
Beyond Respawn: A Gamer's Rebirth

Repeating dreams. A game world appearing in reality. Every night, Zoe keeps having strange dreams. Dreams about a game called Mortal Online. Thinking the dreams are only due to her excitement about the game's release she tosses them in the back of her mind. But once the game releases, it turns out her dreams seem to be real? Knowing the future that is ahead of her, Zoe focuses on what she needs to do. Level up and gather every resource she can, in game and in the real world. Will Zoe be able to escape the calamity that had killed her in her dreams, or will she still end up with the same fate?

invayne · Games
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34 Chs

Bloody Demon

--AN)22 + advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne --

[Hidden Quest: 'The Swordmaster's Challenge' Completed!]

[Main quest: 100%]


[Experience Points Gained!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

 [Hidden Quest: 'Artifacts of the Mirage' Started]

[Conditions Updated…]

[The Swordmaster thinks highly of you. He gave you a sword and a skill book. They are both Artifacts of the Mirage. Use the sword and skill book and train to the fifth layer before going back to speak to the sword master.]

"Thank you. I will work hard." I could only bow my head and thank Sir Cliene. He had given me not only the path to becoming good at swordplay but also gave me a really nice sword.

[Item: Phantom Mirage]


[Type: Weapon]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Strength]: +40

[Dexterity]: + 10

[Intelligence]: +15

[Vitality]: + 10

[Mind]: +10

Just looking at the stats made me drool. This game did not have an attack rating. Everything was based on your own skill, but weapons did boost stats. And this blue item would last me until at least level 40 unless I found better; that was how good this weapon was. Besides the normal attributes, there was only the defense stat, but that was never displayed in the stat window. It was displayed in the equipment window, which just held a total sum. 

The skill book was the mirage sword skill. It says I need to learn it to the 5th layer. No idea what that means, but I guess that is some kind of skill level outside the normal skill levels?

Each skill you gained at a level to it. The more you did things the better your skill level would be. Like right now my sword mastery was at level 5. While I know my skill level should be much higher, this seemed to be how the game perceived things and was not my real skill in swords. But that might change once the game moves into the real world. I do not know how it will work at that time. I might even get my level up high enough to be back to my dream self's stats or more. But I think my skill level for actual swordsmanship will jump by leaps and bounds as I progress further and refine it.

Out of all the skills I had in my dreams, swords were my favorite. I do not know why, but I feel more alive facing down a monster face to face with nothing but a sword than I do when using magic. Maybe I am a battle junkie. Maybe that was why in my dreams, I fought so hard against that massive monster. Not because I cared about the city itself but because of the challenge. Maybe this was why I was so keen on destroying the current world because I did not fit. 

I let out a sigh as I walked down the busy streets of Erune. Players were passing by me left and right, and it seemed some were getting closer to hitting level 5. While I was level 17 now, I needed to hurry and move on to the next town. But I had to help the pink-haired thing first. 

"Hey, where are you?" I sent her a message.

"Zoe! Help me! Someone keeps stealing my kills. I can't get experience!" the pink-haired thing's answer made me frown. I quickly asked once more: "Where are you?"

"Near the forest edge to the east where the level four mobs spawn." The pink-haired thing was still trying to level up on lower-level mobs even though she was level 6…. But then again, she is trying to go the magic route. So, she needs to practice her aim.

"I will be right there…." I quickly picked up speed and raced out of town.

It did not take me too long to get to where the pink-haired thing was. But what I saw was actually not what I was expecting….

"Little bitch, how dare you reject my kindness. How does it feel to not get a single kill for the past few hours!?" A young man with a princess mindset was yelling at the pink-haired thing…. I do wonder if he knows he is out of town. There seem to be five of them all together.

In games, there is only one way to deal with people like this. It was not going up to them and trying to talk them down. No…. It was simple. I unsheathed my sword, walked up to the first kid, swung my sword horizontally, and cut him in half. He didn't even get a chance to scream. My new sword was already getting a good workout. These kids were only around levels 3 to 5. They must have been going around farming like crazy without sleep.

I walked up to the next young man and did the same to him. Some of his blood splattered onto my face. There were no guts, but blood did spray all over and puddle on the ground. It was only after two had died that they finally noticed me.

The young man who had been yelling at the pink-haired thing just now finally turned to look at me as I walked to the next young man and cut him in half as well. I am like ten levels above these people so it was no problem.

"You!? What are you doing!? Why are you attacking us?" The young man cried out. But…. Sadly, I don't speak to real people. So gave him a blank look before raising my sword and slicing the second-to-last young man in half. 

That was four out of five. They had been so stunned by my actions that only the young man who had been yelling at the pink-haired thing had spoken. The rest died while just staring at me. 

And even though he asked me a question, I still walked over to him and raised my sword. "Wait! I have no beef with you! Why are yo….." Why did he ask me another question? I never answered him in the first place.

"Zoe!" The pink-haired thing seemed to snap out of her daze. She looked at me and took a step back.

I tilted my head in confusion and sent a message: "Why are you looking at me as if I were a demon?"

 "Because you look like one! Wait, you are one! But now you are a bloody demon!"