
The Prophesied Silencer

Nadine's heart pounded as the heavy iron door slammed shut behind her, the echo of its finality reverberating through the dimly lit cell. Her breath trembled, and the cold, damp stone walls seemed to close in around her. In the corner, a man hunched over, his hair matted and wild. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows across his gaunt face.

There was silence as the man did not acknowledge her presence. One would think he was a corpse. Then the man's head snapped up, and his lips parted in a malevolent grin. All he could hear was the devil's whispers weaving their wicked tales inside his mind, pushing him toward the precipice of madness.

Made silent by fear, she stumbled backward as he lunged toward her, his fingers curling into claws. His eyes, once human, now glowed with an unsettling, otherworldly light.

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