
A Life Without Purpose

I sat in my homeroom class, my thoughts drifted away from the boring and monotonous class lectures. Staring out the window, the dull grey sky outside seemed to pretty much reflect my mood, and I felt like there was nothing exciting happening these days.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, one of my classmates gave me a flick on the forehead, bringing me back to reality.

I looked up, slightly dazed, to see him staring at me with concern.

''Bro, you good? You been lookin hella gloomy recently.''

He asked me if I was okay, - his genuine concern for my well-being surprised me a little.

''Yeah, I'm aight''

He continues, "Let's go to the cafeteria and I need to get something to eat."

I don't have anything better to do, so I agree and we head downstairs.

He talks about his plans for the weekend with his girlfriend, and I listen quietly. This is my usual routine - just listening to others talk about their lives while mine remains uneventful.

I make my way back to class before the period starts.

I spend the rest of the school day zoning out, barely paying attention to the teacher's lectures. Instead, my mind wanders to other things. I wonder why I even bother coming to school when it just seems so pointless. The lessons we learn don't seem to have any practical application in the real world. Sure, they might come in handy if I ever need to solve an equation or write an essay, but what's the point if it doesn't make me happy?

The classroom is too hot and stuffy, and the fluorescent lights make me feel like I'm in a hospital. I can hear the muffled sounds of students chatting, waiting for the final bell to ring. I check the time on my phone, knowing it's only a matter of minutes before the school day comes to an end.

As soon as the final bell rings, I pretty much dash for the door.

I hate how crowded and chatty the school gets after class, so I try to get out as soon as possible.

I don't bother saying goodbye to anyone; they don't seem to notice or care anyway.

After arriving home, I drop my backpack on the floor and let out a deep sigh. I spend some time aimlessly browsing the internet, scrolling through social media and watching random videos.

Even though it's mindless activity, it helps me forget about the everyday repetitiveness of my day.

As evening approaches, I start to feel restless and I can't bear to stay in my room any longer.

Maybe I need some fresh air.

The idea of walking alone outside is soothing to me, so I decide to go out for a walk.

I tell my parents that I'm going to the convenience store to get something to eat, but that's just an excuse. The truth is, I generally enjoy walking alone while listening to music. It's a way for me to clear my head and be in my own space.

I put on my airpods



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- Now Playing -

Million Dollar Play

Future, Lil Uzi Vert

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As I head out the door, I pause to grab my wallet.

I quickly slip on my sneakers and make my way outside, feeling the cool evening air brush against my skin.

The walk to the convenience store is a short one, but I take my time. I like to take in the sights and sounds of Seoul as I make my way through the familiar streets.

I take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the city skyline as I continue walking. The towering skyscrapers look even more impressive at night, their lights illuminating the darkness. The sound of cars passing by in the distance and the occasional group of people chatting on the streets create a peaceful ambiance. I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the city that never sleeps, and how it continues to thrive even at this time

I arrive at the convenience store and head towards food section. As I'm scanning the shelves, a woman's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Can I help you find something?" the store clerk asks.

I turn to her and see a middle-aged woman with a friendly smile.

"No, I'm good,''

"Okay, let me know if you need anything,"

She says before heading back to the register.

I grab a couple of rice balls and make my way to the counter. The clerk rings me up and tells me the total.

"That'll be 5,800 won,"

I hand her the cash, and she hands me my change.

I head outside to a small table and chairs set up for customers to sit and eat. I take a seat and begin to unwrap my rice balls.

As I'm eating, I let my mind wander, lost in my own thoughts thanks to the music.

As I slowly make my way home, I'm completely immersed in my own thoughts.

My name is Jae-Hyun, and I'm just your average high school student living in Dongdaemun, Seoul. I don't really stand out in a crowd, and I don't have any particular talents or hobbies that make me unique. But, like everyone else, I have my own set of problems and struggles that I deal with on a daily basis. I always thought life treated me fairly. I often feel lost and aimless, like there's something missing from my life that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it's just teenage angst, or maybe it's something more. Either way, I'm just trying to navigate my way through the ups and downs of life like everyone else.

The streetlights cast a warm glow over the pavement, and the sounds of crickets chirping in the background add to the night's peacefullness. I find myself getting lost in my own world, my favourite songs blasting at full volume on my airpods.

Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of my phone screen and realize how late it has gotten.



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- Now Playing -

If Looks Could Kill

Destroy Lonely

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I decide it's probably best to head back home.

As I continue walking, I spot something strange ahead of me. There's a small, glowing rift in the middle of the sidewalk, pulsing with an eerie energy that I've never seen before.

I stop in my tracks and stare at it in disbelief, wondering if it's some kind of hallucination or if I'm simply going insane from my lack of sleep.

I can't help but mutter to myself

"What the fu-"

"What the hell is this?"

My curiosity gets the better of me, and I take a few hesitant steps towards the strange, glowing rift-