
Bewitched by me: You're mine.

Vishal had never felt the need to be committed so he never cared to know anything about the women flocking around him other than their price whenever he wanted to take them to bed. However, on the day he arrived at his penthouse apartment to find big assed and full breasted Leila taking a shower in his personal bathroom, he knew that he wanted to keep her beside him by all means. Of all the things Leila had ever desired in life, Freedom was topmost so she never saw the trap in the deal Vishal had proposed to her. Now, she was stuck as she no longer had anywhere to go since the man she was with was ready to go to the ends of the world for her.

Peacock_Crown · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Beginning.


He began to push in and out while Leila kept grinding against him. He inserted his fingers into her as he searched for her G-spot. He found it and pressed down on it which made Leila yelp out in pleasure while her back arched with all the feeling she could experience.

He grinned satisfactorily and lowered his hunk downwards making his face on the same level as her ass. He raised her buttocks cheeks with his hands and stuck out his tongue swiping at her core.

Leila wanted to drown from all the pleasure she was feeling. Vishal's tongue darted in and out of her giving her the sensations she hadn't found elsewhere. She began to whine her waist as she tried to get all of it at once.

She could feel as she neared the edge of the cliff. Her muscles tightened and she began to grind against his mouth. A low yell of pleasure brought her to the climax and she released all of her juice.

Vishal didn't allow any of it go to waste. He placed his mouth over and sucked all of her nectar dry. He removed his face from underneath her as she crashed into the bed but he was yet to begin with her.

He assumed his standing position and reached out his hand to pick one of the little foil packets that were scattered around on the little bedside cabinet. He it it open with his teeth and brought out the condom that was covered with lubricants.

He wore it on and got into the bed. He hoisted her up and sticking her ass up in the air, rubbed the tip of his encased cock around the mouth of her pussy.

Leila groaned with pleasure and expectation. She didn't want to wait any longer but Vishal wasn't done with her. He still wanted to have a taste of her tits which had teased him earlier.

He turned her over and reached out for the silky lingerie on her. When he saw that it was getting a little difficult to get her out of it, he raised his hands and tore it into two.

Her tits felt free. They sprang out of their cages and bounced a little sideways. He took his sweet time to drown in their fullness. He pushed himself forward and placed his mouth over the right nipple. Leila heaved in avig sigh.

He began sucking on it while fondling the other nipple as she began making cooing sounds. She raised her hands as she attempted to wrap them around him but he didn't want any of it.

He never wanted any of his women to get handsy on him. He always wanted to dominate them. He had warned her about this before so he had to take action.

Removing his mouth from the nipple he was assaulting in an abrupt manner, he leaned downwards and got out his necktie from among the pile of clothing he had discarded.

He straightened it out and gripped her hands pinning them above her head. With a clean swirling of the improvised rope, he soon had her hands tied. Now, he was free to explore her body, unhindered.

He lowered his head and began to pick the nipple he had been fondly earlier. He licked and sucked while also using his fingers to pleasure Leila down below. She found it hard to breathe.

She couldn't hold him to herself. All she could do was to writhe in pleasure. She tried moaning but Vishal didn't want that either. He stood up and turned around on the bed.

Then, he crouched down making his cock enter her mouth. Leila extended her tongue in an attempt to lick it but she couldn't. He had it stuck in her mouth in order to prevent her from moaning.

He bent down and began his exploration. Now, there was no moaning or hands getting to obstruct him on his mission. He kept on assaulting her nipples while sending spasms of delight through her.

He finished with the left nipple and proceeded to the right one. By now, Leila wasn't herself. She desperately wanted to touch him or at least, be able to moan out loud about the beautiful things he was doing to her.

She was feeling pleasure and torture at the same time. She however, admitted that the pleasure overode the torturous feelings. Her mouth felt dry and she tried to grab the cock dangling seductively before her mouth but wasn't able to.

She gave up as she began to writhe again. He had done it again. He had sent her towards the rainbow bridge and now, the familiar tightening that signalled her release was now rocking through her body.

Despite that she couldn't moan or touch him, she was still able to thrash about wildly on the bed. She felt Vishal's tongue on her clitoris as he licked up her juice. Every drop of it.

He raised his head from between her legs and stretched forward as he loosed her hands. She whimpered as the aftermath of her climax was still present in her body.

She barely had time to think before Vishal flipped her around and raised her ass into the air. He discarded the condom he had worn earlier and picked up a new one.

Soon, he had his cock between her butt cheeks. He fondled her tits with one hand while guarding his rod with the other hand.

He found her core entrance and slipped in quietly like a spy. Both of them moaned simultaneously address bursts of ecstasy flowed through their veins. Vishal began to thrust into her from behind as Leila raised her butt.

Soon, she began to grind her ass against his rod, matching his tempo. The loud sound of flesh slapping against each other filled the room qnd both of them began breathing heavily.

'Ta ta ta ta...'

The sound of flesh hitting against ass became increasingly loud as each of them struggled to meet up to the other person's tempo.

"Awnnnn... Hmmmm.... I want more..... Harder... Pleeeasee..."

Leila asked as she was being thrusted from behind.

Vishal had extended his hand and was now fondling her breasts from beneath. She moved one of her hand behind her and grabbed his balls softly while using her other hand to support herself.

Vishal heard her plea and that made him know she was close to her climax. He quickly withdrew from between her pinky folds and turned her over as he placed one of her sore tits in his mouth.

He wanted to delay since he wasn't ready himself. She would cum whenever he was ready to. He sucked at her pinky nipples while using his hands to pleasure her at the same time.

When he figured out that she was back to being wet, he lowered himself and thrust in deeply into her. He grunted in satisfaction and began to thrust while lying face down.

He could see all of her facial expressions and also play with her breasts and nipples at the same time. Right now, he cold see that she was experiencing pleasure due to the way her eyes were slightly closed.

His release started to build up and he began thrusting into her with fast, rapid thrusts. He grabbed her tits as he plunged down his thin lips on one of them, biting it a little which made Leila gasped in pleasure.

Her climax had also began to build up and she also raised her hips to match the fervour of the man on her. She drew in a sharp intake of breath and partially closed her eyes to allow the sensation wash through her.

"Cum for me..... Wait for me."

Vishal echoed in his deep voice as he thrust wildly into Leila. He raised his hips and thrust the last one which hit Leila straight in the womb and also sent her straight across the edge.

Both of gave deep moans and grunts and soon, all was silent in the large room. A few seconds later, Vishal stood up and headed towards the bathroom. He peeled off the condom on him and threw it into the waste basket on his way.

He got into the shower and turned on the shower. He stood still as the spray of water coursed down his body. He heard the door close slightly and he looked sideways to see Leila standing against the door.

She was now in her work uniform and had his bathrobe folded neatly in her hands. She held it with both hands as though she wanted to sacrifice to a god with her head lowered.

He smiled to himself at this thought as he felt he was right in his assumptions. To her, he was her god. Her savior. Her employer. She surely knew her place in here and she had to be very careful in order not to go beyond it or else, she would suffer the consequences.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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