
Bewitched by me: You're mine.

Vishal had never felt the need to be committed so he never cared to know anything about the women flocking around him other than their price whenever he wanted to take them to bed. However, on the day he arrived at his penthouse apartment to find big assed and full breasted Leila taking a shower in his personal bathroom, he knew that he wanted to keep her beside him by all means. Of all the things Leila had ever desired in life, Freedom was topmost so she never saw the trap in the deal Vishal had proposed to her. Now, she was stuck as she no longer had anywhere to go since the man she was with was ready to go to the ends of the world for her.

Peacock_Crown · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A hot noon.


In the penthouse suite of a luxury apartment in Manhattan, New York. The bedroom door was flung open by Vashal. He stood at the door, ejecting testerones in abundance.

He was bathed in the white rays of the light shining in the corridor. He strode into the room as he took a quick glance at the bedside cabinet which was made of oak.

The time displayed by the by the clock read twelve noon. The clock was an antique bronze piece that was carved to look like a wolf that was howling with its head raised up.

It had been polished with high quality wax and it

shone as the afternoon sun streamed in through the window. The clock's face was on the wolf's belly and had an opening on the other side where the batteries were kept.

On the bed, the plump and sexually enticing body of Leila was sitting on the bed against the big dark wood of the headboard. She was clad in a bright pink sexy lingerie which set off her body like it was on fire.

The top of the sexy lingerie was barely covering her big and plump bosom. Her juicy tits were fighting for space in the lingerie that was a size small for the heavily endowed lady and they spilled graciously out of the silky fabric.

The sweet pink areolas of her tits were standing out proudly as it was perked up to revealed her already aroused body. They were also subtly hiding all the softness that lay beneath the silky fabric.

The pink straps of the lingerie strained against her milky white skin as they tried to keep the fabric on her, creating a little red line where they were. The lingerie had stopped a few inches down her thigh.

She raised her head as she felt Vishal's presence in the room and got on her knees agile her hands were used in supporting her in the position she had assumed. She was on all fours as she shot a straight look at the man before her.

Vishal's gaze met hers and his breath hitched in his throat. He felt his trouser had become tighter and he lowered his hand to grab his pulsating cock. He grazed his hand over it for a few seconds before returning his gaze the the woman on the bed.

He let all of his gaze roam over her and tried all he could not to drool. He maintained his poker face as he made his eyes travel down her face to her full, red lips. Her lips were like the morning bells which often called worshippers at dawn.

His predatory gaze travelled further and landed on her enticing tits which were now on full display. He could see them threatening to spill out of the lingerie and he growled lowly in his throat.

The milk white flesh that was her tits appeared line ripened apples ready to be plucked and he swore in his head to suck on them till they became red.

The valley between her breasts made him gulp in thirst. He felt his tongue clung to the roof his mouth and his beautiful lips suddenly became parched in thirst.

He knew the feeling. He had experienced it everytime for over a thousand times. She sure knew how to get him hooked. The dry feeling in him became more enhanced and he instantly knew he didn't have time to waste.

She was the only one who could quench his thirst the same way she was the one who had started it. The thirsty feeling she had ignited in him could only be quenched by sucking on her nipples till they became sore and she begged him to stop.

He had done that a lot of times that he had lost count of it. He still couldn't get the taste of them out of his mouth. Each time, he took those luscious tits in his mouth, he often had a different sensation.

He growled dangerously in anticipation as he walked towards the bed. He began to strip off every article of clothing that was on him beginning from the neatly knot tie and soon,he was left with his pants and briefs.

He got to the edge of the bed and stood as he hooked out the forefinger of his left hand beckoning Leila to come to him. She made an attempt to stand up and leave the bed but he shook his head furiously.

He signalled with his hand for her to assume her previous position and she smiled in response at him. She twisted her body and placed her hands before her as she obeyed his unspoken command.

She began to crawl towards him as she held his gaze with her's. She began twisting her body as she approached the edge of the bed. Her ass stuck up behind her making Vishal wonder what was on her body that had him hooked.

She got to where he stood and raised her head to look up at him like a dog expecting a treat from its master. He looked down and gestured to his pants. She nodded while smiling seductively at him.

She raised her hands which had long, artificial nails fixed on them. The nails were finished with a shiny nail varnish and had little Swarovski stones embedded in them. The stones shone as the light reflected over them.

She took hold of the pant's button and released it from the button hole. She dipped her hands into his briefs freeing it from its cotton prison. It stood up proud and taut and she licked her lips as she felt hungry for the meat before her.

She grabbed the cock in her fisted hand and ran it through the hole of her hand. It sprang gaily in her hand and she smiled up at the man standing before her. She saw he had his eyes closed which she knew was a sign of what he wanted.

She pulled her head forward and took the cock into her warm mouth. Vishal hissed in pleasure and he stretched out his hand in an attempt to grab her.

He restrained himself and returned his hand to his side in a fist. He looked down at her as she licked at the pinky head of his cock. Her tongue danced around the head of his cock as she savoured the taste of his precum.

She made slurping sounds and her saliva made his already smooth cock more slimy. She went further and swallowed the whole length of him making him dance in ecstasy on a spot.

She licked very hard and began to rotate her mouth as she licked and sucked on him hungrily wishing he never had to cum. She gripped his balls in her hand and kneaded it giving him additional pleasure.

Vishal could'nt take it anymore. He was loosing it to the seductress who was now giving him the time of his life with her tongue. He began to groan. Deep guttural sounds.

He grabbed her hair and drew her head closer. This made the grip of her mouth on his cock tighter. He groaned in his throat and she moaned softly from below at him.

He began grinding in her mouth as he felt he was near. His grip on her head tightened as he was closer to the bursting point. The grinding became fiercer and their moans echoed each other.

He felt the sensation as his body felt like light had travelled around his body. His cum gushed out in rapid spurts drenching her face. She shook her head and quickly placed her mouth over the gushing fountain.

She sucked him and he gratefully emptied the remnants of his creamy ejaculation in her mouth. She swallowed him, savouring the salty flavour of his cum.

Vishal heaved a big sigh and watched as sweat trickled down his broad and well shaped body. He had his many trips to the gym to thank for that. His broad shoulders and lean hips complimented each other so much he had been listed among the top ten most handsome men in the City.

"Turn around. Raise your ass." He said as he demonstrated with his hands

Those were the first words he had told her since he came into the bedroom over thirty minutes ago.

Leila didn't need another warning. She crawled around on all fours and stuck out her ass putting her bright pink panties on display. His cock which had been resting dejectedly instantly sprang up as it pulsated with vigour.

The pink panty she was wearing stuck between her lips covering only her clit. The fabric was so thin that he could see the wetness of her core. He nodded in satisfaction and rubbed his thumb against her core.

Leila recoiled a little as she purred like a cat. Vishal nodded in satisfaction at her reaction and decided to pleasure her the more. He pushed in his fore and middle fingers into her making her writhe up against him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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