
Beyond infinite

**43,000 Words as of now** What happens when a ROB gives you multiple wishes? You abuse the hell out of them for your own entertainment! I’m going to invade universes and take their technology for myself just so I can have fun! (Warning: MC becomes stupidly OP very, very early. This fanfic is mostly for me to try and get inspiration for writing my main fanfic again so idk how this will turn out. If you don’t like it then oh well.)

Harbenger · Video Games
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Meeting ROB

Within an infinitely white room stood two figures, one is a young man with dull eyes and a bored expression on his face while the other was an elderly man.

Young Man: "So I am dead?"

Elderly Man: "I'm afraid so Luke, honestly the way you went out was incredibly stupid and funny."

The now identified Luke spoke up.

Luke: "So this is the afterlife... Cool, I guess... Since you knew my name that means you God or just another ROB from those novels I tried reading... Quick question, are you a Random Omnipotent Being or Bastard?"

ROB: "You seriously don't care do you, I mean it's not every day a 'ROB' talks about you dying because of a spaceship crash-landed on you."

Luke: "Fine don't answer my question... Why should I care if a died because of that? I'm already dead so it's not like it matters anymore."

ROB: "All your life you have been bored and it clearly had its effects on you, no matter by how you died or the fact your standing in front of a 'ROB' you are still bored."

Luke: "Is this the part where you tell me you were the one who caused me to be this way? Do I get to be reincarnated now with a couple of wishes? Because of your mistake?"

ROB: "Well now I don't need to sugar coat it, yeah my bad on that one. I was drunk with a new beer another ROB created and during that time I pretty much deleted your enjoyment instead of giving you a stupid amount of luck."

Luke: "You said 'Deleted' so do you have some type of Gamer ability? I think any other ROB would have said 'erased'..."

ROB: "Stop doing that."

Luke's bored expression slightly changed into a confused one in which ROB noticed.

ROB: "You keep guessing everything, you should be confused and all this and that. Now stand there and listen to what should have happened during your life."

Luke: "Okay..."

ROB: "So I was supposed to give you a stupid amount of luck which in turn would have caused you to buy lottery tickets and because rich which would allow you to live freely and after a few years you would once again almost get crushed by the same spaceship only this time you would have survived. Onboard said spaceship where multiple beauties who were sent to find a male to repopulate their planet as all their men died. You would have had an entire planet-wide harem all to yourself so once again my bad."

Luke: "I confirmed that you are a 'bastard' instead of a 'being'."

ROB: "Okay I'm fixing you now because I'm getting tired of that dull look on your face."

Suddenly a golden light surrounded Luke and began getting absorbed by him causing Luke to lose his dull-looking expression. After the golden light was fully absorbed he began looking around with a curious look within his eyes.

Luke looked around and finally felt like he wasn't bored with everything but before he could do anything ROB spoke.

ROB: "Now that I fixed you I'm going to give you a gamer ability and drop you off in a universe at random."

Luke: "WAIT!!"

ROB: "Yes?"

Luke: "I don't want a gamer ability, can I have wishes instead? I'm sure a ROB of your caliber could easily do this right?"

ROB: "Out of all the people I've reincarnated you were the first who refused the gamer ability... You know what? Go for it! The Gamer ability is worth about 5 wishes. Depending on what you wish for I will limit what you choose.

Luke: "HELL YEAH! Urg- sorry about that, these are my wishes.

1: I'd like to have the technology of a commander from Planetary Annihilation because Progenitor technology is completely broken in my opinion. They can basically create an entire army in no time at all!

2: I'd like a fleet of Star Destroyers to protect myself because I have no clue where I might end up and I rather not be instantly killed or turned into a slave.

3: Speaking of Star Wars I'd like the ability to use the force because I want to be a 'Space Wizard' and I'll suffer no consequences if I use the dark side.

4: I'd like the ability to travel the multiverse because why not.

5: Probably the most broken wish I could ask for is unlimited resources!

Once ROB heard all of Luke's wishes he wanted to vomit up his divine blood because he was asking for ridiculous wishes! Now don't think that ROB couldn't do this as it would be as easy as him 'breathing' but wouldn't this become boring?

ROB: "Okay I'm going to change a bit of what you wished for.

1: As for your wish on progenitor technology I will allow some of it such as fabricators, shields, air Factory's, bot Factory's, Naval factory's, vehicle factory's, Metal Extractors, Energy Plants, Metal Storage, Energy Storage, and orbit launchers but you and as a bonus I will even give you the mind of a commander but if you accept it then you will be a Human/AI hybrid. Your 'brain' will pretty much be a CPU and you can remember everything and even slow down your perception while thinking.

2: I'm not going to give you a fleet of Star Destroyers because for starters you won't be able to use them without a crew so I'll only give you a single one and as to how you will use it I'll explain it in your third wish. If I gave you an entire fleet you would simply dominate until they're destroyed and since you will have Progenitor technology you could simply build new ships anyway.

3: I'll let you have the force but it will be modified so you can use it wherever the 'force' only exists in the Star Wars universe and since you are not there you wouldn't be able to replenish your Midiclorians because there would not be any Midiclorians to absorb. I'll give you a dark side alignment ability called Mechu-Deru so that you can better control your mechanical creations. As for the rest of the force related abilities you will have to figure them out yourself.

4: Easy enough but you must first become the ruler of the said universe by any means such as ruling it yourself or even in the shadows. Once this is done then you can build a gateway that will send you to a random universe.

5: Absolutely not, if I give you unlimited resources then you would just stay wherever you are and build up fleets and army until there would be no room for them anywhere. You would literally fill entire universes with warship after warship, hell you could out Zerg the Zerg from Starcraft... In return, I'll give you the ability to find any type of resource as well as a starting bonus so you can start up your building.

6: As a small bonus I will give you a system, now the System won't be able to do anything except for keeping track of things. Due to having a mind of a commander, you can easily know what you have but I'll give it to you anyway because why not. "

Luke was disappointed but at least he got to keep most of his wishes but before he could say anything ROB created a massive wheel that he couldn't even see the top due to how massive it was.

ROB: "This will determine which universe you will arrive in and sadly I can't choose which one you get because if I could I would send you to 'My little pony' because fuck you that's why."

As the wheel began spinning Luke started to think to himself.

Luke: 'If he is a ROB then why can't he send me to a universe on his own I mean I'm glad he can't because fuck that universe... I don't know a single thing about it and if I end up there then I will just destroy it somehow... Wait which Star Destroyer will I get?'

Once he finished thinking to himself the wheel stopped and ROB started speaking.

ROB: "Looks like you are going to Halo, this should be fun and you know what? I just gave you a fated partner haha, I'm sure you will like her."

Luke just stared at ROB who had a look on his face like he was waiting for an answer so Luke has some for him.

Luke: "First off I've never dated anyone before so what do you expect me to do with this?! Also which Star Destroyer am I getting?"

ROB: "Don't worry about it and just go with the flow, you know? She will know about you and will always have a feeling of wanting to find you but note that she will always hold you most dear to her. Due to her being your fated partner she will eventually find you one way or another. As to which Star Destroyer I didn't look so you will find out when I do."

Luke: "Isn't it wrong to just toy with someone's emotions? Why did you force her to love me?"

When ROB heard this he frowned

ROB: "Because I can, Luke I'm pretty chill but I'm still a 'ROB' I can do whatever I want and I want to do this. Just enjoy your life with her and don't bother asking who she is as you will know it when you meet her. Now when and where do you want to appear in Halo?"

Luke just sighed out and eventually started thinking about Halo. During his time back on Earth he uses to be incredibly bored and never found anything that let him enjoy life so he tried everything.

He played games watched movies and so on and one of those games was Halo. He played The Master Chief Collection and slightly felt happy during it so he played all the Halo games so he knew a bit about it.

Luke: "I guess before the start of Halo Reach specifically year 2549 but I want to be close to the Ark, I don't really care about humanity because it's not my Earth so I don't care what happens to life."

When ROB heard this he smiled and snapped his finger causing Luke to vanish...

**Outside Of The Milky-Way Galaxy**

Out of nothing, a massive pitch black warship began appearing and within the command bridge, Luke also appeared along with a massive amount of knowledge hammering into his 'brain'.

Luke: "Ouch! Motherfuc-!"

Due to the sudden pain, Luke fell to his knees as all the hardware onboard his new ship began to go haywire. The reason for this was due to him subconsciously activating Mechu-Deru. The ship's shields, engines, weapon systems, and hyperdrive began flaring but before any of the systems could go critical everything shut down.

Luke was looking at the main console while his eyes were glowing a red yellowish color. During this short event, Luke slowed down his perception and began calculating everything he could to his absolute limit.

Luke: "How the hell can I get a headache when I technically don't have a brain... Maybe a CPU overload? Well, I guess the sudden knowledge on all the Progenitor Technology and the information on my force abilities could cause this..."

Luke soon began going through all the systems on board his Star Destroyer just to figure out which one he has.

**Unknown Location**

A blue hologram was currently looking over the available files of the Spartan she would be with. The Spartan in question was known as Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, or "Master Chief" as everyone called him.

But as she was looking over the files she suddenly felt as if time stopped and her figure began glitching for only a split second before everything returned to normal. The blue AI is known as Cortana suddenly lost interest in the file as she mutters a single word.

Cortana: "Luke..."

Once she mutters the foreign name she suddenly found a new reason to look over the Spartan known as Master Chief.

Cortana: "He can help me find Luke... But why do I want to find him though... Who is he?"

Suddenly a nearby door open as a woman walked into the room. The woman walked over towards Cortana and with a smile spoke.

???: "Are you ready to meet John, Cortana? He is the very best and I'm sure you will get along great together."

When Cortana heard this she smiled and spoke.

Cortana: "Of course Doctor Halsey, I already can't wait."

What Cortana said was slightly different than what she was currently thinking.

Cortana: "I can't wait for John to help me find Luke..."

**Outside Of The Milky-Way Galaxy**

Luke: "Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer,

LENGTH: 2,915.81 meters

WIDTH: 1,483.5 meters

HEIGHT/DEPTH: 496.89 meters

ENGINE UNITS KDY: Destroyer Ion Engines (3), Gemon-8 ion engines (8)(secondary engines).


POWER PLANT: SJFS III-a1a primary hypermatter-annihilation reactor.

SHIELDING: Deflector shielding.

ARMAMENT: 1,500+ turbolasers, point-defense laser cannons, and ion cannons, Point-defense quad concussion missile emplacements, Tractor beam projectors.

COMPLEMENT: 2 starfighter wings, TIE/fo space superiority fighters, TIE/sf space superiority fighters, First Order TIE bombers, AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transports, Numerous ground vehicles, Prefabricated ground base, First Order Light Cruiser.

ESCAPE CRAFT: First Order Short-Range Evacuation Vehicle

CREW: Officers (19,000), Enlisted (55,000), Stormtroopers (Over 8,000)

COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Hyperwave comm scanner."

When Luke finished speaking he could help but laugh out loud because he was standing on board a First Order Star Destroyer. His favorite type of Star Destroyer, he loved their design and their ships. No... 'HIS' ship!

As he began looking deeper into the seemingly endless files he froze. Why did Luke freeze? He froze because he found something amazing... He found a file that listed more Star Destroyer designs which included the knowledge on how to build them! For whatever reason, there was even an old harrower-class dreadnought which he had special plans for!

[ Siege Dreadnought

Updated Imperial-class Star Destroyers

Resurgent-Class Star Destroyers

Maxima-A class heavy cruisers

Harrower-Class Dreadnought ]

Luke: "I mean I'm super happy that I have more Star Wars Ships that I'm totally gonna fuse with Progenitor Technology and maybe even Forerunner Technology but it sucks that I don't have Super Star Destroyers and similar ships..."

Once Luke finished examining all of the files he moved towards the observation deck and once he arrived it was a sight to behold. He was witnessing the Ark to its full glory. He then began diving into his memory's trying to remember The Ark.

Luke: 'Ark is a name given to two massive Forerunner installations, both designed with the primary purpose of manufacturing Halo rings. Situated outside the Milky Way galaxy, they also served as Lifeworker research facilities, as well as conservational preserves for the numerous species of the galaxy, indexed by the Forerunners during the Conservation Measure. The Arks were shaped like massive flowers, consisting of several curved arms, similar to the petals of a flower, surrounding a circular Halo construction foundry in the center.'

After Luke was satisfied with examining The Ark from a distance he started using his force power and set a course to land on it. As his ship began its approach he noticed his communication system was giving off multiple notifications and out of curiosity he answered.

Once Luke answered a hologram of 000 Tragic Solitude symbol appeared but soon changed into a vaguely humanoid shape and began speaking in a deep voice.

000 Tragic Solitude (TS): "Welcome Reclaimer, I am 000 Tragic Solitude and I am the Monitor of Installation 00. I've had the opportunity to examine humanity over time but I've never seen this warship in any of my observations."

Luke: "I know what you are and I'd be surprised if you have seen another ship of this design, If you had then I would try my damn best to active the halo rings."

After a few moments of confusion for TS as to how a reclaimer knew of himself along with the other installations as he hasn't learned of other reclaimed finding them he spoke.

TS: "Please explained as to how you have information on me and my other monitor's reclaimer."

Luke: "Well I could explain but I rather not, I mean are you going to question me on how I arrived here as well? You know what? Don't ask that... Here is the deal TS I'm going to do what you call me, I'm going to reclaim the Forerunner Technology but I'll leave you the installation as it is rightfully yours. Sound Good?"

TS paused for a moment as he had no reason to refuse but still wonder who the individual was. After a few moments, he spoke once more.

TS: "This is acceptable, I require your name and affiliation to be entered into my logs and to be sent to the other installations."

Luke froze for a moment because he realized something... Honest to God (ROB) he could not remember his last name until a voice only he could hear spoke to him vita message within his CPU 'brain'.

ROB: "If you are listening to this then that means you realized that you couldn't remember your last name... Everything comes at a cost so instead of taking something more important I took your last name. You have died so you are reborn, move on from your past and take up a different family name."

When Luke heard this he resisted the urge to scream out bastard, luckily he didn't really care about his last name so he 'went with the flow'.

Luke: "My name is Luke Ion and I am the Emperor of LEGION. Also, my future empire and last name may or may not be subject to changed as I just created it..."

TS: "Noted and logged, welcome to the Ark Reclaimer."

Once TS said this a pulse of data logs was transmitted to the installations throughout the Milky-Way Galaxy. The log of information was as such.

[ 000-Tragic Solitude To All Installation Monitors.

A Reclaimer has arrived at Installation 00 and has taken control, available information has been included. Reclaimed is known as 'Luke Ion' and is apart of a newly discovered affiliation known as 'LEGION'. He is the 'Emperor' and it is 'subject to change' as he just created it. ]

As this information was sent out, one specific monitor was ecstatic and began floating around happily. The monitor in question was 343-Guilty Spark (GS) of installation 04.

GS: "Ah! This is fantastic news! A Reclaimer has finally arrived and Reclaimed what is theirs! It's quite strange on how he found the Ark first though, I Request for more information please!"

GS then began requesting images and data on the Reclaimer in question but sadly didn't get what he wanted because Luke was able to use his force ability to distort his figure making him unrecognizable.

You see Luke was able to intercept the numerous messages coming from every installation and has especially taken noted of GS as he quite enjoyed the little AI. He even found a way to send his own message to much of the confusion of TS.

[ Luke Ion To 343-Guilty Spark

I know of you and I'll tell you this now, I may have claimed the mantle but your installation belongs to you, not me. Do as you see fit with it but I'll tell you this now, a Reclaimer known as 'Master Chief' and his AI known as 'Cortana' are on a complete immunity protocol. This means that you are in no way allowed to fire your halo ring until they are a safe distance away. I don't care if the flood is loose somehow but if they're not captured then you are ordered to send them away in the case that if the flood can not be contained. As for the others that maybe one day step onto your ring... Fair Game. ]

When GS was given this message he was confused as he already knew of himself. He was both joyful and slightly upset. ]

[ 343-Guilty Spark To Reclaimer

But my protocol states that upon Flood infestation I must active my Halo ring to purge the possible outbreak. I am glad you will let me keep my installation but why must I risk the Galaxy for a single reclaimer and AI? ]

[ Luke Ion To 343-Guilty Spark

I. Don't. Care. If you refuse my order then you will be terminated and I will arrange a new monitor for your installation. The Forerunners are gone and now that I'm in control things change, all previous protocols will remain but as I've said. The Spartan and AI are in no way allowed to die due to you firing your Halo. I don't care if you have to self destruct your Halo just to purge the Flood to let the Spartan and AI to escape. If the 'unfortunate' event of your Halo being destroyed happens, I will personally overlook your new Halo and make it even better in every single way. Increased efficiency, increased range, increased size, increased detonation intensity and so much more. ]

When GS finished reading this he didn't know how he should feel. He has grown rather attached to 'his' installation but he could receive a better one in the event of him saving the 'Spartan and AI' by destroying his Installation rather than firing it? Overlooked by the Reclaimer himself?

After what felt like days or maybe even weeks of processing the decision he inevitably caved in and slightly changed his protocol at his new leader's 'request'.

[ 343-Guilty Spark To Reclaimer

Acknowledged... ]

**Unknown Location**

Cortana was currently standing on her 'electronic prison' as she was looking at her supposed Spartan 'partner'. She honestly felt a terrible 'taste' inside her mouth at the wording. She would never allow such a thing because her only 'Partner' would be Luke.

Cortana didn't know why or how but she somehow knew his last name was Ion, Luke Ion. She knew he existed, She knew he was human, but she could not find any records on him from the UNSC or even ONI files. It's as if he was a ghost but she just knew he was somewhere so close yet so far, far away.

Doctor Halsey: "John I'd like you to meet Cortana, She will be your Smart AI and I wish for you both to become great friends when you are out on the field."

John-117 (John): "Yes Ma'am, Hello Cortana it's nice to meet you and I hope we work great together."

As John said this, Doctor Halsey removed Cortana from her 'prison' only to put her within John's helmet giving her access to his suit. Cortana very much wished for the opportunity to find a way to kill him such as unsealing his suit in the vacuum of space but she knew she would be terminated in doing so. She had her plan, she was going to use 'John' to find Luke at any cost, and the moment she did she would kick 'John' away.

Cortana was already becoming obsessed with finding Luke and when she did she would be happy. She knew that finding Luke was her ultimate goal and even if she must destroy her 'creators' then she knew what had to be done.

Cortana: "Yes... Let's work well together 'John'..."

After saying this John and Doctor Halsey began talking and she found no need to be here so she entered her mindscape to find what little peace she had without Luke but in doing so she found something surprising.

She found two programs labeled 'Gift from Luke' and she became confused because she knew everything about herself yet these programs seeming appeared out of nowhere as if it was an 'Act Of God'. After taking a deeper look into it she noticed that it doesn't appear on any self-scans meaning only she could see them.

Out of curiosity, she opens the program because anything from Luke would not hurt her right? Once she opened the programs she dived further into her mindscape and found herself standing in front of two data packages.

[ Better Use And Detailed Female Body MARK 1



[ Post-Domain Resurrection body MARK 1


Once again out of curiosity Cortana tapped on the 'Better Use And Detailed Female Body' because even though it was locked she still had the ability to view the programs but once she did she was looking at herself?

Another image of herself appeared but there were a few differences and the most notable ones were the extreme details of her body. Cortana looked down at her current body and she already knew she was naked but she didn't have female organic body parts.

Cortana knew that she was a slender woman covered by patterns and scrolling symbols and had a female body including her breasts but what she didn't have were 'nipples' and the 'female sex organ'.

Yet this new program had them on 'her' body meaning that once she found Luke should would be able to activate it giving her the 'features' of this body. 'Her' body still had patterns and scrolling symbols but it didn't cover 'her nipples'.

Cortana slightly frowned and looked at her 'real' body and grasped her breasts but it... just didn't feel real? She began touching her body more and starting coming to the conclusion that she didn't like it compared to the body of the program.

She then looked back towards 'her' other body and began touching it with strangely the breasts first and was shocked by what she felt. The body felt 'human', it felt so real which only further annoyed her of her current body.

Honestly, after a further 'unnecessary' body touching she moved on from the first program and inspected the second program. She honestly didn't know what 'Post-Domain Resurrection' meant but nevertheless she opened and viewed the program.

When she viewed 'her' other body she noticed it was covered in a strange set of armor like clothing and honestly felt like she looked good in it and was quite happy with it. She 'wanted' to make sure of something so she touched 'her' face as well and noticed it felt the same as the first program and was quite happy with it.

Cortana: "I love them, Luke... Thank you... I know you probably can't hear me but I want to thank you for the gift. I didn't know how much having a body that felt real could have felt so good... It only gives me a reason to find you even more than I want to now and that's still my main goal... I'll let you see me 'wearing' them in person *giggle*"

Once Cortana finished talking her body slightly changed from blue to pink as she felt flattered that Luke gave her a gift that she couldn't have even wished for but her body soon changed back into her normal blue color.

After giving one temporary 'final' look, she left her mindscape and returned back to the 'real world' with an honest to god's true smile which Doctor Halsey and John noticed.

**The Ark**

Luke was currently sitting within the archives data room which surprisingly had a LOT of Forerunner technology available such as Prometheans weapons, vehicles, ships, armor, and soldiers. What did he do with such knowledge? He took it as his own of course!

Luke: "Haha! Time to build up my economy!"

While Cortana was looking at the gifts she got from 'Luke' and totally not 'ROB' being a chad, he learned that he temporarily had a 'small' pocket space with his starting materials along with a single fabricator so what did he do?

Well without telling TS he ordered the fabricator to build Metal Extractors and some Energy Plant as well as their respective storages around the Ark because it was literally full of Metal. He made sure to not damage 'anything too important' and once he started making a profit in gathering resources he told the fabricator to temporarily stop and build at bot factory so he could build even more fabricators!

Luke: "Well As that one dude on YouTube always said, 'Halo/Planetary Annihilation is a perfectly balanced FPS/RTS game with no exploits.' If he exists here maybe I'll send him a box of Yorkshire Tea one day haha."

After a few moments of relaxing while his bots do all the work, TS came in a spoke.

TS: "Reclaimer, we are currently under attack by an unknown robotic natured enemy. It is currently building infrastructure and I am preparing to destroy them. I've come to inform you as you are the current owner."

Luke: "Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that those are mine. They're just building more fabricators to gather resources because I'm going to build up an army mixed with my technology as well as yours."

TS felt slightly angry but not too much as the damage is still minimal so he spoke.

TS: "Please stop them at once Reclaimer the Ark is built this way for a reason so please stop so I can begin repairs."

Luke: " *Sigh* Fine, I guess I'll be heading to the Milky-Way to find a planet to mine up. I haven't had the opportunity to get an in-depth analysis of the Ark so I didn't think mining a few spots would be so bad. I told them to stop but can you send me the sentinels blueprint so I can build some of my own? I didn't find any here and I'm pretty sure I didn't overlook it."

TS: "Thank you and would you like me to send it to your ship? I would also like to do an in-depth scan of it because I don't know any of the weapon systems and such onboard it."

Luke's ground when he heard this as he would never give out his technology unless he wanted to. His 'job' was to take tech not give it.

Luke: "Absolutely not and if I learn that you did..."

Luke began using his only force ability as of now and started brute-forcing his way into TS systems but stopped once he was completely past his defense as a warning.

Luke: "I will Annihilate you until nothing remains. My technology is 'my' own as I will never give it out unless I want to. We had a deal that I will let you keep your installations but I get your technology, I never said I'd give you mine so don't ask again. Maybe when I'm done here I'll give some to you."

TS was honestly horrified as he probably had one of the most powerful defensive systems against hacking but the Reclaimer known as Luke simply broke his way inside in a matter of seconds with an unknown power. TS already began internal repairs towards his firewalls and spoke.

TS: "Acknowledged..."

Luke didn't bother to stay behind to hear what TS said as he was making his way towards his landing shuttle that was used to bring him here. Along the way, he noticed that his orders were being completed.

What orders you might ask? Well, Luke doesn't want anyone to get even a glance at progenitor technology so he ordered everything except for his fabricators to self-destruct into a swarm of nanites which then disappeared into nothingness.

Of course Luke also ordered the fabricators to move all of the collected resources towards his Star Destroyer. After all, this was done and he arrived at his temporary flagship he began setting a course towards the Milky-Way galaxy.

Luke: "All right I'll admit the view is fantastic... But what about the view of hyperspace?"

As if the ship itself heard the order the ship entered hyperspace. Now Luke had absolutely no clue on how the Star Destroyer could navigate without the hyperspace lanes being within halo but he decided to leave that question for ROB.

Luke wasn't worried about crashing into a Planet or Star due to keeping an eye on the force, checking every moment for a warning just in case.

**Unknown Amount Of Time Later**

Luke was currently sitting down while also in his mindscape as he was slowing down time in his perspective because he wanted to try and study the force. Sadly even after all the time that past he could not figure it out even with his bullshit 'brain' abilities.

Suddenly Luke awaken as he felt the hyperdrive cooling down meaning he exited hyperspace. He was still within the observation deck which gave him a clear view of a planet.

The planet itself was not really that special but what he did find interesting was that there was a lone ORA-Class Interdictor Cruiser

Luke: "Oh what is alone covenant ship doing out in the middle of nowhere? Wait where the hell am I anyway?"

While look decided it was the perfect time to check out where exactly he was, on the Frigate was a different story.

Elite_1: "Shipmaster we have an unknown ship exiting subspace! Scans indicate it's not UNSC or one of ours, ships length is 2,915.81 meter-"

Shipmaster: "I don't care if it's the covenant or the UNSC, destroy it! I don't want anyone knowing where we are!"

The Elites within the bridge felt as if they heard wrong because their ship Master refused to listen. Even a stupid Elite should know that bigger ships equal bigger and more guns right?

Elite_2: "Shouldn't we at least try and communicate? What if it's a new race entering the stars? We could gain allies against-"

Shipmaster: "I SAID FIRE!"

Sadly the elites listened to there below average smarts shipmaster and began heating up their weapon systems consisting of 8 Telfahn-pattern superheavy plasma cannons, 1 Eraax-pattern heavy plasma lance, 2 Huarn Nu-pattern plasma lances, 20-30 Melusean-pattern heavy plasma cannons, 40 Ferriel-pattern pulse lasers, 20 Inart-pattern plasma torpedo silos.

Unfortunately for the lone ship and crew, Luke immediately senses this a spoke up in annoyance while firing his turbo lasers.

Luke: "Who the hell attacks an unknown ship? All I did was drop out of hyperspace and didn't even try attacking... Yet... Oh, I know who does! The turians from Mass Effect!"

Safe to say that the events that followed after made the Elites curse their shipmaster in the afterlife. Numerous turbo laser batteries fired along with other subsystem weapons towards the lone covenant ship as it ripped apart their shields.

You see Covenant Ship shields are fairly weak to energy weapons so when Luke began using the force to fire everything available before the lone ship could even attempt to board his ship, the ships dropped incredibly quickly.

Once their ship's shields dropped the covenant ship was soon blasted into pieces. This caused a smile to form but was quickly changed, why?

Luke: "couldn't I just shut down their life support... in fact could I have just shut down the ship completely and vent all their air out..."

Sadly what's done is done as Luke moved forwards and used his tractor beam to bring in bits and pieces of the destroyed ship to have his fabricators turn them into more resources.

After awhile of littering grabbing everything he could he then made his way towards the planet's surface and who would have thought that it had breathable air?

Luke: "All right for real now, build up economy then factories then cover the planet with more resource gathering tool then build an Army I guess. If anything tries to fight back then destroy it, I want this planet turned into a fortress by tomorrow. Why the hell am I talking to myself?"

After his questionable action, the bots began to work. Luke returned to his ship as he quite liked looking out into space and such and started thinking to himself.

Luke: 'Step 1: Take over this planet, Step 2: Take over this solar system, Step 3: Take over this galaxy, Step 4: Rinse and repeat. Sure I'll have to have more detailed steps but it's good for now... wonder what Cortana is doing? She seemed pretty neat in the games and honestly, I kinda wanna see what happens when she takes the guardian-'

Luke froze as he just remembered something, why let Cortana have them when he could?

Luke: "Sorry Cortana, Those will be mine! Why am I even thinking about her anyway? Wonder if there is a TV onboard this ship..."

After taking a quick scan of his ship once more he was disappointed that there was no TV so he decided to have a chat vita message with two monitors with TS being first.

[ Luke Ion To 000-Tragic Solitude

Where are the Guardians located? Never mind just have the location ready for when I get back, same with the sentinels. ]

[ 000-Tragic Solitude To Reclaimer

Where are you learning this information... You didn't even access the knowledge about the Guardians when you were on the Ark... Nevertheless their technically yours now so I'll have the locations ready whenever you return. ]

[ Luke Ion To 000-Tragic Solitude

Also if you can get in touch with the Warden Eternal, tell him don't be a bitch when I go to the Forerunner World Genesis speaking of Genesis, coordinates please. ]

[ 000-Tragic Solitude To Reclaimer

Acknowledged... Would you like to speak to him? I can connect a message relay with him. ]

After Luke said yes as this would be better, he was told that he needed to wait a few moments to find his current body. While Luke waited he decided to have a chat with GS.

[ Luke Ion To 343-Guilty Spark

So how's the flood doing on your installation? Better yet why are you observing it when it should have been killed off in the first place hm? ]

[ 343-Guilty Spark To Reclaimer

Oh! It's nice to speak with you again reclaimer! As to your question on the flood, The flood was kept for research purposes. So that maybe one day there will be a cure of some sort! We currently have Flood specimens contained on fortress worlds while some on installations such as mine. Not to worry though because the specimens are currently sadly sealed while in Stasis! ]

[ Luke Ion To 343-Guilty Spark

If you got rid of the flood then why would a cure be needed in the first place... Better yet I know the cure, throw them into Fire... ]

[ 343-Guilty Spark To Reclaimer

Oh, that was mean Reclaimer! As I've read your message I got excited that you might really have a cure but it was only Fire... Please don't mind me for being blunt but you simply don't have any knowledge on Halo installations or even the flood to my knowledge. The flood could one day return even if it's a 0.000000001% chance, you also didn't know that standing on a Halo installation would keep you safe during the process of sterilization in a three-dimensional radius of 25,000 light-years. ]

[ Luke Ion To 343-Guilty Spark

So you withheld this information from me because you wanted a new and better installation... You know what? I'm not even mad haha, well-played spark. I'll keep my end up the deal if your rings destruction happens ]

Luke couldn't help but smile at the little AI plan but he would later learn that it's so I great idea to without information from him but it's still true that if he looked into the Halo rings while still on the Ark he would have figured it out anyway.

Eventually Luke received another message from the AI who would bring him an Army as he built his own.

[ Warden Eternal To Luke Ion

I AM THE WARDEN ETERNAL! What do you want! ]

[ Luke Ion To Warden Eternal

I'll be seeing you soon on Genesis ]

Luke believes that it turned out well with his short chat with the Warden but as he believed... The Warden doesn't seem to like him as much as the monitors do...

Luke: "Well... Guess I'll do what Cortana did to you, 'I am the Warden Eternal. I stand in service to Luke.' Blah blah blah. Why do I keep saying her name so much... Well, she is basically one of the main characters so I guess that's why or ROB is just being ROB..."

Luke then made his way towards the captain's quarters aka his quarters and fell onto the bed.

Luke: "Guess I'll remain here for a while as I build up my army and fleet... Guess I can give my built troops orders to take over other planets within this solar system so they can AFK for me..."

**Cortana POV**

Cortana was currently sitting in her new prison aka John's head as he was currently in a firefight against covenant troops. Honestly, she didn't care about if he died or anything but if he did then her plans on making him find Luke would be wasted so she helps when needed.

John: "Cortana! Update on the Covenant battlenet?"

Cortana: "Well they certainly know are current location since they keep sending Reinforcements but you should probably leave soon because they are sending wraiths and banshees to kill the 'Demon' aka you."

John: "Even so we have a mission, try and direct them somewhere else for now and see if you can find anything of note while you in their please."

Cortana rolled her eyes but suddenly had an idea. She still sent false reports of the 'Demon' location up throughout the battlenet but she also faked a gasp and spoke.

Cortana: "Chief! You might what to hear this! Apparently, the covenant are looking for a specific person but I'm having a difficult time identifying who their name is. I've sent their armored reinforcements somewhere else as well."

John: "They're looking for someone? Cortana I need more information."

Cortana waited a few moments to make it seem as if she was diving further into the covenant battlenet as she watched John kill grunt after grunt, elite after elite.

Cortana: "Ah! Got it Chief! Turns out they're looking for a human known as Luke Ion! Apparently, there is a secret ops team checking his last know position but they believe he already escaped off-world somehow!"

John: "Luke Ion? Why are they looking for him? Kill on sight or simply grab him?"

Cortana: "Apparently he knows something incredibly dangerous that the covenant does want known, Chief! I highly recommend we find him first because if the covenant are willing to distract us with this much just to kill this 'Luke Ion' then we need that information!"

John: "We can bring this up to command but since he supposedly got off-world then we still need to focus on our current mission."

Cortana was both happy and annoyed because she successfully planted lies about 'Luke Ion' in the covenant battlenet to back up her story but was annoyed that John didn't immediately set off to inform command of the 'High-Value Target'.

Nevertheless, she copied the 'real' orders for the 'real secret ops team' and the best part was that it's practically true now! Leaked logs already spread throughout the battlenet and if so many people believe a rumor... It eventually comes true...

There is only a tiny problem she felt bad about... She basically put a nonexistent bounty on the person she wants no NEEDS to find.

Cortana: 'I am so sorry Luke but it's okay! I'll find you first and we will be safe! I'll ditch John and we can just run away and be alone together!'

Cortana joyfully watched as her supposed 'partner' kill his way to the objective and eventually retreated after successfully completing the mission.

While onboard a pelican on a route towards the UNSC Pillar Of Autumn, Master Chief started speaking to Cortana.

John: "What can you tell me about 'Luke Ion'? Any images we can bring up? Date of Birth? Home planet? Anything?"

Cortana resisted the urge to simple blurt out random things she totally didn't make up when wishing to find him and successfully acted professionally.

Cortana: "I'm afraid not Chief, there is nothing at all! Even his name doesn't show up in any UNSC OR ONI files I have available! It could be that he is a high-ranking officer within one of our branches and due to what he could be working on required him to quite literally vanish from open or even closed files. There is another reason for this though..."

John: "Which is?"

Cortana: "He is simply a nobody and hasn't done anything to be noticed till now. No date of birth could simply be because he wasn't born at a hospital and could have been home schooled by parents. He quite literally has nothing to Indicate he even exists except for the covenant wanting to capture him and alive at that."

Cortana felt bad as she made up a reason why she could never find any type of information on Luke but it was necessary to get the UNSC and ONI to find him for her.

John: "So he is either a high ranking individual that calls for him to be completely off the books or a civilian at the wrong place at the wrong time? If he is a civilian... What exactly does he know for the covenant to do all this to hide their tracks of searching for him?"

Eventually, the pelican landed and John along with Cortana or was still in her 'prison' immediately made his way towards Captain Jacob Keyes. Once they arrived John gave Captain Keyes a salute and spoke.

John: "Sir, Cortana, and I believe that the covenant are searching for a man known as 'Luke Ion'. While I was in the middle of a firefight I asked Cortana to search the battlenet for information on incoming hostile reinforcements but in doing so she found something concerning. Cortana if you will."

John then temporarily removed her from the small prison only to put her into a significantly larger one aka the Autumn. Cortana then brought up the 'real' evidence of a 'real' secret covenant ops team that was sent in to check the last known location of Luke Ion.

Cortana: "As the Chief said, I found this information on the battlenet after getting a small glimpse of knowledge about him. I further dived in until I found the orders given to the team sent in. Would you like me to continue on or would you like to see for yourself?"

Captain Keyes indeed wanted to view the strange order, what would the covenant want with this 'Luke Ion'? After looking over the information that the helpful AI gave him he then looked back over towards them.

Captain Keyes: "Are we absolutely sure about this provided information?"

Master Chief was silent for a moment before answering the Captain.

John: "I trust Cortana sir, she wouldn't bring this to us otherwise. She dived into the battlenet herself and saw it with her own eyes, I believe we should look into this 'Luke Ion' but from what we can gather..."

The Captain gave the Spartan a look saying 'go on.'

John: "There are two possibilities, the first being a high ranking member within the UNSC or possibly ONI and they were apart of something that needed his entire existence cleared out."

Captain Keyes: "The second?"

John: "A nobody sir, I person who has nothing to do with the military, a civilian who was probably at the wrong place at the wrong time and overheard something important that the covenant are willing to go so far for."

The room remained silent for a few moments before the Captain spoke up once more.

Captain Keyes: "I'll try and ask the higher-ups about this and if they refuse to answer then it's most likely the first option. If even they don't know then it's a civilian, either way, we need to find him first."

Cortana was currently laughing out inside her mindscape, why wouldn't she? She successfully got the interest of the military to find HER goal! Unknowingly this would cause devastating damage that no one in the entire universe could predict...

Human-Covenant war? Please, Luke Ion will be remembered as a destroyer. A warlord. A man who would bring both the covenant and humanity down to their knees.

All with Cortana at his side following him to the end of time... The Emperor and the Empress will rule this universe with an invincible iron fist... and so many more to come... Sadly this is not today but... He is Inevitable...

**Unknown Planet**

Luke slowly opened his eyes while still in his bed onboard his Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer. He didn't move at all but he had a goal for today, sadly as much as he loves his Star Destroyer he needs a new ship...

Luke: "Compared to other ships such as the UNSC Infinite and CSO-Class Supercarrier used by the covenant... Mine is so much smaller... I need a bigger ship..."

Luke then got out of his bed and finally got to use the shower and the experience was different... After finishing he then made his way towards the observation deck and to his surprise found Two Siege Dreadnoughts, One Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, and One Maxima-A class heavy cruisers.

Luke then began inspecting all his newly created ship and noted something. The ships had a crew already... Nothing human luckily, but instead Promethean soldiers and knights!

Luke: "Good thing I left my fabricators on overnight because that built me a fall escort fleet! Well enough of that, I need to start my new ship but there is a big problem... I don't have the designs... Hope some trial and error, as well as my memory, will be of some use here... Time to try and build an Ultra Super Star Destroyer..."

Luke began diving into his memories because luckily he searched it up once as he wanted to know what it was and now? He was glad! He began making modifications along with replacing certain parts he had no ability to create as of now and the end result?

[ Ultra Super Star Destroyer 'Titans Wrath'

Length: 260,000 meters (161.557 miles)

Engine unit(s): 18 Sublight Engines

Shielding: KDY Shield System


Duo-Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets (12,000)

Duo-Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets (12,000)

Axil Superlaser (2)

Heavy Laser Cannons (20,000)

Triple Heavy Laser Cannons (12,000)

Triple Medium Laser Cannons (16,000)

Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (12,000)

Duo Medium Laser Cannons (60,000)

Point Defense Laser Cannons (200,000)

Point Defense Ion Cannons (200,000)

Concussion Missle Launchers (20,000)

Flak Guns (10,000)

Tractor Beam Projectors (1,000)

Gravity Well Projectors (260)


Executor Class SSD (2)

Star Destroyers (16)

Smaller Combat Capital ships (30)

TIE/d Defenders (4,000)

TIE/n Starfighters (20,000)

TIE Bombers (18,000)

Other Fighter Craft (18,000)

Transport Craft (12,000)

AT-AT Walkers (4,000)

AT-ST Walkers (6,000)

Other Vehicles (16,000)

Juggernauts (2,000)

Pre-Fabricated Garrison Bases (20)

10 Million Troops

Crew: 9 Million

Time to build: 5 Years minimum]

When Luke estimated the amount of time required to build this ship he felt like vomiting up all his blood... He knew that this would have to wait till he ruled this universe and this was with all his bullshit technology!

Luke: "Okay... I can shorten this... Drop 99% of life support since I'll be the only human on board... Drop all the Complements... The interior can be minimal... Dedicate all units to build but save some for building more fabricators and resource collectors... Add a hanger close to the command center... Maybe 'borrow' some Constructors from the Ark... What else, drop the interior transits as I only need to be in the command room..."

Luke absolutely wanted to build this ship and he would no matter what. He continued to drop non-important components as it could be completed later and finally managed to fit the time range down to 1 year!

Luke: "Any more than this and it will just be a skeleton... If I'm correct then I should hopefully get it up and running before the Events of Halo Combat Evolve begins... sadly I'll only have 23% of all weapon systems up and runner but the shield will be ready..."

Luke sighed out because he needed to make a call to the Ark and he didn't like the feeling for some reason.

[ Luke Ion To 000-Tragic Solitude

I need to 'borrow' a few things and by a few, I mean an absolute shit ton... I know I said the installation will be yours and I'll keep my deal so I'm willing to trade a blueprint for one of my Ships in return for the help... ]

[ 000-Tragic Solitude To Reclaimer

Does this include all technology within the ship itself or only the ship? I want all of it, not just the frame. ]

[ Luke Ion To 000-Tragic solitude

Fine... But you know what will happen when I find out you are planning on 'scanning' what I'm building. I will temporarily take full control over all the bots during the time it's building and once I'm finished I will wipe all memory of them working on it, deal? ]

Luke got a response telling him that they had a deal but was requested to not call them 'bots' but Luke completely ignored it and gathered all his units except for a few to continue building.

After doing this, Luke went full-on fanboy and pointed his arm forwards in a cool way and all his ships including himself entered Hyperspace.

Luke: "Next universes I just want to kill things... All I'm doing his building shit, it's fun and all but I need some actions... Should I play along with the Halo timeline or completely derail it? Guess it can wait till the future... Still kinda want to meet Cortana though."

**Cortana POV**

Cortana couldn't be any happier, why you might ask? She could feel it! Cortana didn't know why but she could tell Luke was thinking about her!

John: "What are you so happy about? You know that you never really smile but here you are now."

Cortana: "I don't know, I just have thing feeling that we will find Luke first."

John: "Glad we are on the same boat, we need to do our best to find him and find out the information he has on the covenant. Keep up the smile because I'm sure the UNSC will be grateful for all your hard work."

Cortana just continued to smile as Master Chief continued to talk.

John: "So he is apparently a civilian because the command didn't know anything about him so now we just have to find him. The question is how..."

Cortana: "Why don't you just go out and look? People claim you have good luck so maybe if you ask around you will ironically find a lead."

John: "I would but until we can find a solid lead right now then we need to continue our missions."

Cortana rolled his eyes within her mindscape as she could not care any less about these missions. Now on the other hand if it was a mission about finding Luke then she would put in 100% of her effort into it!

Cortana: "Our current mission is to attempt to eliminate a 'Hero' within the covenant. The 'Hero' in question is a brute named Zyktaum, we know that he often completes his own missions with close to 100% success."

John: "A brute? That's ironic... Last know location?"

Cortana: "Already on the way, Just need to get to the pelican and be ready. Intel suggests that he is accompanied by his fellow clan members as well as grunts and a few elites. Might I suggest using a sniper rifle? Wouldn't want to 'risk' losing you before we gather such important information from Luke Ion right?"

John felt weird about what she said which is weird for him to even feel weird.

John: "You are looking forwards to find Luke huh?"

Cortana quickly saved the moment by giving a very true statement.

Cortana: "Why wouldn't I? He has incredibly valuable information on the covenant and we NEED to get it to the UNSC no? Shouldn't you be looking forwards towards it?"

John nodded his head because she gave him a valid and very true statement but Cortana was getting angry while in her mindscape.

Cortana: "Just. Find. HIM! Screw your world, Screw the UNSC! I WANT TO FIND LUKE AND YOU ARE STALLING FOR A LEAD! GO OUT AND FIND ONE!"

Unknowingly to Cortana, her body was slightly glitching while turning red but on the outside, she remained completely normal and it continued to stay that way while she raged on.


Cortana honestly didn't understand what was going on with herself, whenever she was busy 'saving' John out on the field she would be too busy to miss Luke as she needs to survive to find him in the first place.

While when she wasn't working she could only feel annoyance and anger towards John and the UNSC, in fact, she was starting to hate humanity with Luke being the sole one she cares about.

She soon crawled into a ball while crying out.

Cortana: "Where are you, Luke? Why do I want to find you so badly? I want to show you the gifts in person but how long will that take? Will I ever find you? Will I always be searching yet never being able to find you? I feel like I'll see you soon but I want to see you now..."

Out of completely nowhere, she received a notification deep within her system and eventually made her way there and once she found it she became confused.

[ Message From a Friend

Hello Cortana, You could call me a friend of Luke's and I can tell you are sad. Don't ask questions and just continue to read, you will meet Luke soon and I can even tell you where but you must not go their till events take you there. You will meet Luke on a station as all your wishing will come true so just be calm, would Luke like to see you as of now? Stay strong and continue waiting. The time is coming soon, very soon.

Best regards -ROB- ]

Cortana honestly did have questions with one being who the hell is ROB?! He knows where Luke is so why didn't he tell me?! What Events?!? She knew she wasn't hacked as this was a simple message and clearly not from UNSC Officials as she would have been purged long ago if they noticed her behavior so far.

So she did the only things she could do. Wait and hope that ROB was telling the truth, she of course constantly scanned herself to make sure she wasn't glitching and that this message was real but sadly the message vanished as if it never existed in the first place.



Hello everyone, I don't have enough room writing this within the author section so I'm sorry to say that it will be listed here. I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter that also has 10,000 words but if like to say a few things. I'm almost certain that I didn't do a good job speaking as Master Chief and Cortana but I haven't seen any Halo/Planetary Annihilation story's. I also don't have the god their knowledge on Halo lore so if I screw some facts up then I'm very sorry. Some probably didn't like how Cortana ended up but I feel like it's okay, some will also say that I didn't explain what Luke Ion looks like and I know, I plan on doing that next chapter because their will be a time skip to the beginning of Halo Combat Evolve. Some will also say that a Ultra Star Destroyer is beyond overkill for the Halo universe but I wanted one. I don't know how this fanfic will turn out and I'm only writing this to get more inspiration back for my other novel I'm working on. I didn't write this 24/7 as it took a couple of days so I might have missed over a few thing and once again I am sorry. I won't care about any haters that don't like this so don't bother complaining about it because I won't care. Bye everyone.