
Beyond Almighty

The One that stands Beyond Almighty, Sora possesses unparalleled power and ability, with seemingly no limits to what he can achieve. He strives to be the very best, always pushing himself to new heights of greatness. He will terrorize men and Conquer Beauties, Observe as the Singularity disrupts the natural order of things, challenging even the divine forces above. Embark on an epic journey through an Eastern-inspired fantasy world, where multiple realms and storylines intersect and intertwine. Why don’t you join along, as our singularity experiences the wonder's of life, and create his very own story. Well, What are you waiting for? Come on!!!

One_Singularity · Eastern
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54 Chs

Recovery and Cultivation

The bright Sun rose from the east, countless rays of light burst though the window and shone on my face, as my eyes flickered they gently opened and revealed my awe-inspiring eye's as they shimmered in the sunlight.

A young adolescent and mature women was lying on the bed naked as blanket covered their bodies. I could feel the weight of her chest on my face, turning my head upwards I could see my mother's face, her long golden hair spread over my face with a contented smile on her face.

I was truly satisfied yesterday, as even though I could go on Infinitely it was the love that we shared together that brought me the most comfort.

I turned my head to the side and looked at Himiko's face as releases light breaths as her chest fell up and down. I also realized that her body has absorbed all of my cum and that the room was spotlessly clean.

Her previous Golden hair had shredded all over the bed and had been replaced with luscious long Golden hair that spread over her Big Buttocks, I put them away into my storage for later use. Her skin became milky white as all the Impurities from her body had been removed.

Her organs, bones, skin, Soul, and Mind were all Purified, Her previous Ancient Succubus Bloodline had Jumped three stages and reached the Peak of Transcendent as her previous Seductive body became even more outrageous, her ass and breast's increased by one size whilst her face became even more refined, her facial features and already mesmerizing body became even more pronounced.

She looked like an untouchable yet Sexy Succubus Goddess that had just descended onto the mortal world.

I stared at her body as my Beast awakened and raised to it's Full Majesty, I didn't realize before but my body Experienced some growth whilst I was sleeping.

I now have the physical maturity of an 8 Year old child whilst my calendar age is 4 Years old. I was smiling as I Looked down at her face as my hands went to grab her meaty ass, I gently started to grope and massage her ass, it was both spongy and elastic, I could mold it so that her ass could change shape yet surprisingly It would stay strong and firm, two contrasting laws were applied on her meaty ass. Feeling a strong stimulation on her ass Himiko opened her eye's.

When her eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was the most handsome face of her son smiling at her, soon the memories of last night flashed through her mind, a deep shade of red covered her face as she curled up in a ball and placed her face on my chest hiding as she spoke in a very small voice.

"We did it a lot last night, yet you already started playing with my body in the morning, do you like my body that much?"

"Of course, mom's body is the best. I could play with it for years without end, plus it was not me who was screaming Out-loud yesterday 'Impregnate me' and muttering incomprehensibly as if you were in shock."

Hearing my voice, Himiko Shyly hid her face on my chest, as anxiousness filled her mind, yesterday her son had poured buckets of cum inside her. Surely, she was pregnant.

"Sora…, Am I pregnant?"

"Don't worry your pregnant, if I filled you up with that much Cum and I still didn't Impregnate you I wouldn't be able to call myself a man."

Himiko looked at my face as she funnily smiled as she rapidly nodded her head and used her soft hand's to rub her stomach. she was really happy and gave me a big sloppy wet kiss on my cheek. That small amount of anxiousness disappeared as if it was never there to begin with. Seeing her expression I gently rubbed her stomach as I spoke with a mischievous smile

"I will fill you up with even more in the future, we'll be a big family."

Hearing my words Himiko was stunned for a bit before she hit my chest with her soft punches, but the thing here was that she didn't deny it when I spoke that I wanted to fill her up with even more. I smirked seeing that, I gently stroked her hair as she layed down and placed her head on my chest.

I wasn't lying when I spoke about the pregnancy, of course I could stop the pregnancy and wait, but I'm not a beta male that allows my women to feel disappointed or sad for what could have been. I also find the idea interesting as wouldn't it be fun to grow alongside my own child, and having a stronger relationship than just father and child. I kissed my moms forehead as I spoke

"Let's get up and shower together, I'm sure the other's are already waiting"

Himiko didn't say anything but I felt a nod on my chest, I gently picked her up because although she wasn't exhausted, the romantic feeling on being carried in someone's arms was an amazing feeling. I arrived at the bathroom and gently placed her in the hot sauna as she relaxed into the hot water.

I washed and rinsed her beautiful hair and used a specially Made technique for her body to help her relax all of her joints and muscles in the body. She let out a sigh as she onto my chest and closed her eyes. I scrubbed and wiped all her body with my soft hands and cleaned her private parts gently to not make her stimulated.

I whispered in her ears as she woke up from her light nap and helped her lift her body from the hot water to help dry her body. We were in front of the mirror as she dried my body and vice Versa until she screamed and looked at the mirror.

"Oh my God, who's that" she shouted in disbelief as she looked at the figure in the mirror and turned her body from side to side to look at the figure and make sure it was herself as she twirled her hair with her finger.

She turned to me with a dumbfounded look eye's that demanded an explanation.

"I'll explain, let's just make dinner first and relax before I tell you anything, remember you have a baby in you now, you have to take care of yourself and the baby"she just chuckled at me as she found it cute that I was scolding her like an adult when I looked like a kid.

Still, she took what I said seriously and smiled at me for being so mature and thinking for the baby and her instead of myself. She always knew I was different the moment she saw me at the doorstep of the orphanage. She put on a towel and wrapped herself with it as she did the same to me. We walked out of the bath and headed into the room to get changed.

She opened her wardrobe and picked a simple all white set of Underwear and white one live dress, it truly fit her as the Mature aura of a mother settled in with her presence. I'm really lucky to have her as my women, and that I made a choice to come to this world, it was a good decision.

A few minutes later we both went into the kitchen, where the women swarmed up to her and started asking her questions as she as answered with a beet Red face, others poked fun at her as she looked down like a kid who did something wrong. Mira who saw all this was jealous and ran up to me to complain when I said

"Your next, you can't run away from me" she blushed as that took the words right out of her mouth as she met my fiery eyes and turned away with steam practically coming out of her head and ears. She walked up to Himiko and started discussing what to prepare for when she was with me.

The orphanage had all the things we needed as we are funded by the government because of the standards of intelligent children produced here, so we never have to worry about anything. All the children and women were in the kitchen as they Cooked and made dinner, whilst joking and laughing together. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this I thought while I was watching. This feels like a true family.

As we finished dinner, I gathered all the older women to stay so I could tell them about cultivation and the techniques I have to give them as I already consider them my women, especially Himiko, Mira and Himari.

"Himiko, you changed so much because of my Yang Energy which purified your body and removed all your impurities as your bloodline also evolved. That is why look so different and feel much stronger as your Foundation was significantly strengthened, that goes for all of you, I've been slowly purifying your existence's over the past 4 years. You've all felt much smarter and stronger right, and you feel full of energy. This is because of the purification I provided to get you ready for cultivation.

"What, Is that true, Sora your joking right. Something like cultivation is a part of fantasy and ancient tales" said the women as they muttered under their breath.

"I know what your thinking so I'll show you directly" I manipulated the basic four elements into balls as they floated around me and started flying around the room to show them as their jaws dropped to the floor, the next moment though they realised what they just saw and we're excited to learn themselves.

Whilst sora was teaching the women the basics and beginning's of cultivation , 5 women at the centre of the Universe had just regrouped as they inspected each other's bodies.

"Good, we've all healed, the quality of immortal energy was low so it took much longer for us to heal, we should check out our surroundings and look for the closest civilisation and find out which Universe we are in" explained long Yueyan to the other 4 as they all agreed and took out a starship to search for a planet filled with a race on it .

They got on Board the ship and set sail through the vast expanse of space until they would eventually arrive at earth, where Sora was currently teaching cultivation. There was a force attracting them in this direction as all 5 of them had the same feeling. It would take about 2 weeks for them to arrive on earth, what they didn't know was that Sora had been watching their actions all this while.