
Beyond Almighty

The One that stands Beyond Almighty, Sora possesses unparalleled power and ability, with seemingly no limits to what he can achieve. He strives to be the very best, always pushing himself to new heights of greatness. He will terrorize men and Conquer Beauties, Observe as the Singularity disrupts the natural order of things, challenging even the divine forces above. Embark on an epic journey through an Eastern-inspired fantasy world, where multiple realms and storylines intersect and intertwine. Why don’t you join along, as our singularity experiences the wonder's of life, and create his very own story. Well, What are you waiting for? Come on!!!

One_Singularity · Eastern
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54 Chs

Paying Respect to Ancestors

In the Vast expanse of space, there were currently 5 women discussing and sharing their views on the strange pulse they have been feeling, they were confused because they all knew it was a Bloodline pulse, the Unusual aspect of this was that they were part of different races, this included Dragon, Phoenix, Succubus and a Nine-Tailed fox. There was a lower chance of someone of their race's having a high enough bloodline purity for them to feel it in the mortal world, but even weirder for all of them to happen at the same time, which meant that either the person in question had all 4 bloodlines, which is practically impossible because they wouldn't be able to exist in equilibrium with each other.

"This is impossible right, but there is no logical explanation except the fact that we have a descendent in this universe that is part of all our families, and that he/she has a strong Bloodline, which is proven by the fact that it can attract us who have powerful bloodline's." said Feng Bingyun who is direct descendant of the Phoenix clan in the Immortal world, and became an ancestor with her strength. She is an Ice Phoenix. She has Long Light blue hair that descends to her knee's, has Dark Icy-Blue eyes with an Immortal Blue Daxiushan dress that radiates Coldness as her entire being radiates a freezing aura.

"That can't be true can it, no mortal body can withstand the damage of having 4 different Powerful Bloodline's wreaking havoc in their vessel, unless they have a special physique that is even rarer and can restrain the Bloodline's" exclaimed Feng linyun, another Ancient Ancestor of the Phoenix clan, and also coincidentally the sister of Feng Linyun, she also rose through her own power and achieved the title of Ancestor. She is a Fire Phoenix. She has Fiery red length that rest's above her ass, blood red-eyes and an Ancient Immortal Hanfu dress, filled with elegance and radiating a certain warmth.

"Well, whoever this person is, there is only one way to find out, that is to locate this descendant, teach them our knowledge and help them ascend if they are a righteous person and if they have gone down the wrong path, Imprison them and help them correct their way's" said Long Yueyan as she passionately spoke out, and had the idea of raising a strong Successor. She is a part of the Dragon Clan, the Holy Supreme Dragon clan to be exact, from a young age she has had monstrous strength and is a direct descendent of her clan, raised to be the next matriarch and carry their family to glory. She was wearing a simple white Immortal robe, her luscious white length hair floated in the void, as if untouched by time. She radiated the feeling of Invincibility and Purity, two contrasting forces that co-existed perfectly.

"Oh, I really hope he's an Incubus, there has been no Incubus with a high tier Bloodline for the past 10 million years, we have Incubus's in our realm but none have the strength or Bloodline purity to be the Patriarch of the Clan, if he does I'm really lucky this time, I'll personally teach him everything there is needed to know about our race and raise him to be my Successor and Partner, fufufu." said Lilith the matriarch of the Succubus clan, she is also a direct descendent but has already become the Matriarch, she has been looking for a partner for the past 10,000 Years and a Patriarch for her Clan. she disdains the men from the Immortal world, as every time they look at her whether they be Immortal Emperor's or True Saints it's with Lust or infatuation. She want's a strong man that is resistant to her charms and doesn't react with Lust every second at her mere presence, someone who could maintain their rationale and own personality instead of being a licking-dog. She was wearing a seductive Qipao that showed of her juicy thighs, and deep valley in between her huge breast's. She radiated an aura of seduction that would make even the most strong-willed fall. She had pink length hair that rested above her fat bum, as she licked her sexy lips. The Perfect definition of a Milf.

"Humph, we'll see this so called prodigy, if he does not have more than 6 tails I won't teach him anything" said Lian Qingxue, she is A top-tier prodigy that worked her way up the clan and became the matriarch without her family's assistance, she was an orphan that struggled against adversity to become who she is now, she doesn't believe in talent and believes anyone can achieve something through hard work, this she has proven by the fact she used to be a one-tailed fox that is normally shamed upon in the fox clan. she is also a bit of Tsundere as can be shown by her behavior. She had a mischievous aura, like someone who is cooking up an evil plot but underneath that disguise was a lonely women that had gone though many hardships. Having long Platinum hair, with 2 fox ears on to of her head as her furry tails swayed about. she had pearly-blue eyes and wore a seductive seamstress dress that you could find in a Brothel in Ancient china, it showcased all of her Slutty body.

"We've arrived" said Long Yueyan as she sent her spaceship under an invisible formation because she didn't want to disturb the inhabitants of this planet and be tracked down.

"Cultivation here is pretty abysmal, their techniques are incomplete and have serious side effects" spoke Feng Bingyun as she spread her Divine sense to cover the whole planet, and accessing information through people's minds.

"Human's have always been Innovative, they haven't practiced cultivation on this planet that much, so they made technology to assist them with their cruel ideas, they always chase and bully the weak..." said Lilith, she doesn't exactly like humans as her kind have been hunted down numerous times and used as sex slaves, or even worse killed just because they were part of the demon race. They treated the women as trophies and exotic animals, whilst they captured and castrated the already diminishing males which resulted in a lot of hate for human's from her race.

"Oh... What's this, how can there be an Immortal level formation on this backwards planet, I currently can't see inside it, How peculiar" said Feng Lingyun as she repeatedly tried to spread her Divine sense into the formation.

"Haven't you guys realized it yet, I feel the bloodline pulse in the direction of that formation, Our descendant is in that formation, let's send a Bloodline Pulse to the person, so they can lower the formation and reveal themselves to us" exclaimed the Tsun-Tsun Fox as she nodded her head like a Sage, they all agreed and arrived at the formation in just a few second's. Sending out waves of pulses from the Bloodline to show that they were friendly.

~On Sora's side~

I was teaching and correcting the women on their cultivation, whilst watching the Visitors, please don't call me a pervert guys, I really don't have a peeping fetish. Anyway, they haven't done anything but search for information.

Suddenly, I felt a strong attraction from all of them, I realised it was from the bloodline, how didn't I realise this before, they are all my ancestors because I have each of their bloodline's. I felt that they had no bad intentions, so I explained it to the women as they all got ready and prepared as if they were welcoming a great guest, I was speechless.

I opened the Barrier, as they arrived inside the formation and descended down right in front of us.

As soon as they looked at me, though I got chills as they were all looking at me with lust as their heavy breathing poured out. Ah, silly me it's the effect of my Primordial Level bloodline's arousing the instinct to find a strong male mate as they go into heat, I relaxed my bloodline pressure as they blushed and Looked at the most handsome face they have ever seen. They were ashamed of themselves because they showed something unsightly in front of their descendant, they all just zoned out and stared at me.

"Ahem, mind introducing yourselves's" I said as they awoke from their sudden stupor and coughed to regain their image, still nervously looking at me from time to time.

"Um, hello, we came here because we felt a strong attraction from our bloodlines, do you feel the same to us?" spoke Feng Linyun as she blushed and looked at my face, she didn't show it but her pussy was wet and underwear was damp, this was the first time this had ever happened to her, so she flustered about with her red dress.

"Yeah your right, I've been having this weird feeling for a while now but it got much stronger when you guys appeared In front of me" I said as they had a look of understanding, as they saw my supposed confusion about who they were, I was just pretending. I know who they are, but it would be weird of me to to say I knew who they are.

"Well let me introduce who we are, we are from the Immortal world but we've arrived here at your universe through a formation, we felt a strong bloodline attraction and this led us to our current situation, You are a descendant from our families with a Highly-Pure Bloodline that is rarely if ever existed at your cultivation level, we would like to teach you and help you ascend to the Immortal World" said Long Yueyan as she shyly smiled at me, whenever In front of a more Dominant bloodline female dragons became more submissive in behaviour, that happens to most beast races.

"What, really, you want to teach me and take me as your student" I said as they all Shyly nodded at me, even the Tsun-Tsun fox did the same as they all squirmed about in the spot seeing my stare on them. I though about it and decided to agree.

"Well why not, I would be glad to take you all as my teacher's" I spoke as they relaxed and took in a breath of fresh air, they looked generally happy. They knew in their hearts that they had all met their partner, as someone of their stature and bloodline could only go into heat if their partner's bloodline was stronger than their own.

I agree because who wouldn't want 5 beautiful sexy master's to look after and care for them, and based on their reaction's I have a 99.9% chance of making them my partner's. Let's get to know about them, I don't want our relationships to just be based off of lust, I want lots of love as well, I think most men have a hard time expressing their love because of their pride and rely on lust to vent out their feeling's. What we need is a balance, now let's see where this will take me on my journey.