
Beyblade :Raiju

In the heart of Tokyo, 17-year-old Ryo Takahashi, an avid Beyblade enthusiast, meets a tragic end. As his consciousness fades, he hears a mysterious voice offering him a second chance at life – in the Beyblade Metal World. Ryo awakens in the Dark Nebula building, finding himself in the body of a younger version of himself as Ryuga's brother. Being given 2 wishes and a bey customized to his wishes, he is ready to challenge himself.

Myth_YT · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

2 year time skip

Today Ryu arrived in metal bey city. It has been some days that the story began.

Today should be the day when the survival battle ended and the announcement of the battle bladers were happening.

Sadly, Ryu could only wait for the two people he wants to meet to come back from the island.

Until then, he decided to search for Madoka's shop. Which wasn't difficult to find since it was very close to the arena.

He sat on a bench near the shop and waited for them while watching YouTube videos of bladers displaying their skills.

After nearly an hour, Ryu saw Ginka's gang that consisted of Benkei, Kenta, Madoka, Kyoya, Hikaru, of course, Ginka himeself.

They entered Madoka's shop and after waiting 10 minutes for his video to finish, Ryu went to the shop.

Standing outside of the door, Ryu entered and the bell rang when the door opened.

*Step... step *

"I am sorry. We are closed right now"

Madoka who climbed the stairs right at this moment said with an apologetic tone.

" You can leave your bey for repairing if you want but if you want to buy something I suggest coming tomorrow morning"

Ryu could see everyone was in low spirits due to everyone here losing to Yu, a member of Dark Nebula.

"I am sorry. I am not here for that."

"Huh? Then, why are you here?"

"I am here to meet two bladers and I saw them entering a while ago and I wanted to ask them a question"

"O-ohh, t-they are downstairs. Come with me"

Madoka was a little embarrassed for her mistake.

"Who are you?"

Said Hyoma while everyone raised their vigilance.

"Calm down guys, he said he wanted to meet two bladers from the five of you"

"And who does he want to meet"

Kyoya said with his usual unfriendliness.

"You two..."

He pointed his finger at the two people that were standing next to each other.

"I want to ask you a question....."

".... Do you want to get stronger?"

"" eh? ""

*After 10 minutes of Ryu explaining his abilities and intentions*

"Why would we trust you?"

"You could be working with Dark Nebula for all we know."

"Why only us?"

Kenta was still skeptical

"Because I want to"


That left him confused since this doesn't really make sense.

"Anyway, do you agree?"

"For how long are you going to upgrade our beys?"

That was Benkei since he couldn't waste time on this rather than gathering points for battle bladers.

"Just 20 to 30 minutes


Madoka was surprised since among the others she was the only one that knew this things take longer than usual.

"Well, if you let me use your shop and some pieces here and there, I could in about 10... No 5 minutes , but it would be incredibly rude of me to do that."

"" Madoka""

Both Kenta and Benkei had puppy dog eyes right now.

" Fine but you have to at least let me watch you work "

" That's fine by me "

" WAIT!"

Suddenly, Hikaru shouted.

" Can you upgrade my bey, too? "

" Can you show me your bey for a second? "

" Of course"

Hikaru gave storm Aquarius to him.

When john looked at it, He used his skill and 2 options appeared.

1)Cyclone aquarius 105R2F

2)Ray aquarius D125RS

'I think the first one is better. So, let's go with that '

"I will do it this one time"

"Okay everyone go to the arena and wait there I will be there in 15 minutes with three new beys for testing."

"Madoka, you can stay with me"


'Why was he so silent?'

While working on making the new beys, Ryu was skeptical about why Ginka was so silent.

'Maybe the tournament?'

He shrugged and continued working.


15 minutes later in the stadium next to madoka's shop.

"Hey, come here, they are ready"

John shouted towards the 6 bladers in the stadium.

They started walking towards him. When they arrived before him they could clearly see Madoka's astonished expression.

"Firstly, let me show you the new taurus. Now it's Grand Taurus H145D also known as 'the unstoppable bull' from a balanced Beyblade it went to a defensive Beyblade and with Benkei's strong launch and its weight, it can also be used from tremendously strong attacks.

Secondly, Burn Sagittarius C145MS also known as 'ultimate fiery Beyblade' although it remains as a stamina Beyblade its stamina has been upgraded by a large margin and it has a huge attacking potential with the three claws and the metal spike tip that produce fire.

Finally, Cyclone Aquarius 105R2F also known as 'uncontrollable bey' this is because of the tip's unique rubber spikes that spin in the opposite direction of the bey's spin. This, in turn, increases difficulty to control the bey. While six blades on the fusion wheel with the reduced height make it one of the best attacking Beyblades in the world.