
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Ch. 19 - State Apparatus Conspiracy.

Military base - Military of Archiquator Nation, South Tienji City.

The branch headquarters of the army's MAN had an important figure who was one of the country's top officials tasked with leading the country's security in the mainland sector of the Archiquator Nation.

Inside the building, right in one of the communication control rooms.

A 45-year-old man in a tight brown uniform made his body builder stature stand out.

That figure was none other than MAN AD Marshal, Freddy Van Boo.

"What do you think, Mr. Ron? You saw it yourself, didn't you? That little creature is clearly a monster with immense power! We have to get our hands on it somehow to harness its power!"

Freddy spoke in a low voice so that no one could hear his conversation on the phone. He also used a transparent wireless airpods in his ears, to be more flexible and not invite suspicion.

On the other end of the line, a man's voice with a heavy tone replied to the conversation.

"Yes, it's true that I saw it, but how can we get a small figure like that fairy? Even if I, Ben Ron, as the head of the family. mobilize all the resources of the Ron family, it is still impossible to get the fairy in our hands!" Ben Ron sighed deeply as he said this to Freddy.

Ben Ron was the first child of his father Gilbert Ron. Ben had 4 children and it was only in recent years that he was appointed as the Head of the family by his father.

The Ron family has an underground empire based in South Tienji City and has a strong foundation. Its underground businesses include nightclubs, casinos, facilitating money laundering, and human trafficking transactions.

In South Tienji, almost everyone knows and has heard of this underground empire, they are known as the "Ron Brothers".

Because of cooperation with the Marshal of the Ground Forces, Freddy Van Boo, his business in the Tienji region is growing very rapidly and no one is a competitor even if there are crazy people who are desperate to compete with the "Ron Brothers" will not be able to last long.

Recently, Elmer Ron, the second son of Ben Ron, was more qualified than his four brothers to be the future head of the family, thanks to his performance in conducting human trafficking transactions and his skill in managing the family's casino business.

Unfortunately, the opportunity to become the head of the Ron family, will never be felt by Elmer who is now undergoing the reincarnation process. while Ben Ron is not yet aware of the conditions that happened to his second child.

"Calm down Mr. Ron. I, Freddy Van Boo, as Marshal of the MAN AD, will definitely find a way to deal with that little creature! Just leave it to me, I'll give you good news as soon as possible!" Freddy spoke in a high tone, he prided himself on expressing his confidence in the matter of capturing the powerful fairy.

Ben Ron who heard the words of Freddy, really felt dizzy and couldn't understand what the MAN AD Marshal was talking about.

'How could this idi*t Marshal underestimate a creature with such great power...'

"Alright. As expected of an Army Marshal! Then I'm looking forward to hearing some good news from you, Marshal! Hahaha." Ben Ron said this sounding flattering and relying on Freddy very convincingly, but in fact it was clearly just a ploy to spit without saliva.

"Hahaha of course! Give me one week! I'll definitely get that thing in my grasp! hahaha." Freddy Van Boo puffed up his nose even more. Even though in his empty head, there was not a single plan to solve this problem.

"Alright then, I still have something to take care of, so call me back if there's any good news or progress on our plan."

"Okay Mr. Ron. See you later!" after hanging up with Ben Ron, Freddy rushed to contact some internal people at MAN AD to discuss his plan to take control of the entire Gem province including the metropolitan city of Tienji and several other cosmopolitan cities.


When the rift crack closed, everyone cheered with excitement for having won the battle against the monster from behind the disaster-rated rift crack.

Everyone felt extremely proud with a sense of emotion, as their struggle had not been in vain despite taking so many casualties. there is always a price paid for everything.

The Castle of Glass domain faded and disappeared into the chilly night breeze.

All the people who survived, had no wounds at all. It was just that, they looked very exhausted due to running out of stamina and the loan energy in their bodies was drained away.

It takes a lot of time to recover the energy in the body because absorbing energy like Mana takes a lot of time.

The Hunters, Adventurers and Practitioners began to return to their respective bases to report and give good news of this victory.

Including the fighter jets that are in the domain area, can now return to the air base after a while circling around the air zone in the domain.

Something similar happened with combat helicopters and media crews, they can now fly back to their place of origin. the difference lies in the helicopter pilots who decided to land in a place where it could be used as an emergency runway when Piu-piu's Domain was active. the reason is to save fuel, and the situation is also getting under control because of the weakened Enchanted Shadows.

While the former battlefield between Nahum and Piu-piu was quite alarming because many buildings were flattened to the ground, and several public facilities were also destroyed, making the beautiful and comfortable impression turn into uncomfortable and dirty.

Namira and James who parked their Helicopter in a building close to Piu-piu, immediately rushed over to the little Fairy after the Castle of Glass Domain disappeared.

"Piu-piu are you okay?" Namira seemed to be very worried about Piu-piu, evident from the way she spoke while twisting her fingers.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. After all, how could I possibly get hurt by such a weak enemy?" Piu-piu smiled and tried to comfort his landlord.

"Thank goodness! I was so worried when I saw you being caught by those Titan monster hands." Namira breathed a sigh of relief and began to smile.

"Alright alright. since my business here is done, hurry up and take me home." Piu-piu flew by flapping her six small wings towards Namira then sat on her shoulder but this time she chose the right shoulder.

"Okay, then let's go." Namira easily agreed to Piu-piu's wish, then glanced at James. James who understood immediately followed Namira onto the helicopter followed by Moji who boarded after James.

The Ziudith Interprise company's combat helicopter took off and headed towards the city border between Shining and Tienji.

"It looks like Namira is going back to the Autarky Sphere laboratory, should I also go back to the Bunker where Susan and Novia took refuge? What do you think Luna?" I said as I saw the helicopter Namira was on start flying away, and foolishly asked Luna for advice.

[Master, your life is your choice. there will be too many decisions and possibilities for you to choose from if you rely on my advice~]

'I knew it would be like that...'

"Alright forget it. Deactivate the divine cloning skill and return my consciousness to my original body."

[Understood, Master]


Instantly in the blink of an eye, I returned to my original body...

"Thank you Luna!" and quickly exited the Tesseract dimension.

[With pleasure, Master~]

Back to reality, I was outside the middle of the four towers of Apartment Boulevard. I rushed to the basement and went down the tunnel. until finally, I arrived at the underground bunker, which was reserved only for the residents of Apartment Boulevard, and met Susan and Novia.

Not far from the entrance of the bunker, I could already find Susan and Novia. I approached them quietly, because both of them seemed to be asleep. Susan's position sat leaning on the edge of the bunker, with Novia on her lap.

I was very reluctant to wake them up, because it was already morning. If I forced the three of us back to the Apartment, it would be very troublesome and also, the security of the two of them would not be as guaranteed as being in the bunker.

Given that there was still the shadow of the enemy behind the void and the possibility that in the near future, the other two Enchanted Shadows Generals would come back here.

I sat beside Susan and leaned in.

'Aahhh...what a pleasure! I can finally do a little relaxing of my muscles that have been stretched since returning to earth.'

There's no denying it, I really enjoyed this moment of relaxation even though it might be short and uncomfortable, but it was enough to rest my body for a while.

I thought about Susan and Novia who turned out to be my flesh and blood. Naturally, I, who was beside the two of them, began to remove the backrest and bent my body to look at the two of them.

I could see the faces of Susan and Novia who were sleeping beautifully.

'The two of them really do have genetic similarities.' I spontaneously commented as I made the comparison.

'The difference is, this little girl has some similarities with me...ah-what am I saying? Of course she does! Because I'm her father!' Looking at my daughter Novia sleeping in this public space, as a father, my instinct made me want to keep her comfortable.

'But how?'

As I leaned back and thought of a way, my eyes slowly closed...and suddenly found Susan's head falling on my shoulder, making me slightly open my eyes and start to embrace her.

Then I leaned my head back against the concrete wall of the bunker, let go of my consciousness and began to enter the subconscious. However, before I could fall into sleep, a whispered voice rang clearly in my ears.

"Dad, look! Are they homeless? Why are they sleeping on the side of the bunker like that?" a 6-year-old boy asked his father when he saw a family sleeping carelessly in an open space.

"Son, did you know that the cost of renting a private room in this bunker is very expensive. the cheapest one costs between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars per night. and that's just one small room with a bathroom outside!" the father of the boy was heard to say. The father of the child sounded on the surface like he was telling his son about the cost of renting a private room facility, but he was actually just being sarcastic in style.

Knowing that there was such a room option in this bunker, I began to wonder with my eyes positioned like a sleeping chicken.

'Apparently there is a room rental service like that here? But, why didn't Susan rent it and instead chose to sleep on the outskirts of the bunker like this?'

"Dad, the room we're renting has two bedrooms and a bathroom in it, does it cost more than 5,000,000 dollars?" the boy asked his father who was wearing a pajama suit and pink hotel slippers.

"Of course! Just so you know son, the rent for the private room we are staying in costs ten thousand dollars a night! And free breakfast with premium quality food!"

The father of the child stuck out his nose even more as if he was the best.

'Huh...it's only ten thousand dollars, I, who spent more than 31 quintillion dinars in a short time just now, can still be humble enough to sit sleeping in the open like this!' I felt a deep bitterness in my heart.

"woah, dad is great! dad is really a reliable dad!" I peeked at that little boy and, he looks like he was very Appreciative of his proud father.

'Ah, I can't stand listening to their conversation anymore. should I get up and rent a room right now and change places to rest?'

My ego, began to rebel as if to show that we were also capable of renting a room with more luxurious facilities than them. But the wisdom in me calmed my feelings and began to think with a cool head.

'Well, it's fine...to leave things as they are, it's not so bad...'

In the end I chose to ignore the father and son conversation and continued my rest by Susan's side.

As long as there's Susan and Novia besides me, even if it's in a barren desert or even on the top of Mount Everest, I wouldn't mind being with this mother and child.
