
Bewitched by me: You're mine.

Vishal had never felt the need to be committed so he never cared to know anything about the women flocking around him other than their price whenever he wanted to take them to bed. However, on the day he arrived at his penthouse apartment to find big assed and full breasted Leila taking a shower in his personal bathroom, he knew that he wanted to keep her beside him by all means. Of all the things Leila had ever desired in life, Freedom was topmost so she never saw the trap in the deal Vishal had proposed to her. Now, she was stuck as she no longer had anywhere to go since the man she was with was ready to go to the ends of the world for her.

Peacock_Crown · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3.

Vishal Armeni. That was his full name. His father, Vikram Armeni was the Alpha of the mafia pack, Red Wolves pack. This pack was notorious since they were a Mafia pack but, they were also prosperous at the same time.

Aside from the Pack's business which had other pack members in charge of it, Vikram Armeni also had a huge conglomerate which had business dealings in construction, oil and gas, real estate and insurance.

He also had a little political influence on the side. He was using The Hub, which was the name of his conglomerate as a front in order to pass off his Pack's prosperity that they were involved in legitimate business.

But none was the wiser. Top government officials knew that the pack was very much involved in the underworld. They had strong connections to the Russian and Italian mafias.

Despite being the Alpha of a Mafia pack, Vikram Armeni never dabbled his hand into drugs or forming prostitution rings. He was kingpin when it came to illegal arms dealing and was also used by the state government to help in tracking criminals.

His son, Vishal Armeni took full control of the company when he was just twenty two years old and he had been running it for three years straight. He was known as a cold hearted person who didn't give a damn about whose ox was gored.

Given his Werewolf and Mafia background, he was able to get away with most things. He didn't derail from their mafia's business dealings, but his level of wickedness was on another level. A level that was higher than that of his father.

He was trained by his grandfather, so he had more knowledge of the mafia's business than his father. His father had gotten into it by inheritance. Whoever leads the pack as Alpha becomes leader of the Mafia.

It was also very dangerous for an Alpha to be weak,this was because of mutiny. It could break out from among the ranks of men thereby causing disastrous results.

His grandfather had disapproved of his mother, Noel and tried all he could in order to prevent them from getting married to each other. His father, Vikram had stood his ground and fought for the woman he loved.

Noel had trained under her own father and brothers until she was twenty years old. It was in her twentieth birthday she was revealed to their pack as a female.

A lot of dignitaries were invited to the pack from other neighbouring packs and Vikram was also among. He had been invited as a special guest from his pack. He had only been twenty three years old then.

His father had been the one who the invitation was sent to but because he was having a conflict with his son due to their mafia's side, he decided to send him to the birthday while also placing about three fighters on the way to teach his son some lessons for challenging him.

He had attended the party and instantly fell in love with Noel. He had been elated to about her and was happily riding home to tell his father the news of his proposed bride.

He was halfway home when he got attacked by two wolves he hadn't seen. They grinned evilly and made for him. He launched into the air and with a few hidden tricks, he had their necks snapped.

A few metres away, he was attacked again by a wolf he thought was alone. He had almost snapped its neck when he saw his father appear from the underbrush. His father shook him and told him of how impressed he was with him.

The bravery he had displayed and the joy at finding his mate made him and his father experience a mini reunion. However, news of Noel's involvement in his life had his and his father back at loggerheads.

It was obvious his father had different plans for him when it came to choosing a mate. It took a lot of bitter and angry exchanges back and forth between Vikram and his father. When the Elder saw that his son wasn't ready to back down, he agreed to meet Noel.

"Many people from their pack and other packs had always thought she was a boy due to the incredible strength she displayed." Vikram told his father proudly after Noel had been ushered into their house on her first visit.

The only option the eldest Armeni didn't consider was disowning his own son. When he realised that both lovers were intent on staying together, he devised a lot of tests in order to know how strong the future Luna of the pack was after hearing what his son said.

He agreed to allow them be together if she fought with three female warriors from his pack. The three warrior wolves were trainees and were being currently trained to guide the females wing of the Red Wolves pack Warriors.

Noel's orders were to fight them until they plead submission. The female warriors also had the same orders. Vikram wouldn't have any of it. He refused to agree to the terms but his father, Vinnel Armeni refused to budge. He made his son realise that was the farthest he could go in considering their relationship.

He had looked at Noel where she was standing calmly waiting for whatever was going to happen. He watched as his father went on his own way with a bitter feeling in his mouth. After his father, Vinnie had gone, he rushed to her side to give her the news.

The fight was a very fatal one. Although no lives were lost, they were a lot of injuries and bite marks on all of them. All through the fight, Noel never shifted into her wolf although the other warriors did.

She knew it was going to be a very deadly mistake so, she didn't attempt it. She would easily be overpowered by them if she shifted.

She fought both their human and wolf forms in her human form. This made the Elderly Armeni accept her tone with his son but he disliked her still.

This was the reason why she made her eldest son, Vishal live with him. She did it in an attempt to appease the old man. This singular act was what made the old man be able to tolerate her a bit.

Vishal had grown up under the tutelage of his grandfather. When he was ten, his grandfather had abdicated as Alpha of the pack and his father became the new Alpha while also managing the business head built with his wife.

Vishal was trained to kill as early as he was twelve years old by his grandfather. Once he had placed two tables in a room. He made his grandson stand behind one of the tables while a member of his gang stood behind another table.

A man was made to kneel on a raised dias on one end of the room with his hands and feet bound. He had been beaten and tortured beyond recognition.

He was one of the members of a drug cartel which the governor of New York had given his family's mafia the power to hunt down and destroy the cartel. This was after one of the bosses of the cartel was arrested, tried and sentenced to jail.

His drug stash was also destroyed and everyone had thought that was the end. To their surprise, the cartel resumed the distribution of drugs across the state, although it was done aggressively.

The state government, not wanting to lose face before the people, had to contact Vinnie Armeni for help. Vinnie stepped in and the cartel began to get hit from all directions. The suppliers and distributors all began to disappear mysteriously.

The major kingpin of the cartel was eventually hunted down in a brothel in Paris. He was bundled by Vinnie's men and brought back to New York. The cartel went down two years after Vinnie was contracted to go after it.

On this fateful day, Vishal was expected to quickly arrange the gun pieces on the table before him and shoot the man before the other man did. He knew that if he failed,his grandfather wouldn't hesitate to tie him to the stake and have him punished.

Being only a twelve years old boy, he assembled the gun within seconds and shot the man. It was a straight shot to the head. Everyone around him congratulated him. As he grew older, the assignments became worse.

He had to kill or get killed. When he eventually clocked twenty two and done with college, he was handed over the conglomerate with his father still as the Chairman of the group.

He was made the General manager while he also took control of the Mafia for his father. He knew that his father never had an interest in such business, so he had to step in.

He did that to prevent a mutiny from breaking out. He had to protect his pack since they were a lot of other big packs wanting to swallow them whale like a whale in the deep of the ocean.