
Beyond heavens

heavenly tribulations ? i don't care bring it to me, for I am the almighty Renlong ! Heavens must bow before me ! My will shall stomp upon who ever dares to defy me !

RenCode · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Thousand deaths peaks

In the middle of an utterly dead land ,

Mountain peaks were scattered like sand grains on the beach. this land was called the "thousand deaths peaks" ,and it's name originated from a legend. This legend traces back to an ancient era , where a powerful existence slaughtered a thousand savage demons and hung them on the peak of every mountain !

This day ,you can hardly see any living creatures , except for some reptiles and scorpions, let alone a human being.

However ,from time to time , some carriages pass through it , but most people prefer to go around it.

The mountains here vary in height ,some are more of a hill than a mountain ,and others so enormous that their peaks penetrate the clouds!

On a peak stood a man ,he was fairly tall with an average looking face. His eyes were solid black. He wore an indifferent expression as he stood there in solitude. If someone looked carefully into his eyes ,they would notice a deep light flashing through them as if the entire universe was contained within!

 He was wearing a light blue dress that has a mark on it.The mark resembles a dragon soaring into the sky, His dress was fluttering due to the wind !

However ,if someone were to see him ,they would be shocked ,and the reason why is because he was standing on the tallest peak,

Which was widely known that it is impossible to climb such a mountain !

As he stood there silently , he just stared into the void as if he has grasped the mysteries of  existence !


Suddenly , something crushed heavily on top of the  mountain he stood on.

Pieces of rocks and smashed stones were blown away to every direction!

And amidst the dust and the flying rocks, a shadow of a human could be seen!

The shadow stood up slowly as they were not bothered by the mess they just made. Then the figure started walking towards where the ordinary man stood. 

The dust finally settled and faded away to reveal the identity of this mysterious and powerful person.

The seemingly ordinary man stared at this person as curiosity rose in his eyes, he wanted to know who is this person who suddenly decided to crush into this mountain and disturb his rest.

To his surprise ,it was actually a woman. She wore a white robe that hid her body perfectly ,but one can tell from her slender body that she definitely has a top tier figure !

The man eyed her up and down and finally settled on her face. She wore face veil the hid most of her face , except for her eyes !

Her eyes were definitely the most stunning part of her body. She had brown eyes but they were lifeless with no hint of any emotions whatsoever!

Staring at her eyes was akin to staring into a deep abyss or a black hole !

The expression on the man remained unchanged and indifferent ,after seeing who the person was ,he just turned his head and stared again into the void as if nothing had happened.

The woman seemed a bit annoyed that her grand entrance was ignored. But she quickly  returned  to her usual self. When that man was eying her ,she also was looking at him trying to estimate his skills and power.

After a few seconds ,the woman suddenly and very skillfully drew her sword that she caried on her back ,and before the man could even react ,her sword has already cut through his neck soundlessly !

The indifferent look on the man stayed the same even after the sword cut his neck and died !

The sword cut was so clean the the man's head stayed on his body even after death!

A hint of surprise flashed through the woman eyes , wasn't this too easy?!

But she couldn't care less ,she just returned her sword to her back , turned around and started walking away.

After taking a few steps she said as if talking to the dead man behind her :"  Humph.. he couldn't even take one slash from my sword, almighty dragon.. more like a dragon FART !".

Just as she prepared to continue her walk ,she suddenly heard :

 " tsk … Young lady , didn't your parents teach you to be  respectful even to strangers ! ..Sigh~ kids these days .. they train a little bit and they think they are all powerful and invincible ! Truly regretful ".

The woman turned around as quickly as she can only to see the man standing there alive and kicking with a light smile on his face.

Suddenly, a feeling of danger engulfed her ,her instinct told her that if she didn't flee at this moment she will die without a grave!

With no second thought,she jumped from the mountain with all her power ..and escaped.