
Beyond Parallel

In a world of balance created by the gods, Kreed a pale, ugly boy finds himself struggling to live every second. Yet after he discoverers a set of strange runes that described the creation of said world, his life changed forever. With his new found knowledge would he go on to seek revenge of would he strive for something greater? Follow Kreed on his journey to truly gaining conviction.

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24 Chs

Chapter 23 Alden's Pov

Chapter 23 Alden's Pov

"Stay here k, and stay alert. Am heading to the bow. That's the only place we haven't checked." With a slight nod Alden exited the cockpit, leaving Kreed to continue searching among the surviving documents.

As he walked across the vessel's deck, Alden couldn't help but ponder.

I really am lucky. After all those years of searching endlessly. He had finally made a breakthrough. Well more than one break through at that.

It seemed that the advice he had received from the goddess, Alpengata. Was correct, she had instructed him to search throughout the waters of east Oben. And he had done so many time, spending countless revolutions trying to discover anything that could aid him in his search. And now after all that deep struggle, he seemed to have accomplish something. Not only had he found Kreed and discovered what was written on the great prophet Caelan tablet. He had also made a pact with the cautious boy, who had promised to reveal to him the abilities of the relics he had been given. While all these revelations were more than enough satisfy Aldens gluttonous curiosity, he was now being given even more priceless information for free. How had his many years of being stuck in a simple fragment of the story. Finally open up. Now that he had seen the random deport, that nestled beneath the vessel called point Reyes. As well as the information saved within it. Led him to gather and create a new out come, one that led to the ultimate downfall of clan IHOG. A clan which so happened to be one of the major contenders for his organizations greatest enemies. Well that wasn't really true either. The grudge Alden held against clan IHOG was more of a personal one. It originated form a single encounter which Alden had with one of the brothers that led the clan. And because of that he had allowed for his position as leader of his organization, to order his subordinates to hold clan IHOG at an arms length. However Alden knew that in the end clan IHOG would not be a treat towards him in any way. The reason for this was because clan IHOG which was once one of the greatest clans ever, arguably the strongest at a point in time, had lost most of it's power and influence.

Now that clan IHOG was significantly weaker, not even being considered within the top 5 strongest clans of the current era.

Alden had no reason to battle against them. He was better of using his efforts and strength to focus on the greater treat. Now however, as he had obtained a bit of confidential information on clan IHOG, he was definitely not going to let it go to waste. Of course not Alden was a very pretty person, he would definitely use his newly gained knowledge to his advantage. Upping his standard in the world while simultaneously lowering the reputation of clan IHOG. 

How peculiar.

As Alden entered the vessel's, bow he looked around indifferently.

On the Bow there looked to be a rather Large pool of thick tissue and blood. It looked clumpy and repulsive, similar to all the other pools of vile liquid.

After staring at the large pool of blood for a few seconds, Alden moved to the wooden gunwale that surrounded the vessel's bow, Alden leaned against it. Staring out over the waters surface. Alden coughed.

How strange.

After looking at the stone moat for a while he smiled. "Found you."

As these words escaped his lips. He suddenly felt his hand sting.

Abruptly turning to face attacker. He saw the vile pool of growing and collapsing on itself. Chunks of coagulated blood joining with others to creat a tall towering amalgamation of tissue, blood and soot. As tendrils and tentacles grew out from it's embrace. The creature, tried to imitate the form of a human, however it's proportions were utterly wrong.

Taking a look at his left arm, Alden notice something strange. Directly below his shoulder, where he had been attacked. There was a small cut. The creatures attack had managed to cut through his thick and impenetrable uniform. Causing a little incision to run across his pale white skin.

"My uniform may not be the strongest amor relic that I possess but it's still a amor of the gold rank. Not to mention that my skin is a durable as a Lecce if not more.

This creature has to be on the third rank of corruption then.

Perhaps a Stulified wretched? Or a Stulified Horror."

After a second of contemplating Alden continued.

"Well it doesn't matter. I'll find out after I kill it."

Stretching fort his left hand, Alden said.

"I suggest you try your best to entertain me." With that, a large stone pillar tore through the bow of the vessel, causing it to shake violently.

As the pillar took on the shape of a gigantic spear Alden, effortless poured a generous amount of verve into it. Causing it pristine stone apear to shoot forward. Aimed directly at the creatures head.

However something unexpected occured, suddenly feeling his left arm grow numb, Alden tensed.


As he felt his body waver and fall. Beginning to lose his balance. Alden quickly conjured a simple stone pillar to lean on.

'What is this ? Poison?" His mind was trying to explain his current situation. But he found it rather difficult. It seemed that the cut, inflicted on his left arm, wasn't meant to hurt the victim directly, but instead it served as a means to get into the victims body. Slowly weakening it's prey until it could no longer move. And from what Alden could feel he wasn't very far away from being completely paralyzed.

He could sense his mind, growing more distant, close to being completely blank. His body was becoming more and more numb, the feeling spreading through out his body at a terrible speed.

But that wasn't the worst part. Although the poison, if it was even poison that had been injected into him, was numbing and affecting both his physical body and mind. The effects didn't stop there.

Alden felt his soul growing distant. As if it was being secluded, he felt his power weakening. The vitality and vigor that was held within his soul shrinking and becoming faint.


With a slight scowl Alden anchored his feet, remaining up right and laughed.

The situation wasn't really funny in any way. But as he succumbed to the effects of the creatures abilities, Alden couldn't help but be reminded of the preparations he had already made.

Now all he needed to do was survive for a few seconds. Before the portion he had drunk, while still in the grape. To take effect.

And so he fainted, or was at least subjected, to a similar experience. As he struggled to grasp on to his senses, his vision blurred. And for a second or to Alden found himself in a dream like state. He couldn't, think, breath, hear or feel anything. His entire perception had completely vanished. And then it happened. As that strange veil that was created by the creatures poison, cracked. And from that crack flowed a symphony of unnatural unbound power. God damnit.

Being drawn back to his body, Alden's gaze jumped immediately towards the vile, creature.

Now that he had released the seal, placed on his power. His entire being was filled with an immense power.

"I didn't think I'd have to use it. But now that I have, things should get interesting."

The explanation for Alden's speedy recovery was very simple.

Before entering the vessel, he had summoned two incredible relics. One was a simple stone bracelet that rested comfortably on his left hand. While the other was a small Glass portion. The liquid it held look rather artificial and unnatural. And the taste was even worse. Alden would take one of these potions before every battle. And the reason for this was very unexpected. It wasn't because he had some underlying condition that needed treatment. Nor did he use it as a supplement to boost his abilities. Rather it was a simple seal. One that served as backup in case his golden glasses were, damaged or failed to suppress his power.

The entire reason for this was because Alden couldn't risk using his power. Especially now that he had found Kreed and discovered the new missing puzzle piece that had tormented him for so long.

So he ensured that he had taken a dose of the terrible liquid before entering the vessel.

But now that the creature had infected him, it allowed for the portion to activate it's other ability. Essentially allowing for Alden to release a tiny bit of his power without consequence. And so now that he had done so his body, mind and soul, was brimming with overwhelming vitality and prowess.

His golden glasses that had tried to suppress his power was shining with a incandescent glow. The large round Lenses that they held, rippling and surging.

His spikey white hair, had began to stand, the ends glowing softly.

And so now that he was, brimming with strength. The creatures poison completely neutralized. Alden immediately began his barrage of attacks.

Noticing that the metal blade he had given to Kreed was lodged into the creatures, bloody body. Alden smiled.

He had sensed Kreed, run from the cabin of the vessel to the bow. But had blanked out at that point. Now that he was back he used his extraordinary sense to feel for Kreed's presence once more. From what he felt the young boy was attempting to climb unto stone platform he had made for the journey from the grape.

'good, it seems I've underestimated the kid once again. Not only had he kept the vile creature busy while I was paralyzed, but now he was giving me enough space to fight freely. He really is smart.'

Thinking this, Alden sent a surge of verve into the already positioned stone pillar. And so it shot fort at a terrible speed, ripping through the bow, like butter and rattling it entirely.