
Between You and I, I choose Us

The story about Dolly who steals the dairy from a Wang and decides to read it. Which revolves around a mafia background, where there will number of mafia gangs, everyone has their own strategies to be in the topmost level, Marcus is one of them, a fine day he kidnaps Jack from his lover where it is important day in his life. Marcus have his own way to get succeed his works, there will be a greater number of secrets hidden behind Marcus, he makes Jack stay with him. Jack hates Marcus very much, will he continues staying with Marcus? finds a way to get out to from there, as it is incomplete story, Takes a decision to know about their end of the story and what happened to them, starts finding about them, will she succeed in it?

Chandu_88 · Action
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39 Chs

I know What I am doing


When I opened my eyes Jack was near to me and sleeping, I didn't want to disturb him, I observed that he woke up, I closed my eyes as he went out of my room, doctor came and has checked the wound, I see everyone worried about me, Jack entered into the room,

"I am sorry it wasn't my intention to shout you." (Jack)

"Don't you know a person would die by your carelessness." (Marcus)

"I am ready to take the responsibility what I have done, I will take care of you until the day you are fit and fine." (Jack)

I was shocked by his words, why did he choose to do that, as I am the person who hurt him most. I just remembered my brother and asked Jack to make a call. 

After knowing that he has photographic memory, wanted to know more about him. with in a few minutes Henry entered into the room, I introduced him to Jack, after knowing that Jack was the one who shoot me, he was shocked, meanwhile Jack went outside.

"Now tell me why you like this, why did you bring him?" (Henry)

"Calm down, I know what I am doing, and before doing anything I think more than hundred times, you don't need to worry."

Hmm, do whatever you want." (Henry)

I see that Jack entered into the room, Henry went outside, but before going he something whispered into Jack's ears. after that I see Jack was tensed. 

he given the food and was going out in hurry. "Is this the way you are taking care."

"should I feed you?" (Jack)

"yes, if you are not going to feed then I should eat by myself, stiches may cut by the movement." 

I see that Jack's sulking face, it made me to tease him more, he feed me the food, within a short period of time he went outside. 

It was 8 pm, Jack entered into the room and given food and medicine, due to the medicine I fall asleep. when I opened my eyes, I see Jack was sleeping in the sofa, I was unable to sleep and bored by staying in the room, I went out from the room to gym, I started walking on the treadmill, I see suddenly stopped the treadmill and hit on my head, I was angry who dares to hit me, turned around and saw that it was Jack.

"Have you lost your mind, see it's bleeding from the wound."

Jack took me to the room, cleaned the wound and dressed it neatly, Jack went out from the room, and came back with the thread tied to my hand and the other end he tied to his hand I didn't understand what he was doing.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You don't care about yourself, but I need to care once you are fine, I can free myself from you." (Jack)

"Are you sure you can free from myself." 

"Shut your mouth and sleep, I want to sleep now." (Jack)

I see that Jack was sleeping on the floor, I went out from the bed and hold him into my hands and took him to the bed.

"Why did you took me to your bed?" (Jack)

"How can I sleep? you tied my hand and you are sleeping on the floor, it's uncomfortable me sleeping like this."

He placed pillows between us and slept, slowly by watching into his face I slept. When I opened my eyes, I see Jack's face so close to me, I was lost by seeing Jack's face. Without knowing my lips captured his lips. within a few seconds, Jack opened eyes and pushed me away.

"you are same as your brother told me, I am freaking hate you." (Jack) went out from the room.

I don't know why I kissed him, after kissing him I wanted to kiss him more, after that incident whenever Jack enters the room I see that he is coming with someone. 

Jack came with James, I just asked James to leave the room as I wanted to talk alone with Jack. He left the room.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"First tell me what you want from me, do you need Sex, love or revenge from anyone? If love you can't expect from me, I am deeply in love with Calvin."

"Nothing, just nothing?"

"Release me, I want to go home, I miss Calvin so bad."

"Whatever you want I will give you, but you can't go home."

"See I am asking nicely, what do you want from me?"

"Hmm, I want you to win in boxing over me. If you win you can go home easily."

"Ok, fine."

He aggressively came forward to hit me with the punch, I hold his punch and hugged him from the back, he pushed me away and started to hit one more time.

"Marc and Jack why are you fighting with each other?" (Win)

We both shocked by seeing Win standing out side. He came in.

"You both are bad persons don't talk to me." Win sulking on both of us.

I moved forward to him and said "I am sorry that I made you angry."

"Don't say sorry to me, first you need to sorry for both of yourselves." (Win)

we both said sorry, "Will you talk to me now?"

"Wait, now hug each other and say will be friends from today." (Win)

As we don't have choice, we hugged each other, Jack went out by taking Win.


When I saw Jack entering the room, to keep the distance from my brother I just whispered in his ears that "be careful, he may eat you, do know what I mean....?" I saw that Jack's tensed face, Went outside and saw James was busy in work with laptop.

I went towards him and closed the laptop, tried to talk with him, he was still angry on me, I have asked apologies so many times, but never even looked into my face. He left the place like every time. I don't know what to do? 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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