
Beyond Cosmos : Project X

Two years after the alien invasion, Cosmos City is safe and sound. Even The Guardians living their lives in peace. Jein and Joon, now a married couple, struggle to spend time together. Twix, now a Black Wolf, joins Justin for missions around the world. Cygnus is a director in Cosmos Memorial Hospital, while Sun is preparing for early retirement from Mountain Peek. Everybody is having a good time, except for Yoon and Byul. They struggle to live their life when a tragedy struck between them. Things got pretty fine until an unexpected attack in the mid lunchtime, forcing Jein to shoot down a creature. Feeling uneasy, the Austins decide to send the corpse to the forensic room for further investigation. From the postmortem, they find a shocking truth hidden beneath the mystery creature. Meanwhile, The Moon Clan is on verge of war when the future Luna goes missing. Twix decided to ask a help from the Guardians searching for the lost Luna. Things got even worse when suddenly one of them went missing as well. What is the secret behind the mystery creature, and who kidnapped the Luna? Is there any link between these two cases? ****

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Let's do some recap.

According to the original plan, Yoon was supposed to investigate the activity inside the aesthetic clinic; the location where Illia Bonbons were last seen. He will check-in and roam around when he gets a chance.


Unfortunately, the plan has changed.

Looks like it went south.


Byul is screening the environment from her hiding space. She is trying to find a door where she can enter from outside.

For the past twenty minutes, she has remained in the same spot. Such a high risk to abandon the tracking device and earpiece. She tries not to listen to her intuition, but there's an uneasy feeling deep inside her heart.

Feels like Yoon is in danger.

Byul walks in subtle, but still in observation mode. She sees a lady coming out from the side of the building. The lady is wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses.

As expected by an underground business.

There will always be a secret door somewhere.


"Arh!" Justin almost smashes the keyboard. They were trying for half an hour ago to reconnect the signal from the device given to Yoon.

But, it's just a waste of time.

And now, they lose Byul too!

"Did you guys find them?" Joon enters the room, with Jein following him from behind. Cygnus called them after Byul aborted the mission. He feels he needs to. Besides, no one can guess what will happen next.

"I'm still working with surveillance cameras in the control room," Justin's fingers danced back on the keyboard. "We need to infiltrate the system before it's too late," he sounds worried and stressed as well.

"You did well, don't get stressed up. Besides, those two are among the best agents in Black Knight," says Jein.

"Yeah, all we can do now is to trust them," says Joon. He tries his best to conceal his dull expression. The couple indeed is the best among the best. But in this kind of situation, anything can happen.

Just like the last time.

"Call the Black Knight," Joon whispers at Cygnus. The man widens his eyes, staring at Joon.

"Trust me. We maybe need them," Joon taps his shoulder and sighs.


Yoon stares at the lifeless- no, unconscious body on the floor.

No, he didn't kill her. Not yet.

He should expect something like this will happen. This is for God's sake, an underground business. Away from law enforcement surveillance. Anything is legal here. Luckily his Black Knight instinct never fades away. He is aware; 100% positive that the lady doctor was trying to distract him. However, he isn't that stupid.

Now, where should I go?

Yoon steps on the body and slowly retreats from the room. He sees two doctors coming from the other side. Quickly, he shuts the door and squirms silently, as quiet as a mouse. It seems like he sticks inside this room. 

Think fast, old brain!


Byul sighs heavily. She fixes her shoulder before leaving the lifeless bodies on the floor. 

Just now, she tried to enter the facilities through the backdoor. Never to expect some guards roaming around. Byul had no choice but to punch them in the face and kick some asses. It's hard to pass through, as both of the guards were skillful guards. 

But she is better than any man ever.

She swings open the door and sees a stair.

That's where she starts.



Yoon walks subtlety along the corridor, trying to conceal himself behind the white coat that he stole from the lady doctor before he left the room. He takes some time to look around as well as escape himself from this dangerous space.

He is walking until he finds a door. Yes, it's just a normal door. He passes the door in hurry. But something attracts him to turn around.

Of all these doors in this clinic, why this one particular door is in white?

Yoon looks around. All doors are painted blue. Why only this one is white? When he examines the door, it's almost unnoticeable. Let's say if someone walks past the door, the person will see nothing. Just a plain white wall.

Secrets are buried in the most unexpected ways and places.

Like a plain white wall.


"At last!!!" Justin screams as he finally can connect and breach the surveillance systems. Everyone focuses on the huge screen behind them. There are more than 20 surveillance cameras inside the building.

"Yoon. Where is he?"

"Look!" Jein points his finger towards the screen that shows Camera 15.

"Why is he sniffing the wall?"


Yoon rubs the wall, trying to find a gap between the door. He has been trying to open it for a few minutes, but the door is locked tight.

"Yoon... Coming, Yoon..." his eyes blink. He turns around.


He moves in a circle, trying to find the sources of the voice that he heard.

"I know you are an idiot, but not that idiot, you idiot!" everyone is trying their best not to laugh when Jein ramps on the intercom.

"Yoon, it's us..." Joon tries to calm his husband.

"How can I hear you guys? I left the glasses in that room," Yoon is puzzling. He leans against the wall and takes a deep breath for a few seconds.

"Joon suggested to the Black Knight to implant a communication device in each dog tag. And come to think of it, you had Byul's dog tag with you all the time. So, try a shot and it worked," said Sun.

"Guardian should have one of that each, too. Not fair!" said Jein.

"Fine... Fine... I'll make one of each," Joon grins at his husband. The man sheepishly smiles and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Speaking of Byul. Where is she?"

There's a deep silence.

"What's with the silent? Cygnus? Sun? Wolf?" they look at each other, and stutter.

"Yoon, first of all, I need you to calm down," Cygnus takes a deep breath before carefully arranging words and excuses.



All italic words are communicated through earpieces.