. It was red with accentuates of pink in the core and a velvet purple on the outline.This is clearly not a humanitarian sign . It is supernatural!"

"My eye color changed??!"

"Yes!" Mr.Muller said.

" The second point. When we had planned to find out more about Mr.Muller, Cassie stuttered, as if she were unsure what to say. She didn't want to betray him, but she didn't know what excuse to say. So instead, she decided to call him and inform him about this. But things took a turn." Rachel went on.

"So you heard me, when I was taking to Mr.Muller?!"

"Hmm hmm!"

"She called you" Rachel said turning to Mr.Muller. "Already nervous. But you didn't pick up the call for the first two times, whatever the reason might me. Let's assume that you were busy.

"There is something really important I want to tell u and that's why I want your uncompromised attention. It will need us to be very wise as my friends-" Cassie stopped, her expression was coated with a sudden shock. What happened, why did she stop? I don't know, but she definitely got interrupted by him. And who is he... Mr.Muller.

Then he spoke. In the meanwhile, Cassie got raged. Oh god, what did Mr.Muller say?" Then Cassie started off-

"No, that is not possible at all....How dare you insult my-"Mr.Muller might have said something insulting about someone, against which Cassie stood up bravely. So, it was clear that they had a fight. But he cut the phone before she could speak any further and guess what? Cassie was terribly humiliated and decided to take a revenge-

"Well there's one idea. Remember the statue domino brake case that happened  a couple of weeks back few miles away from here?"" Cassie had said. So basically, her plan was to blame Mr.Muller for something he was not guilty of, just to suffice her ego. I sent a letter to Mr.Muller anonymously with an implicit poem, to find out if he were guilty, but mainly, to know his character.

"A change from Magic to tragic is not a fiction at all. Tear-ups in relations are just the consequence of misunderstanding. If you re right, own it, for it doesn't take ruins to become worse. If the purity is real, in the end everything will sustain.- Anonymous"

"So, he got to know that someone except Cassie, knows that he is not a human. But he also came to know that someone else knows about their fight as well. After that, what he did was impressive! He put a poster, which all of us are aware about.

Honestly, my wal's low, but I did feil dis; you're right; now is time to sort it out, cuz I was seriously busy before.

Everyone though it was something silly done by him for a joke or maybe as a result of his ex-wife forcing him to do so.

But did no one know that this was the answer to my poem. My wal's low is actually Wallow. The intentional spelling mistake to write feel this as fiel dis meant Fields. Right;now was right now. So it's says: To the 'wallows fields right now'.

And that's why we are here to sort out everything!" Rachel finished.