
The Gojo Elders

(Kiryu's POV)

"You're beautiful." I told Utahime as she lay in my arms, "You know that, right?" 

"Hmph." She said, "You keep reminding me." 

We were laid on the bed, completely naked, after a night of making love. My poor girl, her self-confidence had always been low, especially in bed. She was so shy and clumsy the whole night, but I didn't care. 

I was gentle and patient with her. Usually, I always take control and she lets me do as she wants, but she wanted to take part. 

She was gently caressing my chest, running her finger alongside a massive scar that ran across it. 

"I'm sorry, Iori." I told her, "For whatever I've been making you feel." 

"I've grown tired of waiting, Kiryu." She said, "Do you know how frustrating it is for a woman my age to not be married and with children? And here you are, just teasing me. " 

"Relax." I said kissing her forehead, "You know I wanted to make you my wife back then. When I first became Head." 

"I wasn't sure how I felt about that...." She said, "You were just 18 and I was much older than you. How would your Clan react to that? And to top it off, I wasn't the only one you wanted." 

"Don't talk about it, after the nice night we had." I said smiling, "Please." 

"I'm just fed up, Kiryu..." she said, "I don't know how Shoko and Mei Mei truly feel, but I'm tired.....I just want it to end...I want....." 

"I know." I said, "I know...I'll take care of it...." 

"You're Gojo Kiryu...." She softly said, "If Satoru can ignore the rules, why can't you?" 

I looked up at the ceiling, "You know why." I told her

"I'm sorry." She said even softer, "I know He was important to you.....Your Father.." 

"He told me to wait until I was ready to take that responsibility," I said

"Are you?" She asked, "Are you ready now?" 

"I don't know." I said, "But everyone seems to get tired of waiting..." 

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked me

"The Zenin made their offer." I told her, "They want to marry one of their daughters off to me." 

"What?" She said, "Who?" 

I didn't respond, I didn't want to respond. 

"Kiryu!" She said as she sat up, "Who?" 

I sighed, "Maki." 

"Maki?!" She said, "What did you say?!" 

I looked at her, "What do you think?" I said, "I refused." 

She then began to crawl off the bed, "I can't believe this." She said with her voice cracking, "You would even attend a meeting like that...." 

I sat up, "Iori." I said, "Don't start again....I didn't know the meeting was about that!" 

I saw as she began to pick her clothes up from the floor as she had a blanket wrapped around her, "Have a car ready for me, I'm leaving." She said as she wiped tears from her eyes, "I have to meet with my students." 

I got out of the bed, "Uta." I called, "What's the problem? What makes you think that I'd consider a marriage with a little girl? Iori!" 

I saw as she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut behind her. 

I sighed, "Shit." I said, "We were going good....." 

I picked up the phone from the nightstand beside me and dialed a number. 

"Hey. It's me." I said to one of my servants over the phone, "Prepare a car for Iori, she's leaving. And make sure she's fully clothed. Yes, thank you." 

I then hung up and set the phone on the nightstand and rubbed my hair. 

"Godamn...." I said, "It's always something, huh?"


"Miss Iori was delivered to her residence safely, Young Master." I was told by my servant as I took a sip of coffee

I nodded, "Good." I said, "Thank you. Did you make sure she was clothed?" 

She nodded as she was knelt down besides me, "Yes, Young Master." She said, "Another thing, nobody heard a thing last night. I made sure of that." 

I smiled, "That's nice." I said, "Thank you again. For your reward....." 

I put the cup of coffee down and pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, handing it to her. It was black with some gold lettering in it. 

"Do as you wish with it." I said

She put the piece of paper inside her cleavage, "I am graced by your kindness, Young Master." She said, "Before breakfast is served, I must let you know of something." 

I looked at her, "Yea?" 

"Elder Rukia is here to see you." She said

As she said that, I heard a cane tapping on the floor. 

"Oh? Granny Rukia?" I said as I glanced to my left

I watched as the old lady was making her way to the table, "Kiryu, my boy." She said as reached me, "You don't call, you don't write, you don't visit." 

She sat down in front of me, her frail and old body slightly shaking as her long and white hair draped on her shoulders. Her light blue eyes looked at me as she set her cane on the floor besides her. 

The servant immediately served her a cup of coffee as Granny placed her hands on the table. 

I looked at the servant, "Leave us." I told her

She stood up and left, "As you wish." 

"Young Master." I heard Granny Rukia speak, "I heard of your meeting with the Zenin." 

I raised an eyebrow, "What of it?" 

"Quite the offer." She said as she sipped from her cup, "Why did you refuse?" 

I frowned, "You know why?" 

"The customs of the Three Great Houses always have the Heads to marry a young and suitable girl as soon as she ripe." She said, "Maki Zenin, despite having no Cursed Energy, is of age."

"No she's not." I said, "She's a child." 

"You know what I mean, Kiryu." She said as she set her cup down, "The other Elders and I have discussed this situation. We think it's a good deal." 

I scowled, "You want me to give Megumi to them?" 

She put her hand on her chin, "That Utahime girl, why did she leave in such a hurry?" 

My eye twitched, "Are you switching the topic?" I muttered, "I hate that quirk of yours...." 

"Is it because she feels unloved by you, Young Master?" She said, "Remember that when you turned 18, you wished to make Shoko Ieiri, Mei Mei, Yuki Tsukomo, and herself your wives. We, The Gojo Clan Elders, refused that proposal. And you know why?" 

"Long lasting tradition of the Gojo Clan that the head has one wife to balance the bloodline." I said while looking away, "If there are too many Limitless users, there will be a power struggle for the seat." 

"That is correct." She said, "Your Father, the previous Head, didn't want you to have multiple Wives.....You had to honor that wish." 

"Mhm." I said, "Your point?" 

"The other Elders have reminded me of this." She said as she sipped coffee, "But you know what I think?" 

"What is it?" I asked

"To hell with them." She said, "Do what you want. While I thought you were not ready for that back then, I think that doesn't apply now. You have grown considerably powerful, Young Master, you and Satoru." 

She set the cup down as she looked at me. 

"When Satoru was born...." She continued, "The balance of the Jujutsu World was shaken. No Limitless user was born with the Six Eyes in centuries. Everyone and I mean everyone was shaken by him. Your Father, the moment Satoru was born, decided he was going to be his Heir." 

"Hm..." I said as I looked at her

"But 3 years later, you were born." Granny said with a smile, "Another Limitless user, but without the Six Eyes. Your Father, rest his soul, was conflicted. While Satoru was the golden star that shone brightly, You attracted your Father's attention. He was torn between choosing between his Nephew and His Son." 

"Satoru made that decision for him." I grumbled, "He made me the Head." 

"That is because your Father wanted you to succeed him!" Granny said, "Don't forget that! He believed that you were the rightful Heir as his son. But the Elders wanted Satoru! Simply because he was the Six Eyes user! I helped raise both of you and let me tell you one thing, Kiryu; the two of you were the most impressive sorcerers I have ever witnessed. Two wonderful boys, through and through. Two different unruly personalities, however, Satoru was never meant to be Head. You were." 

I sighed, "What does this have to do with me wanting many wives?" I said, "And Uta...." 

"You're holding yourself back due to the rules we're enforcing on you, my boy." She said, "You are Gojo Kiryu!! You were born in the shadow of Gojo Satoru and even so, your light burned through his and are considered his equal! Satoru has always been a prodigy but not only are you the same, but you pushed yourself to his level with hard work, determination, and pure willpower!! You deserve to do as you wish!!" 

I looked at her, "What are you trying to say?" 

"Go to Utahime, boy." She said, "Make her your wife, all of them. Forget what the Elders say. They may be slaves to the rules and laws our ancestors placed, but they respect you. They know you'll never abuse your power to instill fear." 

"Okay." I said, "I get what you mean." 

"Satoru, that boy. He loves and respects you. Your Father loved him as his own son." She said, "Do not forget the memories you two shared in this Estate, running around the halls as you tried to hit him in the head with your Kendo Sticks, ahaha! You two were such a pain!!" 

"Stay on point, Granny." I said as I sipped coffee from my cup, "I understand your words, you wish for me to do as my heart tells me." 

"Indeed." she said, "But.....we must get back to the Zenin girl topic." 

I looked at her, "What of her?" 

"I think it's a good deal, in the long run." She said seriously

"Giving Megumi to the Zenin is a terrible idea." I said

"Megumi Fushiguro isn't a member of the Gojo Clan, not by blood or marriage." She said, "He is only under the care of Satoru. Hear me out, Young Master." 

"Speak your mind." I said as I set the cup down

"Both Naobito and Ogi want the same thing, The Ten Shadows." She said, "But unlike Ogi, Naobito's motive is noble." 

"How so?" I asked

"Naobito is a firm believer in the old ways when it comes to the Zenin Clan. He believes that the Head of The Zenin must be a Ten Shadows user." She told me, "Satoru intervened when Megumi was a child and took him under his care and in turn, under yours. And since he has long respected you and your father, Naobito has not made any attempt to take Megumi." 

"And that means....what?" I said

"He intends to make Megumi his successor." She explained, "That is his reason for making the trade. Ogi, however, he merely wishes to have the Ten Shadows in an attempt to make a power play. He is going to attempt to marry his other daughter off to Megumi the moment he is adopted by Naobito. That said if Megumi does become Head, Mai will bear him an heir to the seat. It is his way of manipulating himself to the top. Naobito is aware of this but will not do anything to prevent it. He believes Ogi's goal to be obsolete." 

"And what does he get out of marrying Maki off to me?" I asked

"Megumi, only." She said, "He doesn't care for Maki, the poor girl. But frankly, I think that'll be his undoing. Here's my advice, Young Master, accept the marriage! Take Maki as your wife, and solidify a solid alliance with the Zenin through the child she'll bear you. When Megumi becomes Head, he'll ally himself with you permanently due to the preexistent relationship the two of you share, one of respect." 

"I haven't seen Megumi in years..." I said

"He still respects you, Kiryu." She said, "Think about this!" 

"Didn't you just say I should take Utahime and the others as my wife?" I asked her

"You fool." She said, "Think about the future of the Gojo Clan!! You and Satoru are the only pure-blood Gojos!! Satoru is far away from producing a pure-blooded Gojo child. You, however, are sleeping around with women but ain't spreading your seed. Yuki Tsukomo, why haven't you impregnated her????? Think about the power of that child!! Young Master, have I failed you as your advisor?!" 

I waved her off, "Yea yea..." I said, "I get it...." 

"No, you don't!" she snapped, "Marry the Zenin Girl and marry the other women." 

"It is your duty as Head of The Gojo Clan!!" 

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