
Bewitched by me: You're mine.

Vishal had never felt the need to be committed so he never cared to know anything about the women flocking around him other than their price whenever he wanted to take them to bed. However, on the day he arrived at his penthouse apartment to find big assed and full breasted Leila taking a shower in his personal bathroom, he knew that he wanted to keep her beside him by all means. Of all the things Leila had ever desired in life, Freedom was topmost so she never saw the trap in the deal Vishal had proposed to her. Now, she was stuck as she no longer had anywhere to go since the man she was with was ready to go to the ends of the world for her.

Peacock_Crown · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5.

He finished up in his office and called in two of his most trusted bodyguards. He gave them some instructions and they instantly left the room after saluting him. He had some business to take care of at the Pack's headquarters and he needed to be fast about it.

He had told his little vixen to always get ready

for him by twelve in the afternoon and he wouldn't want to keep her waiting. He looked at the wristwatch in his hands and saw that he still had two hours to spare.

He picked up his phone and was about to leave the room when his eyes caught sight of the tablet lying open on the table. He could see a video was playing on it but he knew that it wasn't really a video.

It was the surveillance video of his penthouse. For a reason he didn't understand himself, he always wanted to know all that was happening in the suite upstairs. He didn't have enough time to go through it now, so he decided to check it out while in the car.

He got out of the door and took his own exclusive elevator down to the lobby of the posh apartment complex. He walked smartly across it and made his way to the front door. By the time he got there, the car was already waiting for him.

He extended his long legs and got into it while it drove away smoothly from the kerb. He kept his eyes peeled on the road like he was expecting someone or something but he was very sure he would see nothing.

The only person he would slightly be expecting to see was Leila and she was now at the penthouse suite, going about her normal business. He looked down at the tablet on his laps and swiped across its surface to assess what was going on in his apartment.

He zoomed into the kitchen camera and saw his hired chef going about her business. Another swipe and he could see all the cameras in the apartment. He saw as Leila rushed about trying to meet up with the deadline he had set for her.

It gave him a feeling of superiority over her as he watched her struggle and clean around the apartment. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't notice the car stop.

"Boss, we're here." Batista, his most trusted bodyguard told him quietly.

He knew his boss hates to be interrupted whenever he was busy with something but he needed to or else, they would spend the whole day waiting in the car.

"Hmm." Came the simple grunt his bodyguards had known as assent. Batista opened the door and got down while he adjusted his suit.

He then walked briskly and came to the boss'door while opening it with a swish. He could see the other bodyguards who were in the other cars spread out in strategic positions.

Vishal didn't have a personal assistant. Batista filled in that post effortlessly while also doubling as his bodyguard. He picked up the little briefcase lying on the car seat after his boss had exited the car.

Both of them adjusted themselves and began walking in a swaggering manner towards the packhouse. He met a few omegas on his way in and they all bowed slightly in reference to him.

When he arrived at the main living room, he met his father seated in the Alpha's seat while his mother was occupying the Luna's seat beside him. His grandfather sat on a huge chair to his father's right while the Beta and Gamma of the pack day to his father's left.

There was an empty chair beside his grandfather and it was facing the Gamma. He knew that was his chair so the minute he walked into the room, he approached the chair while exchanging greetings with a stiff upper lip.

He could see the yearning in his mother's eyes. She desperately wanted to get up and hold him in a bear hug. It had been a long time since he had returned home but where his grandfather was, there wasn't any room for emotions.

The old man often claimed having emotions like love made one weak. He would say having faith in a person often led to betrayals. That was why he regarded Vishal as his real son instead of as a grandson.

"Hunhum..." His father, Vikram cleared his throat and everyone of them sat upright.

"Son, I've called you here today for two important things. First, what do we do about the threats from the Black Moon pack? They are really going all out to step on our toes.

I would have loved to send our warriors to them and start a full scale war but their terrain is dangerous and they still have three of our high school girls with them.

Intelligence reports reaching me from one of our spies is that they are running a very organized prostitution ring. She-wolves are captured and when they are in heat, they are made to sleep with men who pay high prices for them.

I'm pretty sure that's the fate that's about to befall those girls and we can't allow it. If we do, we are trying to tell them that they could come and raid us for our girls and women..."

"They wouldn't dare...." Vishal and his grandfather echoed simultaneously interrupting Vikram. Both of them looked at each other and Vinnie gave his grandson the nod to go ahead.

"You see father, doing that would mean the end of their pack on the face of the earth. I also do not support sending out our warriors into their terrain. We have to lure them out and I think I have an Idea."

He told the men seated with him. Inspite of the upbringing he had and his incredulous skills, he had always k own that he couldn't raise his shoulders proudly against the very people who were seated with him right now.

They were his father's inner circle and he would never condole any form of arrogance or insurbodination towards them. He had instilled into him right from time, the virtue of being humble.

Vishal watched as they all looked at each other before his father nodded briefly at the Gamma.

"Let's head to the study."

He looked at Vishal while speaking and they all stood up and headed towards his father's study which was on the topmost floor in the pack house.

As a kid, Vishal had often found himself being fascinated with the office. Despite his wolf hearing, he had never heard anything from the room. He never knew it had been sound proofed against wolves and their insane hearing.

His mother didnt bother going into the study with them. She told them she was sure they were going to take the right decisions. So, she went on her way to the kitchen.

Once they were all in the study, they began to make plans on how to attack subtly without drawing attention to themselves.

"I think we should listen to Vishal's idea from earlier." His grandfather opined when he noticed the men were already engrossed without getting a headway out of the problem.

"Yeah, let's hear you son." His father nodded 5o him.

Vishal cleared his throat and walked towards a white board that had a map of the whole area projected on it. The map contained all the Pack's in the country and the land they all held. He picked up the pointer and zoomed out the picture to the area where the Black Moon pack was located.

"Here's the Black Moon's territory and if I'm very correct, they have hills and dangerous cliffs to their advantage and that's probably why they feel they are untouchable.

Let's see what we have here. Oops, there are also caves amongst these hills so getting all of them ar the same time would be difficult. I think the best thing is to gradually invade them.

I hear that they are friendly towards female rogues since they needed she-wolves for their prostitution ring. Let's send out ten of our best female warriors. Two of them would act as a smokescreen and enter into the pack like rogues.

Then the others would stay around the Pack's territory and move in when they hear the signal. Those on the inside should study those caves and try as much as possible to prevent those girls from being shipped away.

When they know everything, they would send a message toys and we would move in while they block every if their escape means from inside. We can't attack from the air since they have caves and bunkers they could hide in."

He could see that the men were already nodding in agreement with him by the time he was done. They had all exhausted their options while trying to come up with plans to defeat the Black Moon pack.