
Beyond Critical (Multi-Cross DxD, Rosario Vampire, Ikki Tousen, More)

Kaito Evander wasn't anything special. He was smart, athletic and had great aspirations, but there was nothing truly special about him, even his Sacred Gear was a common Twice Critical. That was until the soul of his counterpart in another universe fused with his own and he gained...a second Twice Critical?(Insert)(Multi-cross) (Ikki Tousen, Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out, Rosario Vampire, Testament Of New Sister Devil) https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Lewds And Leviathans - 7

It took a lot of effort on Serafall's part not to giggle.

It was a near thing though.

Sitting behind her desk, she watched in amusement as her dear little sister Sona paced up and down the length of her office, her phone gripped tightly in her grasp.

It was cute how she was worrying over something as minor as the impending marriage between Rias-chan and Riser Phenex.

As if Sirzechs would ever allow that to happen. He would gladly take the hit to his relationship and a little bit of bad blood with the Phenex clan in return for making sure his little sister was safe and happy.

And all things considered, it wouldn't even be that bad, because the only ones truly invested at all in the upcoming marriage was Papa Gremory and Papa Phenex.

And maybe Riser, but that was just because he was a horny boy and Rias was a beautiful girl.

'Speaking of horny boys though.' Serafall giggled inwardly and looked down at the file atop her desk, a picture containing the face of a young, handsome human boy staring back at her.

Kaito Evander huh?

He was a funny one.

A human boy, whom Sona was initially wanting to recruit to her peerage according to her. Smart, skilled, hard working and decently powerful for a human and growing bit by bit as time went on.

As it turned out, he had a sacred gear. Two in fact apparently, both Twice Criticals. What an unlucky boy, imagine getting onto Gods Gacha and then getting the lowest tier reward twice in a row.

Or was he lucky for actually getting on it at all? It was a bit of a catch twenty two there really.

Perhaps, the most interesting, or at least second most interesting thing about him was that he'd apparently killed Satanael and fed his corpse to his Sacred Gear and made it evolve. And could now apparently call on the full power of the former Cadre through it.

She wouldn't quite call that a Longinus, but it wasn't that far off. Satanael was a tricky, powerful fellow, whom she'd fought with multiple times in her youth. In fact, he'd almost killed her a few times before she surpassed him vastly in strength, but even being much stronger than him, he was never someone she could take lightly.

Weakened massively or not, the fact this human kid with just a pair of Twice Criticals managed to kill him, was very impressive. Especially considering Satanael had Arondight.

She could see why Sona wanted to recruit Kaito Evander, he would be a real heavy hitter in the future. Well, considering he could draw on Satanael's power as he was, then he was technically already a heavy hitter.

Serafall idly wondered what kind of Balance Breaker he'd get from something like that.

Of course, it seemed her dear Sona-chan had went about things wrong and the boy wasn't her biggest fan now.

Her sister was never the most…social person out there. If not for Rias-chan, she probably wouldn't have had any friends growing up.

Poor poor silly Sona-chan, if only she'd took all of her offers to be trained in the art of being a magical girl and starred in her show with her as her apprentice, she would have learned how to people with the best of them.

Aka herself.

There was a reason she was the head of foreign relations after all. And honestly, Sona-chan was lucky to get here when she did, she was just about to head to Kyoto to talk to Yasaka.

Those annoying Chinese Gods were being annoying as usual and crying about the unfairness of the world and all that rot.

As if the gods behind communism had any right to claim anything was unfair, utter nonsense. They were lucky she didn't freeze their Tian realm last time when they got all uppity. One of them even spat on her, the nerve!

What the hell did having eyes and not seeing Mount Tai even mean anyway? Of course she couldn't see it at the time, they were nowhere near it!

'Courting death my perky magical ass!' Serafall snorted inwardly.

Well, they weren't important right now. What was important, was Sona-chan, Rias-chan and Kaito Evander, the boy who's greatest dream in life was apparently to impregnate her.

Or so he claimed.

Just thinking about the way her dear Sona-chan tried to explain it to her, all red faced and stuttering and embarrassed made her want to giggle out loud.

If nothing else, she thanked him for letting her see such a cute sight. It was too bad he apparently didn't go into detail about how he'd like to go about such a thing, that would have made the moment even better. Just imagining Sona-chan trying to stutter out an explanation of how a young teenage human wanted to full nelson or mating press her, maybe put love hearts in her eyes and breed her, would have been too much for her to contain her amusement!

Embarrassed Sona-chan was just that cute!

Alas, it seemed it was only a front and what the boy truly wanted, was to become a high class devil and would settle for nothing less if he was to become one.

Which was why Rias-chan was apparently off trying to convince the boy to marry her in return for beating up Riser for her and why her little sister had come here to plead with her to reincarnate the boy as part of her peerage if she failed somehow.

Talk about drastic measures. Both her and Sirzechs sisters were so silly with their desires to be independent and not rely on them. If it weren't for Rias-chan being in trouble that she didn't know Sirzechs would deal with if push came to shove, Sona-chan wouldn't be here at all and wouldn't seek out her help if it was her in Rias-chan's place.

'Honestly, we didn't go fighting for the good of devil kind just to force our precious family into unhappy marriages.' Serafall scoffed inwardly.

In the end, the only reason Sirzechs didn't put his foot down straight away was because he was kind. If they really wanted to, they could run riot as they pleased and nobody could stop them. They were the Four Satans for a reason and even that old fossil would bend over and happily accept a reaming from them if they desired it.

Even the Great King Faction, was just a thing because they allowed it, to keep the uppity whiners that wanted the old days back in check and keep track of those trying to cause a true disturbance.

Well, she should just be happy Rias-chan hadn't been desperate enough to do something even sillier. Like enter into a master-slave pact with the boy. Now, that would be bad.

They'd been trying to bury that for a long, long time now. It was obsolete now with the Evil Pieces and served no purpose but to leech off the strength of the enslaved.

It was a horrid thing and not something devils as a whole needed to be painted with and give them an even worse image in the vast scope of the supernatural world. Most pantheons already didn't like them.

…Which was especially why they needed to keep an eye on the Asmodeus family members and the Old Satan Faction as a whole as well. The old fuddy duddy's spirit had somehow remained even after God smote his ass alongside his buddies Lucifer, Beelzebub and Leviathan.

Of course, the first thing he did when he managed to possess someone was have sex with some woman and somehow, have the stars align and impregnate her.

Luckily they'd dealt with him, but the damage was already done by then.

They had a literal half human daughter of Asmodeus running around in the human world with the likes of Creusery Asmodeus desperate to find her.

Not out of any family obligation though, but rather to use the horrid power he'd inherited from the original Asmodeus. The ability to absorb the power of those baring his blood through killing them.

They'd already caused problem with the Yokai not long ago searching for the girl, which was what led to her having to meet up with Yasaka to soothe her ire, which then lead to her getting involved with the nonsense going on between the Chinese and Japanese Pantheons, which was playing centre space in Tokyo…the territory of the Yokai.

It was just a whole massive mess.

Just thinking about it was beginning to give Serafall a headache.

Thinking on that, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for her to recruit this Kaito Evander? If Sona-chan was praising his work ethic, then he must be quite reliable. And with the power to hit at the Ultimate Class already with his Sacred Gear, then she could even let him deal with some annoying people in her steed and free her up some time!

Assuming he said no to Rias' offer, or she failed to reincarnate him. Though, why the kid would give up the chance to marry Rias-chan at all all, possibly, was beyond her, Rias-chan was gorgeous after all and with such beautiful hair.

'Unless he wasn't actually lying about wanting to impregnate me?' she mused. Though, she'd no idea why he would. She'd never met him before, had she?

Maybe he'd saw her at a convention in the human world and fell in love with her at first sight? They were quite common in Kuoh after all.

Well, honestly, she didn't really mind him wanting to, as long as it didn't cut into duties she'd give him! He would hardly be the only one that wanted to impregnate her, granted, most of the ones that did were older devils that wanted to marry her and have her birth them a super duper strong kid.

Pfft, as if she would, morons!

Truly, it could be a curse sometimes to be the ever beautiful and sexy Levi-tan.

The tiny pink mini skirt and crop top with no bra probably didn't help, but such was the burden of a magical girl.

They were beings of love, hope, magic, salvation and fanservice all in one!

"…Ah." she looked up when she heard Sona gasp a bit and saw her looking down at her phone, a grimace on her face.

Well, that wasn't a face that spoke of good news.

"So she replied back then So-tan?" she asked.

Sona nodded and sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "He apparently agreed to Rias' terms," she said. That should be good news, but going by her face, it wasn't. Which could only mean-, "Apparently, her rook wasn't enough, according to her estimates, he'd need at least six of her pawn pieces to reincarnate."

Ah, well, that sucked. So close, yet so far it seemed. She could only imagine what Rias-chan was feeling right now, even if it wouldn't be fine in the end, she still felt for her.

"Nee-sama…" Sona sighed again and looked at her with pleading eyes.

Ah, as if she could ever turn her down when she was giving her such a look!

"Alright So-tan, no need to worry!" Serafall bounced up and over her desk with a grand flip and landed beside her sister to clasp her hands and give her a beaming smile, "Leave it all to big sis, I'll go let this kid impregnate me and recruit him to my peerage then lend him to Rias so she can get him to beat up that little turkey boy."

"Nee-sama!" Sona-chan shrieked in embarrassment, face going blazing red, "That's not what he wants, I'm sure he just wants to be high class."

"How can you really be sure though So-tan? He is a teenage boy after all," Serafall giggled at her reaction, "But don't worry So-tan, big sis will happily give up her virtue for you! Even if he bends me over and does me doggy style while pulling on my twin tails, even if he makes hearts appear in my eyes and puts a great big dopey ahegao on my face, just know, it's all for you!"

"Rias…you better be grateful for this!" Sona-chan hissed as she pulled her hands away from her and covered her face with them in her embarrassment.

Giggling even louder, Serafall focused on the location Sona had given her for where the boy lived and snapped her fingers. Her room lit up with a beaming pink glow as the Leavithan crest appeared underneath their feet and they were teleported away from her office, appearing a moment later in a very, very small apartment.

And there was Rias-chan.

Who was naked.

Alongside a tiny white haired girl with a hentai protagonist haircut and absolutely massive tits. Who was also naked. And leaking sperm.

And a believer of the great twin tails just like herself, who was also very naked. And also leaking sperm.

…And a very, very naked muscular young teenager, with an absolutely massive dick.

Her would be impregnator.

'Wow.' Serafall blinked, taking a split moment to just look.

That was impressive indeed.

"WHY ARE YOU ALL NAKED!?" Sona-chan screamed from beside her. 

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

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