
Beyond Cosmos : Project X

Two years after the alien invasion, Cosmos City is safe and sound. Even The Guardians living their lives in peace. Jein and Joon, now a married couple, struggle to spend time together. Twix, now a Black Wolf, joins Justin for missions around the world. Cygnus is a director in Cosmos Memorial Hospital, while Sun is preparing for early retirement from Mountain Peek. Everybody is having a good time, except for Yoon and Byul. They struggle to live their life when a tragedy struck between them. Things got pretty fine until an unexpected attack in the mid lunchtime, forcing Jein to shoot down a creature. Feeling uneasy, the Austins decide to send the corpse to the forensic room for further investigation. From the postmortem, they find a shocking truth hidden beneath the mystery creature. Meanwhile, The Moon Clan is on verge of war when the future Luna goes missing. Twix decided to ask a help from the Guardians searching for the lost Luna. Things got even worse when suddenly one of them went missing as well. What is the secret behind the mystery creature, and who kidnapped the Luna? Is there any link between these two cases? ****

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Yoon inhales deep as he steps into the mystery room. The air seems cold, yet it's calm. Along the long aisle, there are few rooms; left and right.

It's bright, white and clean.

"Baby, where are you?" he murmurs alone. Eyes looking around with neck stretch long.

Yoon and The Guardians are definitely sure that Byul entered this exact room, a few minutes ago. He pursued his girlfriend when he saw the footage for the control room. Joon helped him break the code from the security lock.

Now, everything looks impossible.

"Guys, are you sure she's here?" Yoon tries to reach The Guardian.


He stops for a while and checks his dog tag. The small white light on the surface of the tag lost its sparks. It's dim now.

He lost the communication.

He's in the dead zone.


Byul huffs, suppress the pain on her upper arm. She has been attacked non-stop since she arrived. Lost the track of time. She can only guess based on the reaction of her body.

It's been too long.

And these motherfuckers still alive!

Now, she's been hiding for a while, muster her energy so she can fight again later. It's been a while since the last time she had a hand combat. She lost her touch.

Byul gathers her will. Hiding too long brings nothing. She needs to end this, once and for all.


Yoon takes a step in wary. Even if everything looks normal, feel normal; he shall not lower his guard.

Guess he is right.

His body jerks to back when he realizes something slams at front. He spins himself, making a cartwheel backwards. He lands on his toes gracefully, like a cat.

"Hmm..." he glares what's in front of him. A person. In white attire, face covers like a ninja. Based on the feature, body language and body structure, the person is a male.

Yoon's gaze notices that he is holding some kind of shining object in his palm as well. It's like a sword, but a unique kind of sword.


Yoon looks around. His quick wits notice a long, slender iron pole resting next to the door on his left. He snatches the pole, positioning himself properly in front of the attacker. His right leg points to the front while his left leg is at the back with his right hand holding the heavy pole like a sword on the top of his head.

At this moment, he misses Byul.

So much!


Byul is panting so hard. Holding her chest that feels heavy. At this state, she knew herself well.

She will loses this battle.

But, it doesn't mean she needs to give up just like that.

Fight until you got no more.

So far, she manages to at least injure them badly. Sufficient enough to stop them from attacking her. Right now, there's one last man standing.

Shit, this person is such a drag!

She admits, all of them are well-trained assassins. Discreetly, she pledges that she will find those who are behind this attack and kill them as well.

Right now, she just wanna focus on this one particular attacker.

The person charges forward in a blink of eye, throwing a punch towards Byul's shoulder. She dodges the punch swiftly. Blood Crescent Moon technic is the best choice for long length and rogue battle like this. It gives a heavy impact compared to Black Swan technic.

She sends the heavy blow directly to the abdomen, taking the chance to head lock the attacker while the person folded upfront.

But, this is not an easy contender, even for a person who can be proclaim as a great fighter like Byul.

The attacker grabs her hand in might, pulls it until her armpit reaches his shoulder and grips his palm on her head.

That's when everything messed up, really bad.


Clinking metal sounds fill the intense air between Yoon and his attacker. He is doing his best in this sword battle. One mishap and he will lose his life.

Black Swan Technic is most suitable for sword fighting because of its graceful moves and precision. Luckily for Yoon, he practices this move for a long time.

It comes in handy.

As he swings the pole to the right, he flips his torso to the back, heads facing upwards to avoid the sharp blade. He can feel that some strains of his hair got snipped in that process.

I might lose my head if my reaction is slow!

He knocks the pole against the male's elbow, not too hard yet enough to make him startled and wimps.

But, this peep is a good swordsman.

He swings the blade upwards, and stabilizes himself using only his right foot.

Which reminds Yoon of a scene in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. That infamous Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Zi Yi battled in the shrine...

Stop with this nonsense and focus on the fight, mister!

Yoon switches hand, holding the pole using his left this time. He pokes the air forward with his inner energy, and punch straight to the attacker's shoulder.

God, I am good!

As he is about to launch another attack, he feels the ground rattles. The whole room is shaking so bad. But, it seems quite off.

Is it the room?

Or him?

A few second later, the attacker falls on his knees, yelping in pain. Yoon feels a sting in his head, too. At first, it's feels like a tick. But, it gets intense time to time.

He drops the pole from his hand, try to balance himself, holding the surface. But this is more than just a rattle room.

Yoon feels like his brain got pluck off slowly from his head.

Glass shatters and the room blasts open. Yoon hides himself behind a thick wall. The attacker tries to run but he gets the impact and immediately dissolves in thin air.


That's when Yoon realizes something. He grasps and hold his dog tag tight.

"Byul!!!!" he screams his lung out.