
A soul is born pure

In this world, humans are the most prosperous species. They rule this world, and even the mighty beasts can't take away their throne. The beasts may be innately strong but they lack intelligence.

Intelligence is the edge humans have on other creatures. Human ponders, thinks and try to find the easiest way to solve problems. And this simple habit of theirs makes them the king of all creatures. But that crown comes with a price.

The high survivability of humans has made them somewhat carefree. They have become pampered and try to enjoy their life every day in fame, riches, and power. They have forgotten what struggles that their ancestors faced allowing them to live a safe life. The weapons that they rely on to defend themselves, they have forgotten how much blood they have drunk to get fully developed.

The safe environment has provided them to grow their population and no matter how much of a good thing it is, it does change how the society behaves and sometimes that change might not be nice.

The huge human population has somehow decreased the life's worth. A death of one or two people does not matter to anyone anymore.

The scale of measuring evil has also increased a lot in the past century. No one really cares anymore about what happens to one unlucky fellow in a city of thousands. This little negligence and ignorance have scaled the humans in a hierarchy, based on their worth.

In this human hierarchy, the ones with power, skills, wealth and strength hold the highest position. Their lives affect the lives of millions that's why their heartbeat is valuable and so harming them is a huge sin.

While those with mediocre power and strength are the rugs of society and that also defines their worth a little.


Samad was eager to meet humans after so many months of loneliness. He wanted to see beautiful ladies, visit beautiful parks, stay in luxurious rooms and sleep on the softest of beds.

Just thinking of these things, made Samad run like a cheetah towards his prey.

After running for a few minutes, Samad reached his destination. In front of him was a huge wall made of rocks and mud. Samad looked at these walls in annoyance. He felt as if entering those walls will limit his oxygen so, he had an urge to just go and destroy them.

He quickly calmed himself down, and observe a little from the trees. He saw a big gate at the center of the walls.

"So, that's the entrance? ...Hm, there is some kind of guards standing their checking people's belongings. Don't tell me I would need a pass to enter the town? ", muttered Samad as he clutched his hair causing Billa to jump off his shoulder.

Samad looked around trying to find a way in but alas the walls surrounded the whole town and the only entrance to it was the main gate.

"I can try to fly across it but that will create a lot of commotion. I need to stay low for now.", Samad thought.

Samad was sighing in distress when with his excellent eyesight, he saw a small caravan coming from far. He smirked in a mischevious way as an idea came to his mind. He walked slowly towards that caravan.


"Bakar! we are about to reach the town. Make sure that no children are missing and prepare a tribune for the guards. If we sell these children to the mayor office, we will make a great fortune. zehehehehe", a large bulky man with a hoarse voice spoke to his companion.

"Yeah, we will make enough money to enjoy life for at least a few months.", replied Bakar, a dwarfy man with a height of 4.5ft. He had a white eye with a huge scar on its side, making his appearance a little terrifying.

These two men were riding on a carriage with a small cage on it. Inside the cage, a few little children could be seen covered in dirt and blood. Some of them were missing parts of their body, showing a pitiful appearance making anyone who sees them feel pity for them.

These children had eyes of a dead soul, filled with emptiness, deathly calm, and hopelessness. Their eyes didn't show emotions that you will expect from kids of their age. It looked like the world has lost its light in their eyes.

They were sitting quietly in the cage when suddenly a boy coughed and interrupted the conversation between the two men outside.

This sudden interruption caused Bakar to get angry as he shot an anger towards the children making them shiver in fear.

"Damn, these little devils, just seeing them makes me angry. I should just kill them all."

"Calm down, Bakar. Just bear with them a little, you can't kill any of them for now. We need to deliver every kid to the mayor alive."

"I understand but I really hate it when someone interrupts me. I really hate ...", a small cough noise interrupted him again. Bakar looked at the cage behind him in rage.

"Wait, don't do anything stupid", Zakar who was beside Bakar tried to calm him down but no use. He saw as Bakar jumped on the cage with his small body and opened the door in anger.

The children were terrified when they saw the devil who hurt them and tortured them for the past few days and began to shiver in fear. Some of these pitiful kids even fainted due to extreme fear as they remembered the past trauma.

Bakar opened the cage and shouted, "Who the f***k was coughing just now? "

"Why are you silent you deaf bastards? If you don't speak I will kill you all.", he raged when he got no reply.

He blindly grabbed a small boy and started hitting him. The boy cried in pain as the tears flowed endlessly from his swollen eyes. Bakar continued hitting him and stopped only when the poor boy fainted.

"Tch, these bastards, just looking at them makes my blood boil. They are just like their parents; Cowards and rebels. Just like their parents, even their soul is born dirty ", spoke Bakar but as soon these words left his mouth, a terrifying pressure descended on him, making him pressed against the ground. His face hit the hard rocks on the road breaking his jaw bones.

He howled in pain and tried to stand up but he could not even lift a finger. Zakar who was beside him trying to stop him earlier was not in any good shape either. His face was bloodied and his shoulder was broken into pieces as he laid helplessly on the ground.

They tried to raise their head again, but a deep angry voice filled with wrath and chillness, freezed their soul.

"You are wrong. A soul is born pure."

I am sorry, today was the deadline for my SRS assignment and it took me a lot of time to finish it. That's why I could not write the chapter on time.

I will not promise that this will not happen again because I know that I can't prioritize writing novels on my studies.

But I will try my best to deliver the chapters on time.


Please leave behind suggestion for me, on how to improve certain sentences and any error in my writing.


p.s vote, please

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