
Better Luck Next Time... Idiot

Gawko Bahn Khai, martial artist, dies and gets chosen by a goddess to be his piece for a wicked game in another world where magic and death are everyday ocurrences, forced to prospere in a world where kill or be killed is law, he refuses to kill as he tries to get stronger in a world that punishes your every move.

Miacter · Urban
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10 Chs


Before the armor could finish his sentence Lera jumped to the head of Gawko and in a second the only ones left near the forest exit were Percival and Drazom



In an instant I found myself surrounded by people talking in some kind of strange place, there wasn't, anything, not a flash, not an advice, the girl wearing a rabbit outfit just touched me and we were here

-Well, that's one less, just one more to go, so hey, can I ask you a question?- She said resting his arm on my shoulder casually

Looking around confused I barely muttered a yes, after which she got silent all of the sudden for a while before reaching to my ear and whispering with a smile -How's Reverie?- With that same smile she separated from me -Gotta go, tell me later~- And like that she disappeared as fast as she got me here

-Mew…- Lera jumped out of my head and started walking somewhere while people kept chattering around, a few people gave me some confused looks from time to time and weird things kept happening around like someone throwing a ball that suddenly exploded, so I choose to follow, the only thing I knew here: Lera

"I really hope that was some kind of magic, because if not i'm only more confused" -Now come here you fluffy vampire, if you can speak now is a good time to start!- I said following Lera around

-Mew- Lera kept walking through the legs of people until she jumped on the lap of someone

-Lera I'm serious, get back here or so help me! Where are we?! Who are you really?!-

As I moved through the people I ended up in front of the person holding Lera on her lap now, a woman of good proportions, with a tail and ears similar to those of a wolf -Wow, relax friend, you are on the capital of the Great Sacred Kingdom, the rabbit girl has brought all of us here… Wait a minute, who are you? I don't recall having seen you before, and I know almost all the pieces… well I guess I'll present myself first, my name is Nathaly, pleasure to be your acquaintance-

-My name is Gawko! Although my friends call me Gaw… And that cat is a vampire! I'm like 90% sure she can talk! AND!... No, that's that.. I guess I'm the piece of Wrath and Vengeance whatever that means, I'm not too sure I'm the right guy for the job though… sorry had a really confusing last few days- I was so nervous I gesticulated like crazy everything I said

Her eyes widened a bit when she heard what piece I was but besides that she just stared at me calmly with eyes that could see through my soul as she petted Lera -Aw poor thing, calm down I the piece of strength will take care of you for as long as you need to get all the "pieces together" and by the way, this cat is mine hehe- Nathaly smiled before my confusion


-Is concerning this is the second time I've found someone that doesn't immediately want to kill me, anyways Lera you traitor I thought we had a thing! And I still believe you can talk!-

-Wait, did she bite you?- She said looking at my hand -I didn't give her permission to bite anyone, by the way what happened to you, I mean... You're looking horrible and you're a bit disgusting all covered in blood like that… which by the way, why is it green?!-

-Okay so, hypothetically speaking let's say, I died burned alive, a goddess picked me up from the dead, threw me into the bed of a princess who sexually assaulted me in her sleep, I escaped the palace, hypothetically of course hitting a soldier in the balls, fought various monsters, adopted this fungus, very cute by the way- I said taking the fungus out and feeding it some mana before storing it again

-Was ambushed by some guardian of the forest thingy, panicked, reaped his arms out- Taking the claws I took them off my back

-Received a quest from a forest because of course, fled a demon, got bitten by Lera, thank you Lera, befriended an armor, beated down the boss with the help of my armor friend, now called Percival, did all of the later without killing anyone because I refuse to do it just because is now the rule, when I didn't even got explained this sick game! And finally hypothetically speaking the rabbit girl took me here and I met you, hypothetically speaking of course!-

I made sure to leave Reverie out of the conversation, Nathaly was already looking at me with her eyes wide open deviating his vision to his fist for a second from time to time

-Hm… damn…- Nathaly looked overwhelmed for a second before continuing to speak -I guess, hypothetically I would have to calm down and start thinking that... No matter how bad things start, the world is like that and it tends to get worse more often than not, hypothetically of course-



She put a hand on my shoulder -Look that's why you have to become strong, survive or even improve this world is the goal, and for that you need to become powerful because power is rule, I mean at least now, mostly because we are not killing each other for now at least, but... Now that I think about it, if you were hypothetically the one in that story, would that mean that you are the breeze of the palace? Hypothetically-

-Hypothetically yes… at least I got an ability that supposedly lets me level up without killing after that dungeon… or maybe I was hallucinating…-

-Could be both- She said shaking me a little -I mean you can also train, is not as effective as leveling up but is a thing, I can train you later with another few pieces if you want-

Before I could answer, the bunny girl jumped on top of something that looked like a desk and started yelling -All right everybody listen up! I know you must be confused as to why are you here, so let me be clear, usually for the commissions of the gods we bring just a few pieces at a time, but this time is special, two or one days ago a horde of demons hitted the continent, this has happened a lot of times before, but this time the demons only appeared on places where there were pieces, the gods uneasy about that fact, that's why they think it would be good if you were together for a while as a precaution, on top of that, there's a tournament being held here at the capital in two weeks from tomorrow, the 33 would like to use it to test your development and growth for the time being, the tournament and the required inscriptions on this one will be announced tomorrow, for the time being you are all free to stay in this pocket illusion made by the gods, you will have food, water and accommodations- As she said that a door appeared next to her -Through this door is where you are going to be staying, any questions?-

As rabbit girl finished speaking Nathaly got up whilst Lera climbed on her neck -The invitation is up, come see me whenever, I'll be around if you need me-

-Yeah I'll find ya, thanks for talking, and bye Lera, come see you around- Trying to give Nathaly a pat on the back as she walked away I accidentally hitted her… a bit below where I was pointing

-Ah! Aaah~! … Shi…- Nathaly covered her mouth as she started to blush

-Oh… H-hey it was an accide…- I tried to quickly put an apology together before I ended up making an enemy

-Mew?- But before I could do anything Nathaly started running faster than anything I've ever seen and left a hole with her shape next to the supposed door -MREEEEEEEEEW!-

Everybody was directing hostility looks towards me, I couldn't help but feel shivers going repeatedly on my back, so I did what anyone in my situation would have done… and I made a run for it, luckily nobody had entered yet the accommodations, so I was free to explore once I got a head start.

There was really nothing remarkable, besides a big fountain in the middle of what looked like some strange square, there were three main buildings, an inn, a public bathhouse and what looks like some kind of restaurant buffet… which as tempting as it sounds I think it will be better if I hit the bathhouse first

A few minutes later I was done cleaning as I could what was left of my clothes and I started cleaning myself when the door opened and someone started walking very slowly in my general direction -I'm guessing you have some questions~- That was the voice of the bunny girl

-Ah! Eh! Yeah! But like I'm naked!-

-Oh don't worry about me, I'm not looking~ promise- Turning around I could check she was in fact turned away from me, so at least she was not lying

-... Okay this is gonna take a while so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask them all at once and you answer the ones you can, just in case you are like Reverie and you can reeeeeeaaaally tell me anything-

-Sounds good to me-

-Okay so first, How do you know about Reverie? How do you even know that name? I gave it to her! I know Reverie can't tell me shit, but what about you? You know something?! Also what in hell was that thing where we were in a place and then suddenly not? Was that magic?! Weren't pieces supposed to kill each other?!-

-Wow, don't you have lots of questions, handsome? Let's see… about the Reverie situation I can only say that she is something akin to my sister, but that's about everything I can really tell you having my best interests at mind~ what happened back there was spatial magic, a unique affinity, I don't know if Reverie explained anything to you but is… quite unique if you catch my drift, and for the pieces… well~ you will find out sooner or later-

-Hm…- What the hell does that mean! -I do know about magic and affinities… Reverie helped me do a test to know mine…-

-Oh? And what did you get~?-

-...- As I finished cleaning myself up I went as silently as I could behind her -Can you keep a secret?-

She jumped a bit startled but was quick to answer without moving as much as a muscle -Try me big boy~-

Okay, not the reaction I was expecting… also still naked I thought to myself going back to finish washing myself -I've got all the unique affinities, none special or common though, and I only have the slightest idea of how to use Divine, not that I have the mana for it-

-Hmmm~ I see, although I bet you will wish you had common affinities in no time, now… I'll let you in a little secret of mine as thanks for trusting me~ I'm a Time Bishop-

-A what now?-

-Oh yeah, forgot you are new, a Bishop is a piece that does not play the game, the have the bendition and work directly under the gods-

-Okay and that's a secret because…?-

-Oh silly, I have the bendition of time, that means I could stop time, see you naked all I want, go back to my position and you won't even know~-


-Hehe, afraid of a girl seeing you naked~? Don't worry, also I already knew you had only the uniques- It seemed like she didn't move… it seemed at least…

-What?! No, What?!-

-Oh come on, chill a bit, will you, listen, I'll teach you spatial magic… a bit… if we have the time… Oh! Also, you should really push Reverie a bit once she wakes up, she is hiding important information cutie, welp that's all see ya Gaw~-

-... I'm not even gonna ask how you got my name… thanks I guess uhm…-

-Reisen~- And with a grin she disappeared in an instant, spatial magic seems useful to make entrances and exits at least

After a bath and a sneaky infiltration at the food place I felt better than I remember since I came here, the food house was filled to the brim with pieces, good thing almost nobody noticed me, I can stand more hostile looks, It was an accident, and I didn't see Nathaly around so is not like I could apologize

A million thoughts crossed my mind as I slipped into one of the farthest beds I could find at the inn, gotta hand it to the gods, at least they know how to make a bed more comfortable than a tree branch or the ground of a dungeon

"Hey, Revs, you there?"


Go figure… hmmmm I'm supposed to beat and kill all the pieces? Some of them looked really strong… but some of them also just looked like childs… and then there's Nathaly, I don't really wanna kill her, she listened to my problems even when she didn't need to… hmmm a world of magic, monsters and dreams, and a bunch of gods want us to kill each other… so… wasteful…

I'm alive! Barely tho, a bunch of important characters were introduced on this chapter, oh also I will be able to write more commonly from now on, so win win I guess

A friend ended up making a subreddit for these world so is kind of sketchy, but fun I guess!

Miactercreators' thoughts