
Chapter 6

He'd managed to avoid prying eyes as he escaped the area. The next few hours were spent roaming around the city to gain a feel for the environment and the social setting.

By the time he returned to the Kyodokai headquarters, night had already come. He ignored the frantic expressions of the people in the building as he casually strolled in.

It didn't take long for the angry visage of Ito Takahashi to make itself visible as the man stomped through the halls, stopping in front of him.

Without saying a word, the man pulled Ryota through the corridors and into the meeting room which was empty save for the two of them.

"Are you insane?" Ito asked, managing to sound calm despite appearances.

Ryota arched his brow as he spoke. "What are you talki-"

"You know very well what I'm talking about!" Ito yelled, his rage finally bursting out as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

A video was presented on the screen of a news broadcast. "While the authorities are refusing to issue a statement as to what occurred here today, citizens are in a panic in light of these attacks." The newscaster who spoke stood in front of the remains of the Matsuba gang headquarters.

"Though the details are unclear, it is on a sad note that I report that the chain hero, Master Binder, is dead. His body was found o-" the rest of the video was cut off as Ito pocketed the phone.

"Oh that." Ryota muttered, no remorse in his voice.

"It's no coincidence that a few days after you had an altercation with them you suddenly go missing for a few hours and the Matsuba gang is in shambles." Ito said, exasperatedly massaging his temple.

"It's simple really. They started it and I'm not the forgiving type." Ryota said in a simple manner as if he hadn't just basically ruined a Yakuza group in one afternoon.

Ito fixed him a look for a few moments before speaking once more. "How?"

"How did you get those…things? Those monsters…" The elderly man asked in slight trepidation.

"Believe it or not, they found me." Ryota answered, a mysterious smile on his face. "I just convinced them to work for me."

He wasn't wrong. Those thugs went out of their way to look for him and this was the aftermath. He could practically see the questions floating in the man's head in the silence that reigned.

In the end, Ito sighed. "You really are different. I remember there was a time I had to reprimand you for letting your enemies off too easily." The man said, taking a seat. "Were you seen?"

Ryota nodded with a hum. "There was one guy but he's no longer a problem." He said in a casual manner.

"You killed a hero, you're either confident or stupid. Because of this incident, there's a chance that the heroes and the police will increase their surveillance on the Yakuza." Ito said with a sigh, having already put two and two together to realize that Ryota was the culprit.

"They can sniff around all they want. It'll get them nowhere, not if I have anything to say about it." Ryota said with confidence, a smirk on his face.

-[Ito Takahashi]-

Despite the situation, he hid the proud smile as he looked at his grandson. Leading the Kyodokai required a firm, decisive and sometimes cruel hand.

Whether for the sake of petty revenge or not, Ryota was finally taking the initiative to do what he wanted to do. Though it was messier and more chaotic than he expected, it was effective.

The Matsuba gang had many hideouts but this was their main headquarters and with what the police would no doubt salvage from the wreckage, they'd be able to find the rest quite easily.

All in all, it was a win for them. The Matsuba gang was done for and a message was sent to other organizations that the Kyodokai was not to be taken lightly.

"Also, there's someone I want to meet. I was hoping you could help me arrange a meeting." Ryota requested, confusing him.

"Who is that?" Ito asked in confusion.



Tensions were high for a few days after that due to the death of a pro hero but none of that mattered to Ryota who was experimenting even more with his abilities.

At the moment, he had stopped wearing normal clothes and constantly wore clothes made from biomass to make things easier for himself.

Ryota sat cross legged on the floor, eyes closed as he attempted another experiment that he'd been working on.

The silence in the room allowed him to concentrate on his work as he attempted to induce fission into his very cells to trigger a phenomenon of binary fission throughout his entire body.

He held back a smirk as he felt his success, his body splitting in two and forming a clone in front of him. The clothes were made of biomass so the clone wasn't naked.

'The biological sensory nodes are linked despite the split.' He noted as he felt something else linking him to the clone.

Feeling the connection, he realized that it was as the clone got to its feet and began moving around before exiting the room.

'I can control them. In essence, each clone I make is simply part of a unified consciousness. A collective hive mind.' Ryota thought, controlling the clone with little difficulty.

The shared vision and senses were distorting and slightly uncomfortable but he could make it work.

The many uses for this new aspect of his ability popped up in his head but there was also another problem that needed to be fixed.

'Ito Takahashi…' he thought as he returned the clone to the room.

The elderly man had done well enough for him but he was an obstacle that he needed to take care of if he really wanted to do as he pleased.

His days weren't just spent on toying with his quirk, he also spent it learning as much as he could about the Kyodokai as well as the other Yakuza groups.

The connections Ito had made were also available to him as the heir that he was. He only needed him around a bit longer before he'd dispose of him.


Daichi had been a detective in the Musutafu police force for many years. For many years he had taken on cases and arrested criminals after they'd been subdued by the pro heroes.

Despite his good record, he was nowhere satisfied with what the police had been reduced to.

He'd read about what the police used to be before quirks became a thing. They were the ones who enforced law and order in the countries but now they'd been reduced to a glorified cleanup crew whose main job was to deal with the aftermath of villain fights.

The police force avoided hiring those with quirks in fear that they would use them as weapons. He himself was quirkless and he was a stellar detective but it wasn't enough for him.

There had to be more he could do.

"You're distracted again." The bartender said to him as he refilled his cup.

Looking at the white haired young man behind the counter, he remembered that he was in the middle of his rant.

"Sorry about that. *hic*" he managed to say, his words slow as he took another gulp of the liquid.

"It's just so *hic* infuriating. Even the villains *hic* don't take us seriously! *hic*" He'd wandered into the club to take off some stress.

It was his day off and he deserved something nice for himself after the hard days of work. The chief wouldn't like it but who cared about that right now?

Not him.

"I get what you mean. These heroes are only in it for fame and money these days." The bartender said, refilling the cup.

"Exactly!" Daichi exclaimed, drawing some attention around him but he was quickly ignored. "Most of them wouldn't even *hic!* put on their silly costumes if they weren't getting paid."

"Isn't vigilantism illegal?" The bartender asked curiously.

"It is but at least those guys *hic!* are willing to do what's right without getting paid. *hic*" he finished the drink, a look of resentment on his face. "Us quirkless people don't even have that option."

A strange smile appeared on the bartender's lips. "So you're saying that if you had the chance, you'd try and make a difference? If you had power…" he said, trailing off.

"Hell yeah I would!" Daichi said, slurring and disoriented as the bartender chuckled.

"Interesting." He heard him mutter, suddenly feeling dizzy. "With great power comes great responsibility. Consider your wish granted."

As he said that, a great drowsiness overwhelmed him despite his efforts to fight it, the bartender's strange smile being the last thing he saw before passing out.


He woke up with a pounding headache, memories of the previous night slowly coming back.

As he looked around, he realized that he was back in his home, still in the clothes he wore the previous day.

'How did I get back here?' He wondered as he got to his feet, albeit a bit groggily.

He felt that something was wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it as he peeled off his clothes and made his way to the bathroom.

Turning on the tap, he poured some water over his face. As he patted it dry with a towel, he froze as he looked into the mirror.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, looking at the muscled person staring back at him in the mirror.

He now realized what felt out of place; he felt strong…stronger than he'd ever felt in his life. He wasn't unfit before but he definitely wasn't this muscled either.

That wasn't all.

There was a certain…feeling…in his hands, specifically, his wrists. It wasn't uncomfortable, more like a part of his body he didn't know he had.

He unconsciously tried to move it only to be surprised as a white substance shot out of his wrist and at the mirror.

"What!?" He shrieked in shock.

Still in a panic, he observed it before tentatively touching the substance. "Is this…web?!"

'What the hell is going on?' At that moment he remembered the words of the bartender from the previous night.

'Consider your wish granted.'

"It has to be him! But how?!" He wondered in shock, not noticing the sole insect flying around the room.


He'd found another use of his clones made through demi cellular division. Rather than only being able to create clones, he could create organisms that were connected to him through the same hive mind.

He created a fly and looked through its eyes to watch Daichi's shocked and stupefied expressions and mutters.

The Kyodokai owned many businesses, one of which was the club where he found Daichi. He wasn't looking specifically for him but for any subject who could draw his interest enough.

All it took was a couple of drinks while also subtly lowering the man's alcohol tolerance level yo why him talking. Getting his home address was even easier.

There were many ways to keep the police busy but this was more fun and ironic. A police officer who wished to be a vigilante, using his connections and authority to evade capture or discovery.

He'd simply strengthened the man's body and made him more flexible as well as modified it to replicate some of the functions of a spider.

It was a delicate procedure and also a test to see how effective his quirk was when used this way.

'Let's see how you perform, my new toy.'

Next chapter