
Chapter 24

Srusti's POV

Mohit Ji dropped me at his parent's place and went to the office. It was a beautiful Mansion with a small but beautiful garden. I liked this house a lot.

Aunty gave me a round of the house and showed me my room. It was big and comfortable. She asked me if I needed help in unpacking. But I refused politely. She asked me about my likes and dislikes, my hobbies. I told her that I love to sing, dance and cook.

" Wow !! So one of these days, are we get to eat a meal cooked by you? "

" Sure aunty, why not?? I can make it today only. And if you like it, I will make it every day. "

" Aunty ?? Please aunty mat kaho na... ( Please don't call me aunty...)"

She said in somewhat the same way her son had said that Ji may kaho na. A smile came on my face.

" Call me mom, mummy, ma... Whatever you want but not aunty," she said further and I felt so good to hear it.

" Ji... " I said and got emotional again.

" Awww, dear... I can't take the place of your mom but will try to give you as much love as I give to Maya and Mohit. "

" Thanks maa... " I said and hugged her and she patted lovingly on my back.

" Hey, who is making whom cry?? " Uncle said coming towards us.

" Nothing... Our daughter is going to make lunch for us. "

" WHO ?? Maya... ?? I am not very hungry... please fix me some sandwich or something instead. I just came back home, I don't want to upset my stomach. I pity poor Viraj..."

" Hold your horses... Maya is not making it, Srusti is... "

" Really?? She came just today... Let her relax, give her some time to breathe."

" Don't make me sound like a daily soap mother-in-law. She suggested that as she loves it, I just said that we would get a chance to eat food made by her one day. She said that she will make it today itself. "

" Are you sure beta?? I hope she is not bullying you. "

" No uncle, maa didn't tell me to cook... I love doing it. I was making food for Mohit Ji for the last 3-4 days as well. "

" Beta, I am your maa's husband... "

" Ji ?? "

" What should you call your mom's husband?? "

" Papa... Dad... "

" Do call me that... It's not fair that you call her mom and me as uncle. " He said and I smiled and nodded.

" Ji papa Ji... "

" So you have been cooking food for Mohit Ji ?? " He asked with amusement.

" Ji... " I said shyly.

" When did that idiot become so smart to find such a good girl for himself to get married?? " he asked mom and both of them burst out laughing. I just smiled.

" So as you are preparing the food, I am really hungry... " I smiled and nodded.

" Maa, please tell me what do you all want to eat ??"

" Let's see what we have in the kitchen. Our cook usually makes food. And I was hospitalized for 2-3 days so no idea. "

" Ji..." We went to the kitchen and told me about everyone's favourite food. I asked if Maya di would be coming. Maa called her to invite them but she was busy with the discharge of daadi ma, they did one more test to see her condition and once it is clear, they would come here but not have lunch today. She also said that she would come for an hour in the evening so that we could select the dresses for me.

" Make whatever you want beta or what Mohit likes, your papa and I eat everything. We have to prepare something light for maaji. Even I am supposed to eat light food. "

I made Panchmel daal, kadhai Paneer, Aaloo gobhi and made some healthy veg soup and my mom's special khichdi for daadi ma.

" Srusti beta, call Mohit and ask him to come for lunch." I was a bit hesitant to call him but maa was standing near me and expected to call me. So I called him.

" Hello... Srusti?? "

" I was just asking if you could come here for lunch?? "

" No... I am very busy. I don't like coming there too frequently. "

" Ok, at least send someone, we will pack it and send it to you. " I said, maa shook her head.

" Fine... anything else?? " He asked. Was he upset??

" Try harder... You haven't even got married. He should come when you call." Maa said a bit louder.

" No, But I would have liked it if you could come..." I said to please mom.

" Tell mom... that I am busy... " Oh, he must have heard and understood. Thank God or he would have thought that I was trying to flirt with him.

" I don't think he would come maa, he said he was busy... "

" This boy is always busy, he doesn't even care about eating or resting. I am glad that you take care of him. " She said and I blushed.

I told her to take a rest and I packed the lunch for him. A man came to get it later on.

We were waiting for Dadi Ji to come home. After about 20 minutes, Maya and Viraj Ji came with Dadi Ji.

She looked weak but happy to see me and be back at home. Ma asked the cook to get the soup for her and serve food for everyone. Dadiji started talking about wedding plans.

The soup came for Dadi Ji, Maa told everyone that I prepared the lunch today.

" Oh, wow !! So what have you made?" Viraj Ji asked. I told him and he smiled.

" Why don't you join us?? " I asked Maya.

" I wanted to, but kids would've back any time so we got to rush. " Maya said.

" The food is served, it will take just a few minutes. " Maa said.

" I don't know about you Maya, but I am very hungry. "

" I can understand you Viraj, have lunch it is ready. " Papa said to Viraj Ji and winked at him. Viraj Ji tried not to smile and joined him at the table.

Dadi Ji finished her soup and I gave her khichdi. She said she didn't want khichdi but I said, " Daadi Ji, it's my mom's secret recipe... Try it, you will love it. " She smiled at me and tried. She nodded in appreciation after tasting.

" Why has Mohit not come for the lunch?? He missed lunch. " Maya asked joining everyone at the table.

" Srusti called him but he said he was busy. So she packed the lunch for him and sent it. "

" Umm... He was right, you cook really well. " Viraj Ji said.

" Yes beta... Everything is just awesome. I am being glutton, had more than what I usually eat. " Papa said.

" Maya, you can stay here and help mom and Srusti with shopping and wedding preparations. I will go home and get the kids here. They should also meet their would-be Mami. I will go to the office as I have a meeting at 5 PM" Viraj Ji said and Maya nodded and smiled.

We all finished lunch and Viraj Ji left for their home. Papa and daadi Ji went to their respective rooms. While Maa, Maya and I settled down in my room and we selected the outfits from the pictures Mohit had sent Maya.

The designs were really good, he seemed to be very talented.

First of all, we selected my wedding dress. It was elegant and beautiful... I felt good to see it.

Maya asked me which ones I liked, but I said that I can't choose as all of them were amazing. So she took responsibility on her shoulders and selected a lot of dresses.

" Di... !! I don't want or need so many dresses. " I protested.

" What nonsense !! You need more than these. " Maa said and Maya nodded.

They selected many dresses of all kinds like formals and casuals in both western and Indian style, evening gowns, traditional party wears, designer sarees etc. Actually everything, they could think of.

I think, that they got almost every design in his workshop. I kept refusing but they didn't pay any heed.

She said that we would go to the market in the evening. I was feeling bad to see their enthusiasm. It made me feel more guilty.

But I kept smiling for their sake... I didn't want them to worry about me. I wanted to talk to Mohit as I had to share what I was feeling. I would call him later, at night maybe as he was busy.