

Days went by and things seemed to go smoothly as I wished.My new friends kept calling every now and then just to check up on me.I spent most of my time,either reading novels or texting my friends.As time went on,we became very close to each other like we were someway somehow related.

"I would be going for a business trip together with your aunty this weekend",uncle said;gazing at my direction.He had to travel away for a business summit and Aunty Sienna insisted on going with him because,she couldn't stand being lonely and not seeing her husband till he returned.

"Okay uncle",I replied.I was not all that excited about the idea;but I had no other option than to just accept it.Uncle saw uncertainty drawn on my face,so he moved closer and said," My dear Chloe,I know you aren't really happy about our sudden decision.But please try to understand and cope with the situation at hand.This step I'm taking would help all of us,especially you,since you are just sixteen years of age".

I raised my head to face him and nodded;just to indicate that I had understood him.But trust me;deep down,I wasn't really excited about it.

The weekend approached very fast and to my surprise,it was actually time to say goodbye to aunty and uncle,and to bid them farewell in their trip.

"I know you'll always make me proud while I'm gone",uncle said with a soft voice.I responded by nodding.Tears were I my eyes as I ran to hug aunty.She was a very good,kind-hearted and an ambitious woman.And I would miss her so much.Her adorable smile would also be something that I'd miss very much about her.She cuddled me in her arms as I sobbed and she consoled me for a while.

I escorted them to the airport and helped them unpack their luggage from the boot of the car.It was a very crucial moment for me since I was going to miss absolutely everything about them.I finally gave them my last hug and waved them goodbye.

I stood at the airport to see their backs disappear into thin air,before I turned back;heading towards the car.I was sent home quietly by my driver who drove slowly.

As I relaxed in a couch at the balcony of the house that evening,a text message popped up.It read;"I will be coming over to see you tomorrow,Love,Evie".It was obviously from Evie.I became elated after reading the text."At least,Evie is always here to keep me company and to cheer me on",I whispered to myself.

After a dinner of Spaghetti and beef sauce with vegetables,prepared by myself,I took a long shower and went straight to bed.

That night was a very long and quiet one amongst all other nights.