
Beyond Respawn: A Gamer's Rebirth

Repeating dreams. A game world appearing in reality. Every night, Zoe keeps having strange dreams. Dreams about a game called Mortal Online. Thinking the dreams are only due to her excitement about the game's release she tosses them in the back of her mind. But once the game releases, it turns out her dreams seem to be real? Knowing the future that is ahead of her, Zoe focuses on what she needs to do. Level up and gather every resource she can, in game and in the real world. Will Zoe be able to escape the calamity that had killed her in her dreams, or will she still end up with the same fate?

invayne · Games
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34 Chs

Starting The Attack

--AN)28 + advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne --

"So what do we do? Just wait here until the monster goes away?" The pink-haired thing asked.

"We will wait until the town guard comes to help defend the town. At that point, I think a quest might appear." I was not very sure, but it seemed like this was an event-type situation. Why it suddenly happened I do not know unless killing the players was the cause. Either way, I could not pass up the chance to get some experience points from attacking the monster. "We should start moving towards the monster. We want to attack as much as possible. So team up with me. With our combined attacks, we should be able to gain a level, if anything, from this." 

 "Okay!" The pink-haired thing was always willing to follow orders. I could tell that she was excited. I can understand why this monster was huge. It towers at least three stories high and has two large claws on the front and a narrowed-shaped head with massive teeth. It had already eaten a few players, which was sad for them because they would be stuck inside until either it was dead or they were killed.

We made our way closer, making sure to stay quite a ways away. The monster was slowly making its way towards town, eating everything in its path. If the player was too slow, they would either get stepped on or end up getting eaten. Luckily, there were tons of players, so many were able to escape by sacrificing a few.

After about fifteen minutes, the town guard finally arrived and began taking up defense positions. "Alright, come on. Once they attack, we will rush to the town guard and begin helping them kill the monster."

"Got it. But my spells are still very weak…." The pink-haired thing seemed unsure about herself. 

"It's fine. Magic is slow to start due to it being hard to control and use. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to cast spells without even looking at what you are hitting." I tried to make her feel better. Not sure if I was doing a good job since I was not used to this, but for the time being, she was at least smiling back at me.

"Hehe…. I thought you would tell me to suck my up or something, but it seems I thought too lowly of you. Thanks. I will work hard so I don't hold you back." Maybe I should knock her on her head a few times? 

We moved quickly as soon as the guard began their attack. We did not wish to get caught up in the attacks that were being fired at the monster, so we had to move in a wide arc before we finally made it to the guard. "You are here…. Good. Go in and help if you can." 

Sir Cliene had spotted me and automatically told us to go over.

[World Quest!]

[Help Defend Erune!]

[Only those invited will gain rewards.]

[Quest Completion: Kill the Snagler before it can reach the town.]

[Rewards: ???]

So this monster was called a snagler. I quickly accepted the quest before asking the pink-haired thing: "Did you get the quest?"

"I did! I am just waiting for you." The pink-haired thing replied. 

"You fighting or not?" Sir Cliene seemed a bit impatient. I could tell why, after all, we were keeping him from his duties.

"Yeah, we are going over now. Sorry!" I gave him a small wave before making my way towards the front line. As I ran over, I sent a message to the pink-haired thing. "Just stay in range of your spells. If you need to, fall back. Do not try to tank any attacks it might spit out. We do not know what kinds of things this monster can do."

"Got it!" The pink-haired thing yelled out as she fell back to where the other mages were. She was a smart girl. She seemed to instinctively know that the mages would help protect her in case of an incoming attack. They would put up barriers to keep themselves safe, which meant the pink-haired thing would also be safe.

As for me…. Well… I would be moving to the monster's back. It would be stupid of me to fight it head-on. As a DPS, I only needed to keep myself from being hit and deal as much damage as I could. This was the same with the guard as well. They were not just standing in front of it. Those who were DPS were behind the monster, while the guards who used shields were in the front, keeping it busy. 

They had even moved the monster sideways in order to keep any direct attacks on the town from happening. This was actually a good way to learn how to properly deal with raids like this. There were many world bosses, and those world bosses would sometimes attack towns that you would need to defend.

If we are lucky, and the pink-haired thing and I deal enough damage, we might even get a few items out of this along with experience. Although I would be happy with just experience. I was not sure if we could or not since the guards were all at a higher level, but I was sure as hell going to try. It might sound strange, but I needed to try to do at least one percent damage to this monster. Then both myself and the pink-haired thing will benefit.