
Between the arms of the ceo

While trying to have some peace at her own party, Alaya discovers something she never expected, her boyfriend was cheating on her with her sister, fleeing from everything she went to Las Vegas and after many drinks and a lot of flirting she ended up with a ring on her finger and in the bed of an apparent stranger. What Alaya did not expect is that that stranger was the uncle of her ex-boyfriend and now they both have something in common: revenge. He wants an empire and she wants to kill all those who betrayed her. Will they achieve her goal or will something else happen?

DaoistNvT2Ak · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 02

I open my eyes feeling my head throbbing, shit! I close them again as quickly as I can.

I've had a lot.

How did Mariam let him drink so much?

I try to stay asleep, when the strangest images of my life come to me, I remember drinking with Mariam, dancing, then bumping into a guy who has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I kissed him, he kissed me back, then more alcohol, dancing, Mariam trying to get me to separate from him.

Everything is so confusing... more images come to me of several people trying to stop us, the gray-eyed guy and me, then a chapel, laughter, a kiss, me at a cheap altar one of those in Vegas and... wait... I open My eyes suddenly popped when I felt something heavy on my body.

I see that the same man from my images is lying next to me, naked, scratch that, I look down, we are both naked, his hand is on my waist, despite being asleep, the grip is too possessive.

I look around, I'm not inside Mariam's dad's suite, and what's even worse, she's not there. I'm panicking, so I try to break free from her grip, only for her eyes to open and the murky gray to freeze me. At first he seems as disoriented as I am, he frowns, my chest is pressed against his, so I can almost guarantee that I can feel his heartbeat perfectly.

"The whores have to leave before he opens his eyes," he says in a hoarse and hostile tone, sliding his hand from my body.

"I'm not some fucking idiot!" I reply, incorporating my body.

"Didn't Lander pay you?" she asks, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know who Lander is, and I'm not a whore, I've already told you that," he exclaimed, not being able to believe that I slept with this idiot.

I look for the trace of a condom with my eyes, this man is promiscuous and I'm not, what if he hit me with something?

"What are you looking for?" His voice brings me out of my reverie.

"A condom, we went to bed, I wouldn't want you to hit me with something" I hasten to say.

"I'm the one who should be worried, you seem crazy, I always use a condom, I'm not a child" he moves his neck with stress "That son of a bitch."

He speaks, but I don't believe him, there is no trace of one, I am just about to open my mouth to ask him to look for it, when I notice that on the bed, on one side of one of the edges, a blank piece of paper rests. I pick it up and just by reading the first letters, I'm convinced that I'm in a nightmare.

"No... no... it can't be..." my voice trails off.

That's when I realize the detail, my hand is adorned by a beautiful diamond ring. Which confirms my fears.

"Are you Said Montenegro?" The question almost stuck in my throat.

"Yes because?" He starts to finish dressing.

My hands shake when he closes the space and snatches the document from me, I look at him and then at me, his face is impenetrable, so I can't know what he is thinking. I only know that I am married to this man.

"It's false" he breaks it into a thousand pieces and he tells me: "I would never marry a woman like you."

A woman like me?

"Idiot" I look for my underwear and start to get dressed. Ignoring the fact that he has turned around to give me some privacy.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice that he takes a checkbook out of his pockets.

"I will give you a certain amount, it should be enough, I don't know what dirty tricks you and Lander are up to, but you won't believe that that document is legal" he signs and hands me the paper and then says: "I don't remember anything about what happened." , so don't try to blackmail me because it won't work."

My cheeks burn with fury.

Who the hell are you talking about? What idiot is he going to mess with me?

"What? No," I refute. "You're misunderstanding, I'm not a whore, I don't know..."

"The door is over there, get out of my sight" he turns his back on me.

I tear up his stupid check and leave the hotel room hoping to forget this ever happened. I look in my bag for my cell phone, I have many missed calls from Mariam, text messages in which she asks me where I am, I call her and she answers instantly.

After spending 3 days in Las Vegas visiting that beautiful place, it was time to return to my reality. Mariam and I had totally ignored what had happened the first night, and I wasn't ready to talk about it.

When we arrived in New York, Mariam's driver picked us up.

"What will you do now?" Asks my best friend.

I don't even know what I'm going to do, I just ran away but now I have to face my reality

"About?" I try to avoid that question

"Let's go. Do you want me to call an investigator and help us with the other matter?" I shake my head, I know who it is and that's what scares me the most about it being real. "Well, if you need help, let me know, okay?"

I nodded and got out of the car once at the door of my house.

I say goodbye to her promising that we will see each other again in a couple of days, my stomach churns with the idea of ​​seeing my mother and my stupid sister again, since I left, I have not spoken a word to them, They have called me, sent messages that I delete before even reading them.

I make a mental note of what I have to do from now on, plans that go overboard when as I cross the hall, my mother comes out of nowhere with her elegant suit and her shitty controlling sadistic air.

"Where you were?"

"What do you care mother?" I continue walking "Go with Rebeca, I'm sure she needs your support."

She grabs my arm roughly.

"Don't talk to me like that again! Tomorrow your father will have dinner with Alejandro's family and you're going to go with a smile on your face, do you understand?!"

I let go quickly, feeling the fury growing in me again.

She's crazy!

"Have you gone crazy? I'm not going anywhere, mother! I'm not going to make everyone believe that we're a damn perfect family because you know what? We're not!" A slap makes me turn my face

"You will go alaya because if not I will take care of leaving you on the street" I can't help but laugh at his words "Now you laugh but let's see what your father says when you see that you are doing it badly, I will make sure that no one hires you and that "beautiful cart you built is going to the trash."

With that said, I watch her walk away as if the world were hers.

I enter the building and go straight to my apartment.

She threw everything at my disposal I hate them! I hate you all.

I cry like a little girl on the floor.

That they hate me? I don't know they're supposed to be my family?

He hit the sofa hard so as not to hurt me and release that anger that I keep inside.