
BEYBLADE: VOID Dragon of Balance

The Star fell from the sky and split into two pieces of fragments, the falling star fragment of Pegasus and the falling star fragment of L Drago. both represent two coins, two sides, two contrasts of humanity... Greed, Hunger...Destruction... humble, spirit, and hope... as there were two powerful bey now... the fragments of the two bey remaining stardust that was being lost...the remaining stardust began to shape the Bey of the Void, instead of following the wind...disappearing back to the cosmos. therefore created the 3rd Bey of existence. Serenity Void Dragon. The Very first Balance Bey, contrasts with the two Attack beys. But its attack doesn't fall short on two beys. as time passes, the village of Kotetsu, helped to fend off L Drago, with the Serenity V. When They finally sealed L Drago, in the crystal of time in the village of Kouma, Peace was finally spreading across the world. and many Beys, came into existence, after decades of history

KyuKuro · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

We welcome you to our organization part1

(In the present time, located in East Greenland)

Explorers have all dreamed of seeing Ice caves worldwide, with fantastic sightseeing over the prehistoric nature creation and over 100 million years that have made these caves as they are today.

as well bizarre phenomena in one of these caves, lies a person hidden in the deepest part, trapped inside one of these cryptic Ice crystals, Dr. Ziggurat stumbled upon when, their team, discovered the strange wavelength of energy around here.

Dr Ziggurat spent time finding what had been going on, and he smiled at the sight of discovery as his assistant deducted the source came from the person.

But Dr. Ziggurat had to wonder, how long has this person been trapped here, to current technology, cryogenic freezing is still a dangerous and underdeveloped project the whole world is trying to solve, so how come?

"Send a team here to collect my pet.~" He said, turning around and gleed. Returning to the surfaces, as the sun was still up and shinned from above, the air was still cold and dry and humid he continued his march to the chopper and his assistant helped him to take the fur coat off him as he sat down at the passenger seat and the pilot took off.

it took weeks to finally melt the ice crystals without killing the person or if he was even still alive.

After being patient and finally putting the boy, tall, and slender, his muscles were lean, and not many ounces of body fat were lost, surprisingly Ziggurat pounded on how this boy could last long without nutrition or any substance for any living creation.

"According to our Data, it seems like his Bey has been feeding him with energy to keep him alive and nutrients enough to make him last for millennia. We can't determine how long, but with the style of his cloth and the identity of his Bey, it's all a mystery and greatly tell us it many years apart."

"hmmm~interesting…~Prepare a Bey stadium and foods for our heartwarming welcome to our guest when he wakes up." Dr. Ziggurat waved to his assistant and left the room with other business to attend to.


In a space in its own time, a Red serpentine snake was circling the red sky, its spirit form was decorated with worn-out shells, and it looked tired, yet it continued to circle until it felt its master finally wake up from his slumber.

It flew down and slithering against Cain, as he slowly woke up. The serpent after years finally let its head rest on her master's chest; every muscle was drained from exhaustion.


Cain was faced with a place full of red colors, signifying the dark power still resides in him, but it's minimal, small enough it won't resurface or haunt him again.

"Ruby…thank you…" letting his hand trail toward the serpent's head and give it a gentle rub.


In the real world, Cain was now free, his body fell limbless on the ground as soon as the ice was completely gone.

"urgh…." He let out. slightly gained consciousness of what was going on, he found himself yet in another strange place.

Then a girl, in weird clothing approached him and told him to follow her.

Cain, on his guard, looked for Ruby Serpent and grabbed his bey, and followed after the mysterious girl.

She led him to a dining area, where Dr. Ziggurat awaited him at the other table. "AH~if it isn't my guest." He stroked his pets, sat on his lap, and stared happily at Cain.

"please~eat till you are full~it must been long time ago since your last meal." Cain warily sat down, in front of him was something weird, it seemed like peeled naked potatoes, some kind of brown meat, and some beans.

"What is this..?"

"It's a fine classy meal, why don't you go ahead and give it a try`."

Cain, stomach growled, so he picked up his fork, stabbed into the juicy meat, and ate it one bite.

"its…tasty…" He started to eat up his plate and cleaned his lips with his arm.

He then stared at the man sitting across, he didn't like the man since he could tell he wanted something from him. "I don't expect this kind hospitality is for free…so what do you want?"

Dr. Ziggurat kept his smile and got up still stroking his pet and walked over to a door that led somewhere, he turned his head to face still wary Cain. "I want to see your bey, its an unidentified Bey that has not been registered, so my curiosity is screaming to see it. So please allow me to escort you to our training area."

For now, I follow him and if he is hiding something in his sleeve, hiding a darker meaning, I gotta get away. Cain shoved his seat back and got up.

Cain followed the man and his assistant through a short hallway there he soon laid his eyes at the end of the hallway, the end of the light a deep carved hole in the ground. it seems like it has been remodeled to fit the structure with few designs on it. it wasn't the only one. there were several of the same carved-in holes on the ground.

"what is this?"

"you don't know what a bey stadium is?"

both look at each other in silence. Cain inner thought how long time has passed? meanwhile, Ziggurat thought about how long he was trapped in the ice to know what a Bey stadium is, as it's mostly been used in ancient times.

"A-anyways…" A door opened and 5 people in yellow, 5 in blue, 5 in green, and 5 in red stepped in and they all looked ready to battle.

"who are they?"

"your opponents for this test.~ everyone has trained and mastered their bey style. Stamina, Defense, Balance, and Attack beys."

"I see…but you call them master bladers? I just see weakling."

"how cocky you are, you bat!"

Ziggurat intercepts with a calm tone and the boys are seething with hatred towards Cain. "you don't seem to have a launcher…" Ziggurat snapped his fingers and a girl in a suit and glasses arrived with a fine launcher grip it was white and colorless and he wanted to give it new skin to make it a bit alive and less bland.

Cain grabbed the launcher and he notice to his launcher.

"what is this?"

"ah~ that will be the feature for when the future is near, it's best to collect as many as possible so people will recognize just how strong you are, now why don't you practice the sensation of a bey nattle again… whenever you are ready."

Cain took out Ruby Serpent and got ready to face them. his excitement shot through and fired his launcher on the ground. the others ignored the basic form of 1v1 and now it was 20 against him. But it wasn't something he wasn't used to when he trained way back.

"Ruby serpent. Let's do it…" Cain gripped Ruby's serpent onto his new moduled launcher. the other elites did the same as their glare at Cain showed a prowess of wanting to kick him down a peg.

the old feeling of being ready to duel. it was a nostalgic feeling that resurfaced and Cain could never forget the thrill of a battle.

until he made one big mistake…

Cain lost focus and shook his head, looking at the people in front of him, He didn't let his old past haunt him because for him, what use are scars if you don't take them and show that you lived and repent for showing what life is worth, that not everything is black and white, but the colors of a rainbow.

"Ruby serpent…Take them down, all of them into the abyss."

As soon as every bey was launched, Ruby clashed the other beys out of the stadium and embraced in a red aura overflowing, it spun around the upper stadium and with incredible speed easily took out everything in its path.


Ziggurat and his team were observing the fun progress of identifying and collecting data from the bey.

"Sir, we identify it to be an ATK type Bey. The fusion ring composed of 8 small cuts around itself allows for reducing the minuscule damage given received while itself allowing to greatly return a consistent barrage. While not usually devastating in power its energy ring is where it really comes to play while it says serpents, it is more like a secret hydra with every hit leading to multiples, it finds a way to weaken the other bey, but that is not needed when faced against Atk bey like itself or stamina bey when it has power to pound the opposition alone with just brute strength."

Dr. Ziggurat continued to gleam and enjoy the little show. "good~continue indulge in the bey construct and we shall try to make the blader cooperate~"

"I expect more, but I guess my expectation should be lower." Cain retrieved his Bey and walked away, the feeling was surely a feeling he had not lost yet, but it was weird how they were weak,

did they test him?

are they planning something against him?

he surely felt suspicious of why this man was this benevolent. he didn't like it. There must be more to it…but what?