
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ch. 28 - Life Reset

I slowly approached using my Divine Clone with the existence I had suppressed, and looked at the woman intently.

Sure enough! She was the Sister who had taken care of me for 6 whole years. Apparently, fate this time did not place me too far away from the circle of people I recognized.

"If I'm not mistaken, her name is Suzy, right?" I thought, trying to recall my memory that was prone to forgetting.

As I pondered, the woman approached the middle-aged woman who was lying with her eyes closed on the bed, not far from her. She wiped the body of the old woman before her using a rag that had been dipped in warm water.

"Mom, hang in there. Hopefully this can warm you from the cold." Suzy said breathlessly, as if she was enduring the cold as she took the initiative to warm her mother's body.

Suzy then moved her work to the other side where there was a 6-year-old boy lying weakly next to his mother.

"Wein, you also endure, I will try hard to keep your body warm!"

Suzy's gentle, caring voice touched me, as she said this to Wein, who was probably her younger brother. The sincere smile that appeared on her face also made me feel very sorry.

'How should I tell her? But will she be okay if I tell her the truth? Won't that just make her feel devastated that her efforts were in vain? What should I do?'

Truly, the unknown reality is more painful than witnessing the death of our loved ones. I can't imagine what Suzy's reaction would be when she found out that the two families she was caring for were actually gone.

'Is there no other way? Think, Nine! No need to reason with logic, just think that on earth -- it's the same as life in the Subliminal Verse!'

In my mind, I was trying to find a way to keep the small family before me intact. Then, I suddenly thought of something, 'What about Magicwords? Resurrection?'

"Luna!" I shouted in Mind Transmission.

[Yes, Master. Would you like to use 'Magicwords; Sacred Technique; Life Reset?']

"Correct. Is that possible to do?"

[Of course it is.]

"Good. Activate it immediately!"

[Understood, Master.]

[Activating Magicwords: Life Reset...]

How big a risk is it to resurrect a soul into a dead body? I don't know. But clearly, while the success ratio exists, that's all I can do.

[Initiating Leaf regeneration on the Tree of Life on an Individual Branch named Wein...]

That's it. So that's the way it is. I didn't know much about the process of Resurrecting the dead, it was all up to Luna. But, for some reason, I felt half my energy drastically overflow. This tired feeling? It was like I was lifting a hundred times my body weight.

[Successfully... Initiating the Recall of Wein's Individual Soul...]

''Ah...! Huh... Huuuh...''

Although Luna was doing it, I was indirectly experiencing the effects of the process. My breathing was labored, my body began to tremble violently, my muscles were extremely tense yet began to weaken...

[Successful... Wein's individual life has been successfully reorganized,]

[450 Sekstillion has been reduced from the balance.]


It took that many Magic points, huh. So that's the reason why I felt so exhausted. But it's okay, at least I can see the changes in Suzy's brother Wein. The whole body that was previously pale and frozen, began to brighten up and there was a slight sign of movement.

Thankfully, it turns out that the concept in Subliminal Verse can still be applied in the real world so far. I wonder how much is left of my current balance?

On the other hand, even though Wein had been resurrected, there were other things that I wondered about. What about that middle-aged woman? Why is there no sign of life yet? Was it Luna or me who missed something?

"Luna, what about the old woman's fate? Can't it be resurrected?"

[Master, I was unable to find out the name of that person. And from tracking the bloodline, it seems the two of them are not related by blood].

"So that's the case, then I just need to know the name, right?"

[Right, Master.]

But how can I find out her name? Is it by asking Sister Suzy directly? That seems to be the only way.

"O Daughter of Human! Can you hear me?"

Without thinking, I tried to use Mind Transmission that was connected directly to Sister Suzy's mind, and acted as if I was an invisible existence.

Suzy did not immediately respond to my telepathy, but rather looked like a person who was surprised and confused while looking here and there. Yes, of course, who would easily accept this rare situation?

"What was that sound just now? Was it just my feeling?" Suzy's thoughts were heard by me.

I quickly responded and intended to ask about her mother's name directly.

"What is the name of the old woman who is lying in front of you? Say it quickly and don't beat around the bush."

After saying that, I saw the reaction of her face which became gloomy. Not a word came out of her mouth, but the voice from her mind slowly began to flood into me.

"Whose voice is that? Why is he asking about what my mother's name is? But how should I answer him? Moreover... my mother's name, 'Huh?"

The voice in Suzy's mind suddenly became quiet. She seemed to be silent as if she was focused on remembering something.

"Impossible! My mother's name is too complicated and difficult to say! Even I myself often get it wrong."

The content of Suzy's thoughts this time, made me a little surprised. Are there really people in this world whose names are difficult to say? No, there is rarely even a person's name that falls into the 'Tongue Twister' category.

"It's okay, just say it as you remember and can say it." I said, returning to haunt her head.

"Why does this voice sound so pushy? And it seems like she knows what I was just thinking?" Suzy slowly squinted and glanced sharply left and right.

"Did the voice come from nearby? That means there are other people here besides me, my mom and my sister?"

After thinking like that, Suzy no longer said anything in her mind. She quickly stood up and walked with a slight limp while clasping her palms in each armpit oppositely.

Suzy then headed to a chest of drawers next to the bed. When she arrived, she began to pull one of the boxes from the five rows and took a piece of paper from inside. Suzy placed the paper on top of the chest of drawers and then began to vocalize in her mind again.

"If you are currently watching me, can hear my thoughts and want to know my mother's name, then please read the writing on the paper.

It has my mother's name written on it, and you will know for yourself the reason why I can't think about my mother's name at all!"

Suzy could be heard snorting in annoyance in her mind, in contrast to her flat facial expression.

The curvaceous woman then returned to where she was sitting, and tried to wipe her mother and young brother from under the thick blanket again, with the water in the basin. However, the water seemed no longer cold. Suzy abandoned her plan, she quickly stood up and headed to the wardrobe, trying to find anything that could warm her two favorite family members.

While I, who heard an indirect command from the nurse, could not help but obey.

I approached the paper that Suzy had just put down. And it seems, this is a letter regarding bank bills.

I glanced at the large number of bills along with the penalties. The amount of debt is quite fantastic for a civilian who only has a job as a Sister if I compare it to Sister Suzy.

However, there was something that made me think more... How ridiculous? No, it's even more shocking.... Why is there a name this hard to mention!? How do I put it?

The letter reads more or less like this:

``To Credit Customers of TBPN Corp. In light of repeated warnings, you have still not paid your outstanding balance of $1,803,126.00.

Your name:

Account ID: A15628541413097482

Identification Number: 12004041708240001

Total Penalty: 18,261.00 Dollars.

Please settle the penalty immediately before the next due date, on: March 15, 2050.``

This is no longer in the category of 'Tongue Twister' but 'Blank Throat', I guess. I wonder what Luna's response would be to this old lady who is listed as a 'Nameless' resident.

"Luna, what do you think? What's the proper name for someone 'Nameless' like this? Were you able to detect her on the Tree of Life Branch?"

